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What Is The Significance Of The Flabby Devil

What Is The Significance Of The Flabby Devil

4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies

Daftar Isi

1. 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies

The significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies greatly determines the level of output of the production. This is because the development of production filled with technological innovation will greatly increase the level of output. Likewise, productivity will also be boosted by technological developments in production.

Jadi pentingnya hubungan antara pengembangan produksi dan produktifitas dalam ekonomi modern sangat menentukan kuantitas dan kualitas output yang dihasilkan, sebab pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi dalam proses produksi akan sangat meningkatkan laju produksi. Tentu saja hal ini juga akan sangat meningkatkan produktifitas.  


Proses produksi yang dikembangkan dengan teknologi produksi terkini akan sangat meningkatkan laju output. Apalagi dengan ekosistem industri 4.0 ketika adopsi teknologi terbaru dalam proses produksi adalah hal yang mutlak maka pengembangan produksi bukan sekedar terbatas pada bagian riset saja, namun harus sudah memasuki tahap realisasi. Di sinilah pentingnya hubungan antara pengembangan proses produksi dan produktifitas.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian produksi https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14756156

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

2. What is the value or significance of this story?

Mungkin mksudnya Apa judul cerita ini ?

3. What is the value or significance of this story?

Artinya : berapakah nilai / makna dari cerita ini?

4. soal !1. the month of ramadan the devil will be in?​

1. the month of ramadan the devil will be in ?


special for the month of Ramadan, the devil will be locked up. The jinn are not locked up. Satan will tempt Muslims who are fasting.

#semofa membantu



1 they enter hell and are in shackles while the Gates of heaven are opened


semoga membantu

5. What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies?​


Apa pentingnya perkembangan produksi dan produktivitas dalam ekonomi modern?


maaf kalau salah


Productivity and production stand at the forefront of successful economies. Productivity is related to the organizational consciousness requiring the related employees to strive for a constant process of acquiring knowledge to actualize economic goals. Consequently, by focusing on productivity and production , economic systems get involved in a never-ending endeavor to obtain or preserve wealth, because they enjoy the necessary resources of production and productivity.

6. 1.) Where is Bosscha Observatory located?2.) What was the significance of K. A.R. Bosscha to the observatory? 3.) What is the function of the observatory?4.) what can we infer about the construction of an astronomical observatory?5.) How many telescopes does Bosscha Observatory have?6.) Which telescope used to observe galaxies? 7.) Which telescope is used to observe stars?8.) Why was Bosscha observatory designated a vital object?​

ada yang jawab dong

jawab kek

7. ada yang tau artinya Trying to work out either the social significance of the various bits and pieces of language or the linguistic significance of the various bits and pieces of society

Mencoba untuk bekerja baik signifikansi sosial dari berbagai potongan dan potongan bahasa atau signifikansi linguistik dari berbagai potongan dan potongan masyarakat  

Mencoba menyelesaikan antara signifikansi sosial dari bermacam-macam potongan/bagian bahasa atau signifikansi linguistik dari berbagai potongan masyarakat.

8. 5. What is the significance of the simile ‘like the night’? What is unusual about this comparison? Why does the poet compare the woman to "night" instead of to "day"?


Apa arti penting senyuman "seperti malam"? Apa yang penyair membandingkan wanita dengan"malam" dan bukan "siang"?

9. What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies?


very important because production and productivity are very useful for people's lives to meet people's needs

10. Apakah perbedaan antara objective of the research, significance of the research, dan scope of the research ?.

objective of research = tujuan yang akan diraih melalui penelitian

significance of research = kegunaan/fungsi dari dilakukannya suatu penelitian

scope of research = luas jangkauan objek penelitian

11. How does capital flight affect exchange rate? Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics? What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modem economies?

Jawaban & Penjelasan:

1. Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?

Answer : Per capita income simply divides national income by the total             population. Thus, GDP cannot be said to be a perfect measure of the level of welfare.

2. What were the most significant results of the Marshall Plan on Politics?

Answer : On the political side, US assistance through the Marshall Plan has made Western Europe no need to save money on people's welfare costs and this in turn has brought political stability. As a result, the influence of communists in Western Europe declined drastically and the popularity of communist parties in several European countries also declined.

3. What is the significance of modern production and productivity developments?

Answer : Productivity is the level of efficiency of an economy in using its capital, people and technology to produce output. Productivity is an important concept in the analysis of economic development, because apart from adding production inputs, income growth can occur as a result of increased productivity.

Sorry if it's not quite right, Thanks & Hope it helps

12. What's the significance the news that watching?​

Jawaban:can provide information related to an incident or the latest information that is being discussed


maaf kalo salah

13. 3.Where did it happened?4.What caused the battle? Draw a diagram that shows chnorological events that led to the battle.5.What do you think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at that time.6.What was the significance of the battle of Surabaya​

3. Dimana itu terjadi?

4. Apa yang menyebabkan pertempuran itu? Gambarlah diagram yang menunjukkan peristiwa kronologis yang mengarah ke pertempuran.

5. Apa pendapat Anda tentang kekuatan militer Indonesia dibandingkan dengan tentara Inggris pada saat itu.

6. Apa arti penting pertempuran Surabaya

14. How does capital flight affect exchange rate? 20 2 Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare? 20 3 What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics? 30 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies? 30 Skor Total 1


1. The flight of capital has serious consequences. It leads to loss of wealth. This can lead to a contraction in real investment spending, a sharp fall in the exchange rate, and a rapid tightening of credit conditions.

2. GDP cannot describe the welfare of the community. The community tends to only control the labor factor, has limited access to the land factor, and has low capital control

3.In the period 1948-1952, the European economy soared and reached the highest level in history.



just help answer

15. What is the significance of learning morphosyntax in the process of learning English language?

I suppose it boosts your knowledge in grammatical categories more that before. Though, i haven't learnt that much about morphosyntax myself, i heard that it is a good subject to touch on. And it does seem interesting to me, i suppose i will learn more about it.

I hope it helps.

16. Test of the 5% level of significance for the statistical significance of the parameters​



17. What does this proverb mean? "Better the devil you know than the one you don't."


lebih baik iblis yang anda kenal daripada yang tidak Anda kenal


Something bad and familiar is better than something bad and unknown.


If you have to choose between familiar but unpleasant situations and unusual situations, choose the one that is know because the unusual situation might change get worse.

18. 1. What was the significance of the battle of Surabaya?


Text 1

On 10 November, Indonesia celebrates Hari Pahlawan or Heroes Day in remembrance of the Battle of Surabaya which started on that very date in the year 1945. The bloody battle took place because Indonesians refused to surrender their weaponry to British army. British Army at that time was part of the Allied Forces. The defiant Bung Tomo is the well-known revolutionary leader who played a very important role in this battle

maaf kalau salah

19. What did the wanderer take from the devil

Dia memperbaiki barang yang rusak

20. 1.)Where is Bosscha Observatory located?2.) What was the significance of K. A.R. Bosscha to the observatory? 3.) What is the function of the observatory?4.) what can we infer about the construction of an astronomical observatory?5.) How many telescopes does Bosscha Observatory have?6.) Which telescope used to observe galaxies? 7.) Which telescope is used to observe stars?8.) Why was Bosscha observatory designated a vital object?​


1. Lembang, west java, indonesia.

2. He donated the area and building to Netherlands-indies

3. is used to observe visual binary stars, planets, comets and other heavy bodies.

4. Is located at Lembang, west java, indonesia, the building and area donated by Rudolf Bosscha and used to observe visual binary stars, planets, comets and other heavy bodies. this building was made in 1923.

5. Has 3 telescope

6. Schimdt telescope

7. The zeiss double rafractor.

8. because it has historical value and scince, besides that it is unique And very useful in the world of knowledge.


9. Aged, historic, and iconic.

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