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The Story Of A Vision By Francis La Flesche Summary

The Story Of A Vision By Francis La Flesche Summary

Make A Brief summary of the story Sangkuriang​

Daftar Isi

1. Make A Brief summary of the story Sangkuriang​



Long time ago, there was a prince that so in love with the beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. The prince was changed into a dog named Tumang after marrying Dayang Sumbi and had a son named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang often went to hunt with Tumang. He did know that Tumang was his father.

One day, Sangkuriang met a deer in the forest, He remembered that his mother really liked the heart of a deer. He shot the deer but he missed. He got really disappointed. Then he shot Tumang and got his heart and brought it to his mother. Dayang Sumbi was very happy until she asked him where Tumang was. Sangkuriang told the truth that it was Tumang’s heart. Dayang Sumbi got angry and hit Sangkuriang’s forehead. Sangkuriang left the house.

Dayang Sumbi was praying to the God for having the eternal beauty. The God gave what her wish for. After that she met the mature Sangkuriang and they loved each other. They decided to get married. Dayang Sumbi asked about the Sangkuriang’s scar in his forehead. He answered that he was hit by his mother. Dayang Sumbi was shocked and told him that she was his mother.

Sangkuriang did not believe her. Then Dayang Sumbi agreed that they were still husband and wife with one condition. Sangkuriang had to make a big boat in a night. Sangkuriang said that he was able to do that. However, Dayang Sumbi made the chicken crowing. It was the sign that Sangkuriang run of the time. Sangkuriang was so mad and kicked the boat. The boat was known as Gunung Tangkupan Perahu.


Dahulu kala, ada seorang pangeran yang begitu mencintai wanita cantik bernama Dayang Sumbi. Sang pangeran diubah menjadi seekor a n j i n g bernama Tumang setelah menikahi Dayang Sumbi dan memiliki seorang putra bernama Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang sering pergi berburu dengan Tumang. Dia tidak tahu bahwa Tumang adalah ayahnya.

Suatu hari, Sangkuriang bertemu rusa di hutan, Dia ingat bahwa ibunya sangat menyukai jantung rusa. Dia menembak rusa itu tetapi dia meleset. Dia benar-benar kecewa. Lalu dia menembak Tumang dan mengambil hatinya lalu membawanya ke ibunya. Dayang Sumbi sangat senang sampai dia bertanya di mana Tumang berada. Sangkuriang mengatakan yang sebenarnya bahwa itu adalah jantung Tumang. Dayang Sumbi menjadi marah dan memukul dahi Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang meninggalkan rumah.

Dayang Sumbi berdoa kepada Tuhan karena memiliki kecantikan yang abadi. Tuhan memberikan apa yang diinginkannya. Setelah itu dia bertemu Sangkuriang yang dewasa dan mereka saling mencintai. Mereka memutuskan untuk menikah. Dayang Sumbi bertanya tentang bekas luka Sangkuriang di dahinya. Dia menjawab bahwa dia dipukul oleh ibunya. Dayang Sumbi terkejut dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia adalah ibunya.

Sangkuriang tidak mempercayainya. Kemudian Dayang Sumbi sepakat bahwa mereka masih suami-istri dengan satu syarat. Sangkuriang harus membuat kapal besar dalam semalam. Sangkuriang berkata bahwa ia dapat melakukan itu. Namun, Dayang Sumbi membuat ayam berkokok. Itu adalah tanda bahwa Sangkuriang kehabisan waktu. Sangkuriang sangat marah dan menendang perahu. Perahu itu dikenal sebagai Gunung Tangkupan Perahu.


So.. Kesimpulannya atau Inti dari cerita legenda Tangkuban Perahu adalah seorang pemuda bernama Sangkuriang yang ingin menikah dengan seorang wanita cantik bernama Dayang Sumbi. Mereka saling jatuh cinta. Namun setelah menemukan bekas luka di kepala Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi mengetahui bahwa Sangkuriang adalah anaknya

I hope this answerr will help u..

2. Apa artinya Make A Brief summary of the story Sangkurian​

Buatlah ringkasan singkat dari cerita rakyat Sian

3. Activity 3: Making a Summary B Have you ever read the story of Rapunzel? Read the story of Rapunzel below, then summarize it! Present your summary to the class orally! ​


Answer yourself Lo independent


I do not know

4. Write a summary of the causes of the expansion of deserts. Your summary should be about 100 words (should not be more than 120 words)


maaf kalo salah gak di kasih atas

5. Grandmother often tells the story. What is the passive form of this sentence? *a. The story is often told by grandmother.b. The story was often told by grandmother.c. The story are often told by grandmother.d. The story were often told by grandmother.e. The story has often told by grandmother​


a. The story is often told by grandmother.

6. make a short summary about the story ​


Summary: So every person has their secret story that could suprise anybody

Semoga membantu.


The Secret Surprise

In a lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. But today Bonnie looked sad because her father lost his job, they may have to move. Ruth felt very sad to heard Bonnie's news. She decided to help Bonnie, she and her friends do all things for money. Fortunately, they made three hundred dollars. Ruth's mom used that money to buy all things that a person might need. Ruth, her mom, and some children held a surprise to make Bonnie happy. Ruth also felt happy because she had helped her friend.

7. Answer these question below:1. Explain the meaning of adversing?2. Write down everything you use for ads?3. Explain the meaning Marketing-Mix and Promotion-Mix.4. Write the summary from story "Aladdin ".5. Write the summary the story "The Cinderalla"​



8. make a summary of movie/story that you have ever watched/listened

artinya :Membuat ringkasan film / cerita yang Anda pernah menonton / mendengarkan
A:"hello,good morning friends."
B:"hello ,good morning
A: hello, good morning, my friend.
b: hello, good morning my friend, too.
A: "if yesterday there homework?".
b: "Apparently, there is a history lesson.".
A: "Do you have homework to fill it?".
B: '' seems not arfan, we fill homework togethet whit you yes or not?, But do not cheat yes arfan. '.
A: "I certainly would not cheat anyway Boman.
B:" Okay, but in the post ok. ".
In the post, a
" how, let's fill homework together. ".
B:" He, of course, let's. " .
A: "Boman, number 8 was what the answer is I do not understand.".
B: "right not to be cheated.".
A: "okay.".
B: "like that, it's my friend arfan.".

9. Try to outline of the story by answering the questions below!1. The story happened in.......2. The characters in the story were...............3. The story started (how/why)4. The problems of the story (there may be more than one problems in the story ).......5. The resolution of the story....6. The conclusion or message of the story.....​




10. What happens to the character of story La Dana and His Buffalo

apa yg terjadi dalam sifat cerita dana dan kerbaunya

11. make a summary of the are ordered by the customertolong dong kak bbutuhh


Chandra ordered 5 vanilla doughnuts, 10 chocolate doughnuts, 10 cheese doughnuts, 5 green tea doughnuts, and 1 original brownie, with white butter creme as the icing, and cookies as the topping.

Chandra's order is for Jennie's 9th birthday. He also requested for a special message on top of the brownies, and to add a little baloon drawing.

The total is Rp. 105.000.00, with Rp. 50.000 prepaid. Chandra pays with cash.

The order was made at April 20th, 2020, and taken by Desita. The order will be picked up on April 24th, 2020 at 1.00 pm

Maaf kalo ada yang ketinggalan

12. tolong jawab summary nya the short story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner (1930) ?

As a child, Miss Emily Grierson had been cut off from most social contact and all courtship by her father. When he dies, she refuses to acknowledge his death for three days. After the townspeople intervene and bury her father, Emily is further isolated by a mysterious illness, possibly a mental breakdown.

Homer Barron’s crew comes to town to build sidewalks, and Emily is seen with him. He tells his drinking buddies that he is not the marrying kind. The townspeople consider their relationship improper because of differences in values, social class, and regional background. Emily buys arsenic and refuses to say why. The ladies in town convince the Baptist minister to confront Emily and attempt to persuade her to break off the relationship. When he refuses to discuss their conversation or to try again to persuade Miss Emily, his wife writes to Emily’s Alabama cousins. They come to Jefferson, but the townspeople find them even more haughty and disagreeable than Miss Emily. The cousins leave town.

Emily buys a men’s silver toiletry set, and the townspeople assume marriage is imminent. Homer is seen entering the house at dusk one day, but is never seen again. Shortly afterward, complaints about the odor emanating from her house lead Jefferson’s aldermen to surreptitiously spread lime around her yard, rather than confront Emily, but they discover her openly watching them from a window of her home.

Miss Emily’s servant, Tobe, seems the only one to enter and exit the house. No one sees Emily for approximately six months. By this time she is fat and her hair is short and graying. She refuses to set up a mailbox and is denied postal delivery. Few people see inside her house, though for six or seven years she gives china-painting lessons to young women whose parents send them to her out of a sense of duty.

The town mayor, Colonel Sartoris, tells Emily an implausible story when she receives her first tax notice: The city of Jefferson is indebted to her father, so Emily’s taxes are waived forever. However, a younger generation of aldermen later confronts Miss Emily about her taxes, and she tells them to see Colonel Sartoris (now long dead, though she refuses to acknowledge his death). Intimidated by Emily and her ticking watch, the aldermen leave, but they continue to send tax notices every year, all of which are returned without comment.

In her later years, it appears that Emily lives only on the bottom floor of her house. She is found dead there at the age of seventy-four. Her Alabama cousins return to Jefferson for the funeral, which is attended by the entire town out of duty and curiosity. Emily’s servant, Tobe, opens the front door for them, then disappears out the back. After the funeral, the townspeople break down a door in Emily’s house that, it turns out, had been locked for forty years. They find a skeleton on a bed, along with the remains of men’s clothes, a tarnished silver toiletry set, and a pillow with an indentation and one long iron-gray hair.

13. make a summary about the expression of suggestion


what do you mean about suggestion i don't understand

14. make a summary of movie/story that you have ever watched/listened

membuar ringkasan film/cerita yg anda pernah menonton /mendengarkan

Contoh Review Text  Film dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya – Berikut ini adalah contoh review text dalam bahasa inggris tentang Film Merry Riana (Mimpi Sejuta Dollar) beserta artinya.

Director    : Hestu Saputra
Producer    : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Cast        : Chelsea Islan, Dion Wiyoko, Kimberly Ryder, Ferry Salim, Niniek L Karim, Sellen Fernandez, Mike Muliyandro, Chyntia Lamusu
Studio        : MD Pictures
Released Date    : December 24, 2014
Duration    : 105 Minute
Country    : Singapore, Indonesia


Merry Riana is a successful young woman entrepreneur, writer, and motivator. Her life’s story is told in a movie, Merry Riana “Million Dollar Dream”, which is adapted from her book with the same title. This film visualizes her struggle to survive from difficulty of life and become successful.

Baca juga:  Contoh Report Text About Tiger dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya


The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes Merry Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter to Singapore because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore with the support money that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry Riana met with her best friend, Irene, who wanted to go to university in the there, too. With Irene’s help, Merry could live in a boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best college there. But, it could only be reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take  a loan college student that could only be obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met her senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He gave many requirements before he finally agreed to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job. Merry realized that she should be successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from spreading online business brochure, until playing withe high risky shares. The condition of her economy was moving up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling to Merry. Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.


The acting of Chelsea Islan (Merry Riana) in thit movie is very good. She can impersonate Merry Riana’s character very well. But, it would be better if there was no kissing scene.


I think this is an inspirational movie which can motivate people to be successful at young age. It brings good spirit for young men in Indonesia. The script writer is successful to bring a set of interesting conflicts which make the plot of this movie become alive

15. 5.think about a story of a legend or folklore or fairy tale. write your summary and analyze its generic structure of the text! Answer....................

generic structure: 
1. orientation
2. complication
3. resolution
4. reorientation (optional)

16. "The teacher is reading a story in front of class." The correct passive voice is ....A story is read by the teacher in front of class.O A story has been read by teacher in front of class.A story is being read by the teacher in front of class.A story was being read by the teacher in front of classA story has being read by the teacher in front of class​


A story is being read by the teacher in front of class.


passive voice dari present continuous adalah Subject + is/am/are + being + verb

17. Dewi Sri is story tells aboutA. the history of Prambanan templeB. the story of paddyC. the story of vegetablesD. the story of Borobudur temple​

Dewi Sri


Dewi Sri is story tells about

A. the history of Prambanan temple

B. the story of paddy

C. the story of vegetables

D. the story of Borobudur temple


B.the story of paddy

Dewi Sri adalah Dewi pertanian, Dewi sawah di Bali.

semoga membantu ya

18. summary of story aji saka and dewata cengkar

dewata cengkar is giant from surakarta while pandita aji saka is hindhust priest

19. Write a summary of the storyline (contohnya plis)


Synopsis Example

Synopsis of Laskar Pelangi Novel

Synopsis The novel Laskar Pelangi will not be of any value, unless friends are willing to learn to be independent and be serious when achieving their goals.

Laskar Pelangi is an exemplary figure, as long as we also care about our surroundings. Like a rainbow that comes after the rain.

The story took place in a Hanging Village, Gantung District, East Belitong. Starting when the Muhammadiyah school was threatened with being dissolved by the South Sumatra Depdikbud if it did not reach 10 new students. At that time only 9 children attended the opening ceremony, but just as Pak Harfan, the principal, was about to make a speech to close the school, Harun and his mother came to register at the small school.

From there the story begins. Starting from the placement of seats, their meeting with Pak Harfan, their introduction was extraordinary. A Kiong, who was even grinning when asked his name by their teacher, Bu Mus. Borek's stupid incident, the election of the class president who was strongly protested by Kucai, the discovery of Mahar's extraordinary talent, Ikal's first love experience, to the risk of Lintang's life who rode a bicycle about 80 km back and forth from his home to school!

They, Laskar Pelangi - the name given by Bu Muslimah for their enjoyment of the rainbow - also made the school proud in various ways. For example, Mahar's revenge, who was always cornered by his friends because of his pleasure towards the occult which resulted in a sweet victory at the August 17 carnival, and the extraordinary genius of Lintang who challenged and defeated Drs.

Zulfikar, a rich PN school teacher with a certificate is also famous, and won a quiz competition. Laskar Pelangi through the days happily, laughing and crying together. The story of ten flocks ended with the death of Lintang's father which forced the little Einstein to drop out of school in a very moving way, which was followed by an incident 12 years later in which Ikal who was struggling outside Belitong Island returned to his village. This beautiful story is hilariously and touching by Andrea Hirata, we can even feel the childhood spirit of this ten Laskar Pelangi member!


sorry if wrong(◕ᴗ◕✿)

hopefully useful( ꈍᴗꈍ)

make the best answer yes(✯ᴗ✯)

like the comment follow me yes(◠‿・)—☆

20. Who is the main character of the story“ La Dana and His Buffalo​


Ladana because the tittle is ladana

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