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A Tree Casts A Shadow 42 Feet Long

A Tree Casts A Shadow 42 Feet Long

A Tree Makes A Shadow 6.9m long on the ground, while a boy whose height is 1.4m makes shadow 2.1m long find the height of tree

Daftar Isi

1. A Tree Makes A Shadow 6.9m long on the ground, while a boy whose height is 1.4m makes shadow 2.1m long find the height of tree

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





2. How big can a tree trunk be in circumference? a. 60 feet b. 16 feet c. 18 feet d. 80 feet​

Jawaban:A. 60 feet

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah :v

3. Ivy, who is 1,2 m tall, casts a shadow 4,8 m long at a certain time one morning. Tom is 1,8 m tall. How long will his shadows be if he stands in the same position at the same time?

1,2m ---- 4,8m
1,8m ---- x

x= 1,8 . 4,8 / 1,2 = 7,2

4. in the natural rainforest, mahogany is a very large canopy tree, sometimes reaching over 150 feet in height


ok then where is the question?

5. Activity 6. Read this story The Boy & the Apple Tree A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow...he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by...the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day.Lanjutan cerita ada di gambar beserta soalnya..Tolong dibantu jawab yang benar ;-;​


1. The apple tree is big

2. Pick up all the apples from the tree and sell them

3. He has to work for his family and need a house for shelter

4. Because he is sad and needs help

5. He want toys, but have no money to buy

6. 2. At a certain time of a day, a pole 5 m high costs a 3-m shadow. (a) The shadow of a building beside the pole is 18 m long. How high is the building? (b) How long will the shadow of a 45-m building be?​


a. 30 m

b. 27 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Occupying tthe similarity of two triangles, we know that the ratio of both height of the pole and height of the building EQUALS TO the ratio of both length of the shadow of thaf pole and length of the shadow of that building.

a. Therefore, it can be calculated as follows:

5/h = 3/18, h = height of the building

3h = 18×5

h = 6×5 (divide both sides by 3)

h = 30 m


The building is 30 m high at that certain time.

b. Using the same concept:

5/45 = 3/s, s = length of the shadow

5s = 45×3

s = 9×3 (divide both sides by 5)

s = 27 m


The shadow of a 45-m building will be 27 m long at that certain time.

7. the gril...the cat under the treea.to feetb.feedsc.feedd.feeding​


C feed semoga betul



d.feeding​jawabn2:the feeding​ grilthe cat under the tree

Penjelasan:semoga membantu yaa

8. apa yang dimaksud teknik long shadow?

Long shadow adalah efek cahaya yang ditimbulkan dari atas dengan sudut kemiringan kurang lebih 45 derajatteknikLong shadow adalah Trend dan gaya desain dengan bayangan panjang yang jauh melewati obyek layaknya sinar yang menembus kaca.

9. 42 feet=....inci? berapa ......

1 feet = 12 inci
42 × 12 = 504 inci

10. it is a ........ tree A. long B. Short C. Thin D. Thick

B. short tree....
cmiiwit is ... d.thick tree

11. Efek bayangan pada objek grafis sering disebut sebagai efek ? a. interaktif drop shadow b. white shadow c. guick shadow d. blak shadow e. eye shadow

efek grafis..............

12. arti i'm a shadow foex ​


arti:Saya adalah bayangan foex

13. i have long feet i have beautiful feet :........

i have long feet i have beautiful feet
digabung menjadi :
i have a long and beautiful feet.
hope this help :D

14. A tree was planted in 1915 and was chopped down in 2015. For how long was the tree standing pake cara nya ya

Kita terjemahkan dulu.
Sebuah pohon di tanam pada tahun 1915 dan di tebang tahun 2015

Ditanya :
Berapa lama pohon itu tertanam?

Berarti kita mencari selisih tahunnya.

Lama = 2015 - 1915 = 100 tahun

Jadi, pohon tersebut telah tertanam selama 100 tahun.

semoga bermanfaat :)

15. A wall is 12 feet long and 8 feet tall. There is a square window 4 feet long in the wall. What is the area of the wall surface?


rumus pp = p x l

rumus persegi = s x s

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pp=12 x 8 = 96

persegi = 16


16. the musical instrumen ...is fix feet long



[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{JAWAB : \: }}} [/tex]


[tex]\blu{\boxed{\star \: \tt SOAL :\: \: \star}}[/tex]

The musical instrumen ...is fix feet long


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ ✯ARTINYA✯ : \: }}} [/tex]

Alat musik ... panjangnya enam kaki


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt JAWABAN = \: \: \star}}[/tex]

The musical instrumen Sape is fix feet long


[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\bold{ ✯ARTINYA✯ : \: }}} [/tex]

Alat musik Sape panjangnya enam kaki


[tex]\red{\boxed{\star \: \tt •SEMOGA \: MEMBANTU• \: \star}}[/tex]

17. 1.long-have-tails-mice2.lions-these-are3.are-those-elephants4.five-are-mice-there5.has-donkey-A-tail-a-long6.elephants-long-the-trunks-have7.of-the-cats-Each-have-feet-four8.giraffe-has-A-neck-and-feet-long-a9.are-many-sports-There-on-body-the tiger's

1. mice have long tails
2. These are lions
3. those are elephant
4. there are five mice
5. a donkey has a long tail
6. the elephanys have long thrunks
8. A giraffe has a long neck and feet
9. There are many spot on the body of tiger's1. mice have long tails
2. these are lions
3. those are elephants
4. mice there are five
5. a donkey has a long tail
6. the elephants have long trunks
7. each of cath have the four feet
8. A giraffe has long neck and feet
9. there are many sport on the tiger's body

Maaf kalau salah
semoga membantu

18. A clothesline rope is 8 feet long. Which of these is another way to express 8 feet?.

Panjang 1 feet adalah 30,48 cm. Maka jika 8 feet diubah ke satuan lain dapat menghasilkan 243,84 cm.


Satuan merupakan suatu besaran dalam matematika. Satuan terdiri atas dua jenis, yaitu:

Satuan Baku

Satuan baku merupakan satuan yang telah disepakati secara internasional dan digunakan secara luas dalam masyarakat. Satuan baku merupakan satuan resmi yang digunakan. Contoh satuan baku yang digunakan, yaitu:

1. Satuan panjang = meter, kilometer, centimeter, dekameter, hektometer, desimeter, milimeter.

2. Satuan suhu = celcius, reamur, fahrenheit, kelvin.

3. Satuan berat = kilogram, gram, miligram, hektogram, dekagram, ton, kuintal.

4. Satuan waktu = hari, tahun, bulan, jam, menit, detik.

5. Satuan volume = liter, mililiter.

6. Satuan gaya = newton, dyne.

Satuan Tidak Baku

Satuan tidak baku dapat diartikan sebagai satuan yang digunakan dalam masyarakat namun tidak resmi. Satuan tidak baku menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda-beda apabila dilakukan pengukuran oleh beberapa orang. Contoh satuan tidak baku, yaitu:

1. Jengkal

2. Depa

3. Langkah kaki

4. Jam pasir

5. Hasta

6. Gelas

7. Tali

8. Tongkat

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang satuan baku pada brainly.co.id/tugas/320721

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

19. 1.) I really ..... my chair2.)the chair have four feet .... feet is very long​


1.Saya benar-benar ..... kursi saya

2.) kursi memiliki empat kaki .... kaki sangat panjang

I really ..... my chair

2.)the chair have four feet .... feet is very long


1. I realy likemy chair

2. the chair have four feet andthefeet is very long


20. Yg bener itu shadow of wolvesapa shadow of a wolf

shadow of a wolf,menurutku sihYang bnar "shadow of wolves"
Krna klo diartikan ke dlm b.indonesia mnjdi "bayangan seekor serigala"
Maaf klo slh

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