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Write Numbers To Make Each Line Have The Same Sum

Write Numbers To Make Each Line Have The Same Sum

pick three numbers to make a fact family. then write each fact family. (6,8,2,3).

Daftar Isi

1. pick three numbers to make a fact family. then write each fact family. (6,8,2,3).

pilihlah tiga nomor untuk membuat fakta tentang keluarga, setelah itu tulislah fakta tentang keluarga mu
pilihlah tiga nomor untuk membuat fakta tentang keluarga , setelah itu tulislah fakta tentang keluargamu

2. Sylvia wants to make two 3-digit numbers. She has 0,1,2,3,7,8. Please help Sylvia to make two 3-digit numbers, the hundreds place cannot be 0 and each digit used once. After you make two 3-digit numbers, add them up and find the sum. Explain with 2 methods. The two 3-digit number : Find the sum : Method 1 : Method 2 : The sum is : Tolong di jawab ya aku gak ngerti :(

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sylvia ingin membuat dua angka 3 digit. Dia memiliki 0,1,2,3,7,8. Tolong bantu Sylvia membuat dua angka 3-digit, tempat ratusan tidak boleh 0 dan setiap digit digunakan sekali. Setelah Anda membuat dua angka 3 digit

3. The digits 3, 4 and A have been used to write down all possible three-digit numbers made up of different digits. The sum of these numbers is 1477. Find the digit A.​


Bahan Kimia Sehari-hari yang Bisa Berbahaya

Karbon monoksida. Memanaskan mobil, membakar sampah, atau memasak di dapur merupakan kegiatan yang lazim untuk dilakukan sehari-hari bagi kebanyakan orang. ...

2. Amonia. Sama seperti karbon monoksida, amonia juga tidak berwarna, tetapi gas ini menimbulkan bau yang sangat tajam. ...

Klorin. ...

4. Asam klorida. ...

Asam sulfat.

4. the lcm of 2 numbers is 130. the hcf of the same two number is 13. both numbers are less than 100. write down 2 possible numbers​


It's in the photo ya


Don't forget followyes

Spirit of learning

5. write the numbers that are multiples of 10write the number that are divisible by 2write the numbers that have a factor of 5write the numbers that are divisible by both 2 and 5write the numbers that are divisible by 5 but not by 10​


1) Multiples of 10 = kelipatan 10

angka yang dapat dibagi oleh 10

=> 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , ..........

2) divisible by 2 = angka habis dibagi 2

angka yg dapat dibagi 2 hingga habis ( angka genap)

=> 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 .........

3) factor of 5 = faktor 5

angka yg dapat membagi 5 / faktorisasi 5



5 1 => 5 dan 1

4) divisible both 2 and 5 =angka yg habis oleh 2 dan 5

= tentukan kpk 2 dan 5 = 2 x 5 = 10

KPK = 10

maka diketahui divisible both 2 dan 5 kelipatan 10

= > 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 .........

5) divisible by 5 not by 10 = angka habis dibagi 5 bukan 10

= berarti angka yang memiliki akhir angka 5, karena tidak boleh habis dibagi 10

=> 5 , 15 , 25 , 35 , 45 , 55 , 65 , 75 , ........

-semoga membantu

6. Half of the sum of 2 numbers is equal to 21. One third their difference is equal to 4. Find the 2 numbers​


Setengah dari jumlah 2 bilangan sama dengan 21. Sepertiga selisihnya sama dengan 4. Tentukan 2 bilangan

7. find words which have the same meanings as the following then.fiil in the boxes with those words according to ther numbers

temukan kata-kata yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan yang berikutnya kemudian. Isi dalam kotak-kotak dengan kata-kata itu sesuai dengan angka-angka merekasame meanings= purpose, intention, aim

8. Consider all pairs of counting number whose sum is less than 11. The two numbers of a pair could be either the same as each other or different. How many different products are possible if the two numbers are multiplied?

Pertidaksamaan linear dua variabel adalah salah satu jenis dari pertidaksamaan dengan pangkat tertinggi dari variabel adalah dua. Consider all pairs of counting number whose sum is less than 11. The two numbers of a pair could be either the same as each other or different. The different products are possible if the two numbers are multiplied are x + y < 11 and [tex]xy[/tex] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Consider all pairs of counting number whose sum is less than 11. The two numbers of a pair could be either the same as each other or different.


How many different products are possible if the two numbers are multiplied?


Misalnya x = 1 maka:

[tex]x+y=1+y < 1+10 < 11[/tex] dan [tex]x.y=1.y=y[/tex]

Misalnya y = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 maka x + y < 11 and [tex]xy[/tex] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang contoh soal persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linear dua variabel https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4256919



9. write down the names of the numbers 1 to 100​


1 = One 2 = Two

3 = Three 4 = Four

5 = Five 6 = Six

7 = Seven 8 = Eight

9 = Nine 10 = Ten

11 = Eleven 12 = Twelve

13 = Thirteen 14 = Fourteen

15 = Fifteen 16 = Sixteen

17 = Seventeen 18 = Eighteen

19 = Nineteen 20 = Twenty

21 = Twenty-one 22 = Twenty-two

23 = Twenty-three 24 = Twenty-four

25 = Twenty-five 26 = Twenty-six

27 = Twenty-seven 28 = Twenty-eight

29 = Twenty-nine 30 = Thirty

31 = Thirty-one 32 = Thirty-two

33 = Thirty-three 34 = Thirty-four

35 = Thirty-five 36 = Thirty-six

37 = Thirty-seven 38 = Thirty-eight

39 = Thirty-nine 40 = Forty

41 = Forty-one 42 = Forty-two

43 = Forty-three 44 = Forty-four

45 = Forty-five 46 = Forty-six

47 = Forty-seven 48 = Forty-eight

49 = Forty-nine 50 = Fifty

51 = Fifty-one 52 = Fifty-two

53 = Fifty-three 54 = Fifty-four

55 = Fifty-five 56 = Fifty-six

57 = Fifty-seven 58 = Fifty-eight

59 = Fifty-nine 60 = Sixty

61 = Sixty-one 62 = Sixty-two

63 = Sixty-three 64 = Sixty-four

65 = Sixty-five 66 = Sixty-six

67 = Sixty-seven 68 = Sixty-eight

69 = Sixty-nine 70 = Seventy

71 = Seventy-one 72 = Seventy-two

73 = Seventy-three 74 = Seventy-four

75 = Seventy-five 76 = Seventy-six

77 = Seventy-seven 78 = Seventy-eight

79 = Seventy-nine 80 = Eighty

81 = Eighty-one 82 = Eighty-two

83 = Eighty-three 84 = Eighty-four

85 = Eighty-five 86 = Eighty-six

87 = Eighty-seven 88 = Eighty-eight

89 = Eighty-nine 90 = Ninety

91 = Ninety-one 92 = Ninety-two

93 = Ninety-three 94 = Ninety-four

95 = Ninety-five 96 = Ninety-six

97 = Ninety-seven 98 = Ninety-eight

99 = Ninety-nine 100 = One hundred

10. The sum of all odd numbers from 1 to 20


The result is 100


Misalkan menghitung dg program pengolah angka seperti Ms. Excel 2016, caranya:

- isikan nomor 1 sampai 20 (berurutan dari cell A1 sampai cell A20)

- pada cell B1, ketikkan rumus =IF(MOD(A1;2)=0;"Even";"Odd")

- tekan tombol enter & copy rumus pada cell B1 sampai ke cell B20

- pada cell D1, ketikkan rumus =IF(MOD(A2;2)=0;"Even";"Odd")

- tekan tombol enter

untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan gambar berikut ini (ditunjukkan tanda panah merah).

11. Write the sum of significant numbers of the following numbers!a 215,65 kg6. 406,50 km. 600000 m0 0,003600 sanswer:**​


a. 4 angka penting

b. 4 angka penting

c. 6 angka penting

d. 3 angka penting


semoga membantu

12. the sum of two numbers is 8. determine the two numbers such tat the sum of their squeres is minimized

what do you want to ask ???

13. write a number in each box to make all the fraction equaivalent to 1/2​





Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membamtu

14. write in interaffice memorandum from the purchaser to the warehouse to check the goods that have arrived. make up the items and write each of the items in the memorandum

Hai Jelitawaty! Pertanyaanmu agak membingungkan
-Ini jawaban jika dalam bentuk conversation
Mr. Wang: Hai, I'm Mr. Wang. I just wondering if my Nike flyknit custom is already done or not?
Employee: Hai Mr. Wang. Your custom flyknit shoes is already done. You just need to wait for another 2-3 days for the delivery
Mr. Wang: Okay, thank you
Employee: You're welcome Mr. Wang. Have a nice day.
-Ini jawaban dalam bentuk memo
To: Nike Warehouse(Special Custom)
 Hi, I'm Rissen Wang. I came to this warehouse at 2 p.m. and nobody was here. I couldn't wait any longer so I left this memo. I wondering if my Nike flyknit custom is already done or not? Please send a message to me at +6288997755 for reply.
Thank you.

15. write sentences so they have the same meaning ​


1 She's been doing her homework since 8 30

2. They've been living in the US, since her dad got a job in New york. They went there a year ago

3 He's been deciding to learn English since he has an English/Brittish girlfriend

4 She's been calling her mother for half an hour and they are still talking

5 I've been singing in this band since five months ago

16. the sum of 3 odd numbers is 45. find the three numbers​


Odd numbers artinya angka ganjil.

3 odd numbers artinya 3 angka ganjil.

Penjumlahan 3 angka ganjil yg hasilnya 45, maka bilangan tersebut adalah 15.

45/3=15 → 15+15+15=45


17. 6 write the correct number in the space provided such that the sumof each pair of opposite numbers is 50.-thw + =htthEtEtt​

6 tulislah bilangan yang benar di tempat yang disediakan sedemikian rupa sehingga jumlahnya

dari setiap pasang bilangan yang berlawanan adalah 50.


w + =





18. read each sentense below. write the cause on the first line and the effect on the second line.​


1. Cause: she missed the bus

Effect: she was late to school

2.Cause: he worked hard on his homework

Effect: he got an A on it

3.Cause: the lightning struck a tree

Effect: the tree started to burn

4.Cause: she did extra chores around the house

Effect: she earned extra money to buy a new purse

19. Scan the following QR code and listen to the sentences. Complete the clocks by writing numbers or drawing clock hands according to the time you have heard Write the time under each picture.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan:

Number One

Father and Dahlia often arrive home at three twenty five. (3:25)

Number Two

My package has been delivered at twenty past four. (4:20)

Number Three

<Someone> records a video for his biology assignment at twenty fifteen. (20:15)

(nama orangnya kurang jelas, mungkin Rosyid atau Rasyid)

Number Four

Erina goes to buy apple juice at ten past one. (1:10)

Number Five

Mr. Hendrawan will have an online meeting at eleven o'clock. (11:00)


Silahkan gambar sendiri ya di jam-jam itu. Lalu di bawah gambar jamnya, ditulis waktunya seperti yang digarisbawahi.

Untuk menjawab ini, tadi saya download file audio dari QR code yang ada di gambar.

Semoga membantu.

20. does each greeting card have the same function?​

There are various greeting cards. Some can be used to congratulating and etc

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