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Match The Animals With Their Characteristics

Match The Animals With Their Characteristics

Now, match the characteristics with their meanings

1. Now, match the characteristics with their meanings

1. i
2. c
3. k
4. q
5. l
6. m
7. n
8. a
9. e
10. g
11. d
12. b
13. t
14. f
15. r
16. o
17. j
18. p
19. h
20. s1. i
2. c
3. k
4. q
5. l
6. m
7. n
8. a
9. e
10. g
11. d
12. b
13. t
14. f
15. r
16. o
17. j
18. p
19. h
20. s

2. Activity 17Match the animals with their appropriate sound​


mon maap ga bisa bahasa Inggris

3. match the following animals with their correct place ! tolong jawab​


No 1. Savanah

No 2. Jungle

No 3. Savanah

No 4. Sea

No 5. Savanah

No 6. desert

No 7. jungle

No 8. jungle

No 9. Sea

No 10. Savanah (mostly)

No 11. jungle

No 12. sea

Maaf kalau salah... itu hanya pendapat saya belum tentu benar :)

semoga membantu



- shark


- whale



- tiger

- zebra

- cheetah

- giraffe

- elephant



- camel



- monkey

- scorpion

- snake

Thank you...

jadikan jawabn terbaik yaa (ga maksa)

Maaf bila ada kesalahan..

4. task 1 match the animals and their description

sabertooth?... live at ice ages periode... had a long teeth

is that enough?

5. Match the following situations with their responses

Jawaban :

Match the following situations with their responses !

1 matching with C2 matching with E3 matching with B4 matching with A5 matching with D

Penjelasan :

Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat berbagai macam - macam expression feeling diantaranya :

Expression of  Introduction

I would like to introduce myself Let me introduce myselfAllow me to introduce myself

Expression of Greeting and Leave –Taking

How do you do ? How are you ? How are you doing ?

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

I disagree  / agreeI absolutely agree You are absolutely right

Expression of Asking help and Offering  help

Excuse me, May I help you ?Would you help me, please ? What can I do for you ?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

materi pengertian dan contoh expression feeling pada link



6. Match the words with their meaning

Unscramble Words

1. Fireman - rfienam

2. Journey - uryjone

3. Short - tohrs

4. Souvenir - rsvoenui

5. Force - cfroe

6. Jewellery -yrlwjeele

7. Principal - lanpiricp

8. Grounds - dngous

*Maaf jika no 8 salah*

=> Semoga membantu <=


7. match the following jobs with their descriptions

1 =h










Jawaban:1 =h










Penjelasan: maaf Kalau salah

8. Match the following. Word with their meanings





4. J






10. I

Maaf kalau salah

9. Match the following adjectives with their meanings


ancient(kuno)=Dboring(membosankan)=Gbustling(ramai)=Fcharming(nyaman)=Lcontemporary(jaman sekarang)=icompact(padat)=Cexciting(mengasyikan)=Afascinating(menarik)=Bpicturesque(indah/lukisan)=efamous(terkenal)=Hspacious(luas)=J

10. match the words with their correct meanings.​


1 - f

2 - h

3 - e

4 - g

5 - a

6 - d

7 - b

8 - l

9 - j

10 - m


Bisa di google atau translate untuk belajar, belajar vocabulary dan artinya penting yaa...

11. Match the expressions with their possible responses


Cocokkan ekspresi dengan kemungkinan tanggapan mereka


maaf kalo salah:)

12. Activity 10Match the names of animals with their correct meanings.bantu kak besok di kumpulkan ​


1 i

2 k

3 f

4 h

5 b

6 l

7 a

8 e

9 g

10 c

11 j

12 d


Match the names of animals with their correct meanings.

1.A monkey(i.Monyet)2.A turtle(k.Kura-kura)3.A lizard(f.Kadal)4.A bufollo(h.Kerbau)5.A goat(b.Kambing)6.A hooshe(l.Angsa)7.A pigoen(a.Burung merpati)8.A chameleon(e.Bunglon)9.A dragonfly(g.Capung)10.A porcupine(c.Landak)11.A rhinoceros(j.Badak)12.A canary(d.Burung kenari)


Semoga membantu

13. Match the expressions with their possible responses.​


The answer is in the picture.


Jawaban dicetak merah dan sudah dicocokkan dengan pilihan yang benar dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. F. karena berbicara tentang mobil yang bermasalah pada karburator

2. A. karena dia berasal dari desa di Jawa Timur

3. H. karena jaket yang dipilihnya berkualitas bagus

4. C. karena dia pergi ke pulau dengan menyewa perahu boat

5. J. karena pembicaranya adalah Mrs.Ratna

6. G. karena mesin cuci tersebut yang terbaik di kelasnya

7. D. karena dia lupa nama tengahnya, jadi tidak bisa sebut lengkap

8. B. karena petugas akan memeriksa pesanan bookingnya

9. E. karena dia bisa menjelaskan brokoli dengan benar

10. i. karena dia merekomendasikan flowery restoran terbaik di kota

Semoga membantu ya.

14. Match the words below with their meaning​

Here are the correct match words and definition of advertisement above:

Artwork = c) a photo or drawing.Body copy = d) word that are in smaller letter that give more information about what is being advertised.Slogan = e)  a short phrase that is easy to remember and represent the company e.g. “Just do it” (Nike)Logo = a) a little drawing that represent the company.Headline = b) a word or short sentence that gives the main idea of the advert.


Advertisement yang berarti iklan adalah sebuah jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk mempromosikan suatu produk, layanan atau jasa dengan menggunakan strategi pemasaran yang menarik perhatian pelanggan. Advertisement harus dibuat dengan sekreatif dan semenarik mungkin. Tujuan utama dari advertisement ini adalah menimbulkan rasa tertarik dan suka para konsumen terhadap produk atau jasa yang di hasilkan perusahaan tersebut. Karena sifat dari advertisement atau iklan adalah menginformasikan, membujuk dan meningkatkan konsumen akan suatu produk. Jenis-jenis advertisement adalah:

Iklan onlineIklan media cetakIklan televisiIklan outdoor, dll.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang advertisement text brainly.co.id/tugas/22883484

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

15. Match the statements with their responses!​


1. e

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. d

6. f


16. Match the following words with their meaning


cocokkan kata-kata berikut dengan artinya.

17. 2.2 What do animals do? match the animals with their behaviours . draw lines to connect the left and right column.​

Semoga membantu

Maaf kalo salah

18. match the word with their Indonesian equivalents ​


couple = pasangan

gift = hadiah

raise = membesarkan

bully = mengolok-olok

respectable = terhormat

anchor = berlabuh

retainer = pelayang

stab = menikam

worship = bersembahyang

demon = jin


Couple = pasangan

Gift= hadiah

Raise=Menaikkan /membesarkan ?

Bully= mengolok - olok

Respectable= terhormat

Anchor= berlabuh

Retainer=Gaji / pelayan ?

Stab=Menusuk / menikam

Worship= bersembahyang

Demon= jin


19. match the following expressions with their responses​


1. yes, i live next to chemist's

2. see you soon

3. just call me mark

4. pleased to meet you too

5. i'm from Nevada

6. I'm fine

7. no we haven't

8. we are classmates

9. i'm afraid not

10. ure i do, how are you jim?

semoga membantu

20. match the utterances with their reasons provided

cocok dengan ucapan dengan alasan mereka memberikan

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