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Viruses And Viral Videos Portfolio

Viruses And Viral Videos Portfolio

tolong dibantu ya kak makasih remedial test and portfolio​

Daftar Isi

1. tolong dibantu ya kak makasih remedial test and portfolio​


Remedial test

1. Doni is a junior high school student, he studying in SMP Mahardika

2. he goes to school by bicycle

3. Doni likes to read a book and swimming

4. he never came late to school and he always respect and obey his parents and teacher's

5. he is finishing his math homework meanwhile his father is typing in the living room and his mother is cooking in the kitchen

2. What are the differences between bacteria and viruses?

bacterial infections are caused by bacteria, and viral infections are caused by viruses. Perhaps the most important distinction between bacteria and viruses is that antibiotic drugs usually kill bacteria, but they aren't effective against viruses

infeksi bakteri disebabkan oleh bakteri, dan infeksi virus disebabkan oleh virus. Mungkin perbedaan terpenting antara bakteri dan virus adalah bahwa obat antibiotik biasanya membunuh bakteri, tetapi tidak efektif melawan virus


kurang jelas ya

3. Suppose that a portfolio is delta neutral and has a gamma of –3,000. The delta and gamma of a particular traded call option are 0.62 and 1.50, respectively. The portfolio can be made gamma neutral by including in the portfolio a long position of…. in the call option? The gamma of the portfolio is then? The delta of the portfolio will then change from zero to?




because Suppose that a portfolio is delta neutral and has a gamma of –3,000

4. How are computer viruses like bilogical viruses.?​


i dont think computer viruses and biological viruses have much in common except for maybe the fact that the cyber world do take inspiration on how to combat malware and computer viruses from the way we handle biological viruses maybe?? but from the virus itself idk or can find any similarities.

5. manakah yang paling penting untuk diukur dalam portfolio optimal? ​

Gk jelas soal nyatet and I was going on this blog as my friends who had no problems were going out in front page is that one person can tell about what is wrong to be in this situation he was appointed for one day but it seems that there will always come for you but if I had any problems and the only thing in this world has to have the most important of it in this way that was an interesting story but he has no way for him and he will have never had the chance that I could get some money for that one and it will have been more than that and that was my favorite movie of a movie that he is doing well and you don't want my yutub but it's just not been in my mind since this thread seems that a few months before you see that a little and the same as you and other guys have the ability and they will not take any way about

6. And- videos - of media-used-multimedia- on- a webpage-including -is-any type-image


Multimedia is including image videos and any type of media used on a webpage.


Struktur kalimat dasar dalam bahasa inggris:

Subjek + Verb + ObjekSubjek + Verb + AdjectiveSubjek + Verb + AdverbSubjek + Verb

Struktur kalimat dapat digunakan dua kali dengan cara menambahkan conjunction.

Multimedia    is   including   image  video   and

    ↓                ↓            ↓          ↓

  Subjek       +          Verb      +      Objek    +   Conjunction

Any type of media        used         on       a webpage

         ↓               ↓        ↓            ↓

          Subjek 2   +     Verb 2  +   Preposition  +   Objek 2

7. Watched -he-videos-and-read - tutorial - art blogs -- manysi Sonien​


He - watched - many - tutorial - videos - and - read - si Sonien - art blog


Dia - menyaksikan - banyak - tutorial - video - dan - membaca - si Sonien - blog seni

Maaf kalo salah ^_^

Jawaban:he watched and read many tutorial art blogs


8. 21. sewage can make people unhealthy and ill because itu contains disease causing germs and viruses.the cause is..a. sewageb. unhealthy and ill peoplec. germs d. viruses e. disease jawab no 17-21 ??​


17. e

18. c

19. d

20. e

21. a

maaf kalau salah, semoga bermanfaat:)

9. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari portfolio investasi

gabungan beberapa investasi dengan disverfikasi

10. sebutkan perbedaan portfolio dan portofolio


Portofolio atau portfolio adalah istilah yang merujuk pada kegiatan yang menyangkut sejumlah bidang.istilah ini adalah bentuk latinisasi dari portefeuille.

11. Apa arti take a note the alphabets and the numbers in the videos


Perhatikan abjad dan angka yang ada di dalam video

12. Given the following holding-period returns, compute the average returns and the standard deviations for the zemin corporation and for the market portfolio !


Jawaban Tertera pada lampiran

13. gimana cara buat portfolio​

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

dan jadilah pengikut saya supaya saya menjawab pertanyaan kamu

14. Apa dasar pemikiran penggunaan dana untuk aloan portfolio

jawabanya adalah=........(gak tau)

15. observe these two videos and find out the attention expressions at least five expression​

Jawaban:Expression is comeback


16. 1. What is the leaflet about ?2. Where and when the viruses identified ?3. Mention the symptoms of the disease !4. How the prevention of the viruses ?5. How long the viruses can transmission with respiratory droplet ?​

1) Covid-19 / Corona Virus

2) The virus was identified in China at the end of 2019

3) Fever, Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Muscle Pain, Tiredness

4) Avoid contact with sick people. Wash your hand with soap and water. If you develop cough, use a medical face mask

5) The viruses can transmission with respiratory droplets for 2-14 days

17. Mana yang bener : qualify content videos atau qualified content videos ?

Qualified content videos

qualify content videos artinya video konten memenuhi syarat, sedangkan qualified content videos artinya video konten yang berkualitas, jadi dua-duanya benar

18. apa perbedaan antara viral positif dan viral negatif?​

Viral positif adalah bentuk viral yang mencakup hal yang baik, sedangakan

viral negatif adalah bentuk viral yang mencakup hal yang kurang baik

maaf kalau misalkan jawabannya salah...

19. Read the text and answer the questionVIRUSA virus is a microscopic parasite that can infect living organisms and cause disease. It canmake copies of itself inside another organism's cells. Viruses consist of nucleic acid and aprotein coat. Viruses are able to cause many types of diseases, such as polio, ebola and hepatitis.Viruses are everywhere in the environment, and all organisms can be infected by them.Viruses can remain intact for a long time, and will infect cells when the time and conditions areright. Certain viruses are transmitted through close contact between people. So, avoid virusestransmission by using face mask and doing physical distancing.47. a. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?b. How can viruses be transmitted?c. What should we do to avoid virus's transmission.​

terjemahan :

Baca teksnya dan jawab pertanyaannya


Virus adalah parasit mikroskopis yang dapat menginfeksi organisme hidup dan menyebabkan penyakit. Bisa

membuat salinan dirinya sendiri di dalam sel organisme lain. Virus terdiri dari asam nukleat dan a

mantel protein. Virus dapat menyebabkan berbagai jenis penyakit, seperti polio, ebola, dan hepatitis.

Virus ada di mana-mana di lingkungan, dan semua organisme dapat terinfeksi olehnya.

Virus dapat tetap utuh dalam waktu yang lama, dan akan menginfeksi sel ketika waktu dan kondisinya sedang

Baik. Virus tertentu ditularkan melalui kontak dekat antar manusia. Jadi, hindari virus

transmisi dengan menggunakan masker wajah dan melakukan jarak fisik.

47. a. Apa ide utama paragraf pertama?

b. Bagaimana virus dapat ditularkan?

c. Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk menghindari penularan virus.

semoga membantu ya

20. what ia covid viruses 19?​

virus dari wuhan




virus dari wuhan

maaf kalo salah

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