one of the most common vegetable used in the production of biodiesel is
1. one of the most common vegetable used in the production of biodiesel is
oil palm, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, peanut, and coconut.
Biodiesel dihasilkan dari proses transesterifikasi dengan bahan baku minyak nabati atau lemak hewan yang direaksikan dengan senyawa alkohol seperti metanol. Bahan baku biodiesel umumnya sawit, minyak nabati juga dapat dihasilkan dari bunga matahari, kedelai, rapeseed, kacang tanah, kelapa, dan kapas.
Maaf kalau salah
2. "Although the negative health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be argued. It remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths." , What contradiction is found in this sentence?
What contradiction is found in this sentence?
3. Describe the different types of computers. what is the most common type? what are the types of personal computers?
There are 4 different types of computers. Supercomputers are the fastest computers, but at the same time are the very expensive ones. This type of computer is usually used on scientific research centers.Mainframe Computers can cater numerous users and support programs happening at the same time. This type of computer is usually used by governments and large organizations.Minicomputers can cater to users ranging from 4 to 200 simultaneously. This type of computer is the mid-sized one.Microcomputers can cater to one user at a time. This type of computer is the most common type because they are not that costly.The most common type of computer is the microcomputer or also known as the personal computer.
Types of Personal ComputersTowel Model
Handheld Model
Desktop Computer
Notebook Computer
Laptop Computer
Netbook Computer
Tablet PC Model
semoga membantu kak
4. What are the most common causes of earthquakes?
Moving tectonics plate = lempeng tektonik yang bergerak
The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the stress on the edge overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake that releases energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel.
Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.
5. 2. What is a headline?a. The title of the most importantarticle.b. The most important news.c. It is printed larger than common letters.d. An interesting article.e. It is the daily news
a.the title of the most important article
semoga membantu
6. what is the definition of a cause
Cause is
1.why something happen
2.The reason or motive
3.Happen first
Example of Cause : I forgot my umbrella
And the effect of the cause above is :
I got wet
So she forgot to bring her umbrella and she got wet
CAUSE AND EFFECTWhat is the definition of a cause?
Untuk membahas definisi dari 'a cause' kita juga perlu membicarakan 'an effect' karena hubungan keduanya tidak bisa dipisahkan. Kita tidak bisa menyebutkan bahwa suatu kalimat adalah 'a cause' jika kalimat tersebut tidak memiliki 'an effect'.
Hubungan antara cause and effect dalam bahasa Indonesia sehari-hari disebut hubungan sebab akibat.
Secara singkat definisi masing-masing sebagai berikut:
CAUSE adalah alasan sesuatu hal bisa terjadi (the reason for something happening)EFFECT adalah what happened (apa yang terjadi)CAUSE & EFFECT adalah menjelaskan mengapa sesuatu terjadiUntuk menghubungkan cause dan effect digunakan signal words, diantaranya:
due tothereforebecausebecause ofassoCONTOH KALIMAT CAUSE AND EFFECT:
1. Because of his illness, Barry has resigned from his job
CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah his illness
EFFECT-nya adalah Barry has resigned from his job
Signal word yang digunakan adalah because of (diikuti noun)
2. Andi didn't pass the exam because he didn't study well.
CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah didn't study well
EFFECT-nya adalah Andi didn't pass the exam.
Signal word yang digunakan adalah because (diikuti oleh verb)
3. I slept late last night so I am sleepy now.
CAUSE pada kalimat diatas adalah sleep late
EFFECT-nya adalah I am sleepy now.
SIgnal word: so
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Silakan belajar lebih lanjut dengan melihat soal-soal yang serupa:
Detil JawabanKelas: 8
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Cause and Effect
Kode: 8.5.6
Kata kunci: cause, effect, sebab akibat, causative
7. what is the cause of tsunami ?
earthquake, strom.. maaf klo slh ya:)earthquake and volcano eruption
8. What is the most common English language syllabus? Noted. The answer must correct!!
Silabus bahasa Inggris apa yang paling umum?
Dicatat. Jawabannya harus benar !!
Maaf kalo salahFollow ya
9. Although the negative health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be argued. It remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths.What contradiction is found in this sentence?apakah contradiction maknanya adalah kebalikan dari kalimat? atau pernyataan pada kalimat yang kontra/bisa digugat
What contradiction is found in this sentence?
10. What is the definition of a cause?
A cause is something that produces an event or condition; it is the reason why something happens. It refers to the source or origin of an event, phenomenon, or condition and is often identified as the agent or circumstance that produces an effect. For example, the cause of a car accident could be a mechanical failure, reckless driving, or bad weather. In scientific and philosophical inquiry, the concept of cause is central to understanding how the world works and why events happen as they do.
11. The common structure of a drink label is ...
product's ingerdients and quality
12. what is the different of the most and most
whats your mean?.-. menurut saya sama saja the most sama most. tapi kalau most biasanya diikuti oleh kata of, contoh most of my friends are aliens. kalau the most biasanya sebelumnya ada kata is, contoh maddog is the most handsome. maaf ya kalau salah
13. What is the most common use "must" and "should" ?
you should submit the assignment today
you should always drink vitamins
you must obey your mom's rule
you must be ready for your exam
14. which of the following is a common multiple of 3 and 8?
angka yang bisa didapat dari perkalian 3 dan 8
jawabannya 48
3x16 = 48
8x6 = 48
15. what is the total momentum of the system before collision brainly?
brainly homework for tomorrow morning at work today so I don't want to go to the job is to get the money
16. How is the common structure of song
apa itu struktur biasa dalam lagu
17. Which pair of joints has the most in common?
Pasangan sendi mana yang paling banyak memiliki kesamaan?
itu terjemahnya maaf kalau salah ya
18. ...and...are the most common causes of food spoilage
air (udara) and oxygen(oksigen)
19. In a population of seals, most of the seals have similar coloring. However, one seal has albinism. This seal is white and is almost completely blind. What is most likely the cause of this difference from the rest of the population?
albinism cause because? a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin
20. what is the total momentum of the system before collision?
apa momentum total sistem sebelum tabrakan?
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