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When Should An Essay Writer Provide A Source

When Should An Essay Writer Provide A Source

An iniviatio card should provide information about the name of the .......when the event will be held when the event will take place

1. An iniviatio card should provide information about the name of the .......when the event will be held when the event will take place


An invitation card should provide information about the name of the Place when the event will be held,when the event will take place.

2. 4. When does the writer takeg a nap? 5.how many lessons does the writer should learn on monday

5. in the afternoon
6. bacaannya gak ada dek? itu soalnya artinya gini brp banyak pelajaran yg penulis harus pelajari di hari senin?

3. When did the writer first travel on theplane?a. When the writer was 20b. When the writer was 21C.When the writer was 22d. When the writer was 23​


A. when the writer was 20


semoga bermanfaat ma'af kalau salah




maaf kalau salah yahh

semoga membantu

4. what should the writer di to have a bentter day​




what should the writer do to have a better day?


apa yang harus penulis lakukan untuk mendapatkan hari yang lebih baik?

jawabannya ya menulis (write)

5. when did the writer have a picnic?​



where the text bro?

6. true or false: an electronic source from google scholar should always be cited as a website.

Jawaban: it's true


7. when did yhe writer have a picnic?​

Artinya kapan penulisnya piknik

Maaf kalau salah

8. Pay attention to the text. When does Timmy usually give a kiss to the writer? When the writer … *

~B. Inggris~


When the writer comes home.


Ketika sang penulis pulang ke rumah.Itu pendapat gua, karena jg udh baca teks di soalan lain. Sori klo slah.



9. when does the writer take a bath​


at 5.30 o'clock in the morning .

10. Poin 100 50. Write an argumentative essay about a topic: "There should be no homework."

Argumentative essay adalah kalimat yang menjelaskan pendapat pribadi mengenai suatu topik, untuk tema : There should be no homework kalimatnya adalah :

Home work is useless! That thing just stressed(1) me up all the time teachers gave(2) it. All the time, home work is like a monster that always scares me at night day. Yeah, all of the sudden, we thinked(3) that no home work, we all were lived(4) in a heaven.

Oke, kalimat ini dari verb yang ada di teks argumen diatas adalah verb 2 karena kalimatnya mejelaskan masa lalu dari pengalaman dia tentang ada pr, maka ubah semua verb ke verb 2 :

(1) stress => stressed (iregular verb : +ed)

(2) give => gave (regular verb)

(3) think => thinked (iregular verb : +ed)

(4) live => lived (iregular verb : +ed)

11. when does the writer take a beth​



Kapan penulis mandi


Haii aku cuma mau kasih tau penulisan bath kamu salah. yg benar itu "bath" bukan "Beth"


12. when did the writer win a contest


When the Book the author becomes famous and the words of the book can inspire readers



13. artinya when does the writer take a bath?

Kapan Penulis Mandi? (Semoga Bermanfaat)Kapan penulis mandi?(maaf jika Jawabannya salah)

14. When the writer ...................


when the writer artinya KETIKA PENULIS


15. When did the writer have a picnic


artinya kah?

kalo artinya = kapan penulis piknik


ini bkn dik yg ditnyakan?

16. when did the writer have a picnic?​


they have a picnic last sunday


last sunday

last sunday

17. Questions:1. How does the writer usually get up?Answer:2. When does the writer take a bath?Answer:3. How does the writer go to school?Answer: -4. When does the writer taking a nap?Answer:5. How many lessons does the writer should learn on Monday?Answer:​


1. he woke up at 4:30 o'clock in the morning

2. he take a bath at 5:30 o'clock

3. he go to school at six by bike. his school is avout 2 kilometers and it takes 20 minutes.

4. he take a nap in 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon

5. five (5)

mohon maaf jika nomor 3 jawabannya kurang tepat

18. when does the writer take a bath​


teks ceritanya mana mba???


When does the writer take a bath = Kapan penulis mandi

19. when does the writer taking a nap​


at 10 o'clock at the night


di jelaskan di bait terakhir


The Writer Is Taking A Nap At 2.30 o`clock in the morning


Jawabannya Ada Di Kertas Nya Kak Di Paragraf Ke 2

Jadikan Jawaban terbaik ya

20. when did the writer,s father buy an old motorcycle​


Kapan Penulis itu membeli sepeda motor lama ayah


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