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How To Make Hydroxyquinoline At Home

How To Make Hydroxyquinoline At Home

How to make scrambled Eggs Let's learn how to make yummy scrambled egges at your home with this easy recipe ​

1. How to make scrambled Eggs Let's learn how to make yummy scrambled egges at your home with this easy recipe ​

HOW TO MAKE SCRAMBLED EGG we have to prepare utensils and materials,

-Materials -

prepare the eggs (1 or 2) salt pepper

-Utensils -

prepare the wok / pan 1 tbsp of oil frying spoonbowl (optional) plate

-Steps -

mix the egg(s) and pepper, with salt in the bowl, mix well ... heat the pan, and enter the egg(s) that has been prepared earlierstir the egg(s) in the panwait until the egg(s) perfectly cooked prepare the plate and your scrambled egg is ready!

2. Make a procedure tecxt "how to have fun at home during' covid 19​


ada banyak sekai kegiatan yang dapat di coba di rumah selama covid-19. salah satunya adalah mempelajari bahasa yang baru


"how to have fun at home during covid-19"

you can try many activities. suppose learning a new language. By learning a new language, you can broaden your horizons, and can communicate with the people around you.

3. How to make at finish

Ya kamu tinggal jelasin aja poin poin apa yg ada di mandi wajib pengertian dan penyebabnya

4. how to make cake omeletto

How to make a Cheese Omelet Cake 
-1 egg
-50 gr cheese
-1 cup milk
-3 tablespoons cooking oil
 -a pinch of salt and pepper.

-Frying pan -fork -spatula -cheese-grater -bowl and plate.

-First, Crack the egg into a bowl
-Second, Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth
-Third, Add milk and whisk well
-Fourth, Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
-Fifth, Heat the oil in frying pan
-And than, Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
-Finally, Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper. And let's eat.

5. How To Make Cake Tolong Dijawab


Bagaimana cara membuat kue

Heat the oven to 350°F.

Heat the oven to 350°F.Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. ...

Heat the oven to 350°F.Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. ...Prepare the pans: Rub the bottoms and sides of the cake pans with a little butter, shortening, or baking spray. ...

Heat the oven to 350°F.Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. ...Prepare the pans: Rub the bottoms and sides of the cake pans with a little butter, shortening, or baking spray. ...Beat the butter and sugar until fluffy and light. ...

Heat the oven to 350°F.Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. ...Prepare the pans: Rub the bottoms and sides of the cake pans with a little butter, shortening, or baking spray. ...Beat the butter and sugar until fluffy and light. ...Add the eggs one at a time.

semoga membantu

maaf tanggung



you should have a materials & ingredients first . like sugar,flour,egg,stove,spoon,glass,bowl,milk,stir, etc.

after that you should Made step by step to make that

step by step :

1.first,add a powder to bowl

2.after that add 2 egg

3.add sugar

4.and stir until evenly distributed

5.bake the barter with temperature 100°

6.wait for itu expand

7.then, transfer to a plate

8. taraaaaa,the cake ia ready

segitu Tah?

6. a. how to beat cream cheeseb. how to blend sugar and vanillac. how to bake chocolate cheese and caked. how to make chocolate cheese cake​


D. how to make chocolate cheese cake


d.How to bake chocolate cheese cake


semoho bermanfaat

7. 1. Write a simple procedural text!a. How to make orange juiceb. How to make chicken satayHow to plan the rosed. How to make fried riceHow to make a cake​


A. how to make orange juice


8. 2. We have to make a good ......to our friends at school 3. The .......... at school Made me take a nap at home ​


2. Friendship

3. Work

jadikan jawaban terbaik

semoga membantu

9. Rina go to supermarket to buy vegetable at 08:15 she come home at 09:10. how much time Rina need to buy vegetable?​

Rina spent a total of 55 minutes in the supermarket.

This includes the time that it took her to travel to the supermarket and back home.

10. how to make cake indonesia

Cara Membuat kue. INDONESIABagaimana cara membuat kue indonesia

Maaf jika salah

11. How to make strawberry cake

cara membuat kue strawberry / how to
make strawberry cake

bahan bahan kue (ingredient)

300 gram putih telur ayam (300 grams of chicken egg whites)

1/2 sendok teh cream of tartar (1/2 teaspoon cream of tar tar)

1/2 sendok teh garam (1/2 teaspoon salt)

150 gram gula pasir (150 gram of sugar)

30 ml susu cair (30 ml of liquid milk)

70 gram almond bubuk (70 grams almond powder)

80 gram tepung terigu protein rendah(80 gram of low protein flour)

70 gram minyak zaitun (70 grams of olive oil)

1/4 sendok teh pasta almond (1/4 teaspoon almond paste)

30 gram almond slice untuk taburan(30 grams of almond slice for sprinkling)

bahan bahan cream nya

225 gram vla instan (225 grams of instan vla)

450 ml susu cair dingin(450 ml of cold liquid milk)

3/4 sendok teh pasta vanila(3/4 teaspoon vanilla paste)
9 lembar gelatin, rendam dengan air dingin, tiriskan, tim hingga leleh(9 pieces of gelatin,soak in cold water,drain,team until melting)

375 gram krim kental, kocok hingga setengah mengembang(375 grams of thick cream,shake until half expands)

3/4 sendok teh poppy seed (3/4 teaspoon of poppy seed)

450 gram stroberi segar, bersihkan(450 grams of fresh strawberries,clean)


-strawberry segar (fresh strawberries)
-gula tepung (sugar flour)

cara membuatnya (dalam bahasa indonesia)

1) Kocok putih telur, cream of tartar, dan garam sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit-sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang.

2) Tuang susu cair sedikit-sedikit sambil dikocok perlahan. Tambahkan almond bubuk dan tepung terigu sambil diayak dan diaduk perlahan.

3) Masukkan minyak zaitun dan pasta almond sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan

4) Tuang di 2 buah loyang 22x22x3 cm yang dialas kertas roti tanpa dioles margarin. Oven dengan api bawah suhu 180 derajat Celsius selama 20 menit hingga matang

5) Cream, kocok vla instan dan susu cair dingin hingga mengembang. Tambahkan pasta vanila. Kocok rata.

6) Tuang sedikit ke dalam gelatin yang sudah ditim. Kocok rata. Tuang kembali ke kocokan vla. Tambahkan sedikit-sedikit krim kocok dalam campuran vla. Kocok rata. Masukkan poppy seed. Aduk rata

7) Masukkan satu lembar cake ke dalam ring bentuk kotak 20 cm.

8) Ambil 250 gram stroberi dari 450 gram stroberi, belah 2 bagian. Tata stroberi pada pinggiran ring. Tuang setengah bagian filling. Tata stroberi utuh di dalamnya. Tuang sisa filling di atasnya. Tutup dengan selembar cake. Hias ala kafe bagian atasnya dengan stroberi dan gula tepung. (Kn) 

cara membuatnya (dalam bahasa inggris)

1) Beat egg whites, cream of tartar, and salt until half expands. Add a little sugar while shaking until fluffy.

2) Pour the liquid milk slightly while shaking slowly. Add almond powder and wheat flour as it is sifted and stirred slowly.

3) Enter the olive oil and almond paste a little while stirring slowly

4) Pour in 2 pieces of 22x22x3 cm baking pan with baked bread without margarine. Oven with fire below 180 degrees Celsius temperature for 20 minutes until cooked

5) Cream, shake vla instant and cold liquid milk until fluffy. Add vanilla paste. Shake well.

6) Pour a little into a gelatin that has been sucked. Shake well. Pour back to shuffle vla. Add a little whipped cream in the vla mixture. Shake well. Enter the poppy seed. Stir well

7) Insert one piece of cake into ring shape of box 20 cm.

8) Take 250 grams of strawberries from 450 grams of strawberries, split 2 parts. Strawberry arrangement on the edge of the ring. Pour half of the filling. Strawberries intact in it. Pour the remaining filling on it. Cover with a cake. Ornamental ala top cafe with strawberries and sugar flour.

terimakasih semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

12. you make an appointment with your classmate to study together at your home. your friend promises to come

You: y
friend: f
y: Hey pal, do you want to study together with me to do math homework?
f: sure, when?
y: 4 o'clock this afternoon.
f: okay, I promise you I'll be there.

13. Please explain how how to make it at least 3 step


how to make instant coffee:

1. put instant coffee powder in the glass

2. pour hot water according to the dose in the coffee plastic

3. mix and ur done!

hope it helps^^

make it the best :)

sorry if wrong

14. cara buat how to make cheese cake

how to make the perfect cheesecake.

1) Use a springform pan and a water bath. The springform pan works best because it lets you remove the cake easily and the water bath prevents unsightly cracking on the top of your cheesecake.

2) When mixing ingredients, mix evenly to ensure that all lumps in the cream cheese are eliminated before adding the eggs. Eggs generally bring air in the batter, so add them last and stir as little as possible once the eggs have been added.

3) Do not overbeat the cake batter. Once the ingredients are mixed well, stop stirring.

4) Bake the cheesecake at the recommended oven temperature using a water bath. To avoid water seepage, wrap the springform cake pan in foil about halfway up the side of the springform pan. Set the springform pan wrapped in foil in a larger pan containing hot water. The level of the water should not be higher than the foil around the springform pan.

5) Watch your baking time carefully and avoid over-baking your cheesecake. There are several successful methods for determining when to remove the cheesecake from the oven: 1.) When it is slightly moist in the center, 2.) When it has reached an ideal temperature of 160-165 degrees or, 3.) When a small knife inserted in the center comes out clean. If the cheesecake is about done and you are worried about over cooking it, you may turn off the oven and let it sit in the oven for a little while longer to ensure that the cake sets completely.

6) After removing the cheesecake from the oven, run a knife around the edge of the cheesecake. This helps to loosen the cake from the edge of the pan, allowing it to pull away freely as it cools.

7) Allow the cheesecake to cool completely. The cooling step is as important as proper mixing and baking. You should cool the cheesecake at room temperature, away from drafts. Once the cheesecake has cooled completely you should place the cheesecake (pan and all) in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours or overnight. Once it’s thoroughly cooled, it will be much easier to remove the springform pan and it is ready to serve to your guests.

15. How to make a chocolate cake

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Grease and flour three 6" X 1 1/2" round cake pans.

3. Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.

4. In a large bowl, beat butter, eggs and vanilla.

5. Gradually add sugar.

6. Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well mixed

7. Alternately combine in flour mixture and milk to batter while beating.

8. Continue to beat until batter is smooth.

9. Pour equal amounts of batter into greased and floured round cake pans.

10. Bake 30 to 35 minutes.

11. Check with a toothpick to se if it is done. Bake a few minutes more, if needed.

12. Remove from oven and allow cakes to cool in pans for a few minutes.

13. Place cakes on a wire rack, to them allow to completely cool.

16. how to make an Eggles cake/how to basic​


cara membuat kue tanpa telur/hhowtobasic

kalo di tulis bahasa Indonesia

17. Apa arti dari how to make cake

bagaimana cara membuat kuehow to make cake : cara membuat kue

18. how to make a home reading report

sorry I didn't know that

19. How to make a cake?


These are the basic ingredients to bake a cake:

Baking Powder Baking Soda ButterCornstarchEggsFlourMilkSalt

The ingredients are mixed together to form a batch and then baked for a determined amount of time (based on the recipe) until it is ready to be served.


Berikut bahan dasar untuk memanggang kue:

baking powder soda kuementega tepung jagung telur tepung susu garam

Bahan-bahan tersebut dicampur jadi satu dan kemudian dipanggang untuk jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan resep kue, sampai sudah siap akan disajikan.

ingredients :

1. 100 ml, milk

2. 50 ml, oil

3. 4 eggs

4. 200 gr, flour

5. 1,5 teaspoon sp

6. 3 tablespoon chocolate paste

7. 1 drop pandanus paste

8. Chocolate mesis


1. Beat the eggs, SP and sugar until interleaved and the colour is pale by using mixer.

2. Decrease the mixer speed. Add flour, milk, and oil.

3. Divide the dough into three parts.

4. The first dough is given pandanus paste, the second dough is given chocolate paste, and the third dough is let white then sprinkle chocolate mesis.

5. Prepare a baking pan which has been smeared with butter and flour. Heat the baking pan onto the stove.

6. Pour the chocolate dough and steam it for 10 minutes. Then, pour the white dough and steam it for 10 minutes. After that, pour the pandanus dough and steam it for 20 minutes.

7. After it is not hot anymore, serve it

20. How to make a chocolate cake

Chocolate Cake Recipe

If you want to make a homemade chocolate cake from scratch, this is a simple, yet easy recipe to make. It's one you are certain to enjoy.

Chocolate Cake Ingredients:

3/4 cups butter or margarine, softened

3 eggs

2 cups sugar

2 cups flour

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cup milk

How to make Chocolate Cake:

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease and flour three 6" X 1 1/2" round cake pans.

Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.

In a large bowl, beat butter, eggs and vanilla.

Gradually add sugar.

Beat on medium to high speed for about 3-4 minutes until well mixed

Alternately combine in flour mixture and milk to batter while beating.

Continue to beat until batter is smooth.

Pour equal amounts of batter into greased and floured round cake pans.

Bake 30 to 35 minutes.

Check with a toothpick to se if it is done. Bake a few minutes more, if needed.

Remove from oven and allow cakes to cool in pans for a few minutes.

Place cakes on a wire rack, to them allow to completely cool.

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