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Origami Is The Japanese Art Of Paper Folding Apex

Origami Is The Japanese Art Of Paper Folding Apex

10 poin 2. Glue -paper-of-the- shapes - the-origami a. The origami paper of the shapes o glue o b. The shapes paper of the origami glue o c. Glue the shapes of the origami paper d. Glue of the paper origami the shanes​

Daftar Isi

1. 10 poin 2. Glue -paper-of-the- shapes - the-origami a. The origami paper of the shapes o glue o b. The shapes paper of the origami glue o c. Glue the shapes of the origami paper d. Glue of the paper origami the shanes​


C. Glue the shapes of the origami paper


2. what is the last activity we do to have the paper fan?A folding the paper​


fold fold n fold more to get the enough size

3. cut the origami paper​


Terjemahan : Gunting kertas origami itu




potong kertas origami

semoga bermanfaat ✨☁️

4. (fold/folded) the origami paper​




Karena folded itu hanya untuk present tense ke 2

Mohon maaf jika salah


5. the shape of this paper is rectangle

bentuk tulisan ini berbentuk persegi panjang
smg bermanfaat✨Artinya : bentuk kertas ini adalah persegi panjang

6. paper is the direct product of

wood pulp
........................jawabannya adalah wood logs..
#maaf klo salah..

7. 11. “I want to be a veterinarian.” A veterinarian is .... A. a farmer who raises cattles C. a person who eats vegetables only B. a doctor who treats animals D. a merchant who sells animals The following text is for questions number 12 to 14. For : Aunt Salsa from : Dinda I came to your residence but you’re away. Without your notice, I borrowed your clutch bag the one with black suede color and two side pockets. I need it for Nevia’s birthday party tonight. Thank youvery much. 12. What would Dinda do? A. She would attend a party. C. She would buy a bag. B. She would go with Nevia. D. She would leave for far away place. 13. Who would throw a party? A. Aunt Salsa C. Dinda B. Nevia D. Nevia’s friends 14. Dinda decided to take the bag ... aunt Salsa was not at home. A. therefore C. although B. so D. but The following text is for questions number 15 to 18. Origami, coined from the japanese words ori and gami meaning “to fold” and “paper”, is an art of paper folding. Popular not only in Japan but also around the world, origami has served various purposes from past to present time. Origami is used in relegious ceremonies, cultural events, education, and as leisure activities. In the past, origami was practiced to make decorations for religious ceremonies at shrines. Nobles would attach a piece of origami to their swords to bring them luck in battles. Samurai warriors warriors exchanged gifts adorned with good-luck tokens of origami figures. They celebrated weddings with glasses of sake or rice wine wrapped in male and female paper butterflies representing the bride and groom. 15. What is the text about? A. Paper folding art C. Origami artists B. History of Japan D. Japanese culinary art 16. What is being discussed in the second paragraph? A. Origami is solely used in religious ceremonies. B. Origami is an art of creating paper from different shapes. C. Origami has been used for different purposes. D. Origami is believed to give lucks. 17. “Nobles would attach a piece of origami to their swords to bring them luck in battles.” The word ‘attach’ can be substituted with ... A. carve C. paint B. draw D. stick 18. “...origami has served various purposes from past to present time. The word ‘various’ in the sentence above means .... A. similar C. many B. precious D. weird

11). B. a doctor who treats animals

12). A. She would attend a party

13). B. Nevia

14). D. But

15). A. Paper folding art

16). C. Origami has been used for different purposes

17). B. Draw

18). C. Many

Maaf yaa klo andaikan jawaban ada yng salah..

8. 1. the bottle-the top-cut-and-the bottom-of2.into-nine-pieces-the ribbon-cut3.the ribbon-tie-of-the holes-the bottle-to4.shapes-draw-paper-on-the origami5.the shapes-glue-of-the origami-papertlg di bantu, mksh


1.cut the top and the bottom of the bottle

2.Cut the ribbon into nine pieces

3.Tie the ribbon to the holes of the bottle

4.Draw shapes on the origami paper

5.Glue the origami paper of the shapes

9. The Indonesian of art book is​



LibrarySeni Budayamember card of libraryHistory bookThe map


In the school libraryLibrarianOn the bookshelfHistory book, maths book, story bookPerpustakaan Sekolah

10. what is the japanese of goodbye

goodbye? mungkin sayonarasayonara
jawabannya itu dia

11. what is the word in the text which means "to make lines on paper by folding it"?

membuat garis dengan melipatnya Membuat garis di kertas dengan melipatnya

12. 4. The marked price of a folding table at a hypermarket is $45. The hypermarket gives a 12% discount during a sale. Find the sale price of the folding table.


Jawabannya 39.6$

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

45$ aja dikurangi sama 12% hasilnya 39.6 dollar

13. The colour of blank paper is​





14. the calculator is ___ the piece of paper​


jawabanya dear stundeat

maaf ya kalo salah

15. fungsi apex of the bladder

Apex of Bladder artinya puncak pada kandung kemih. Fungsi utama kandung kemih adalah untuk melayani sebagai reservoir untuk menyimpan urin yang dihasilkan ketika produk limbah ginjal yang difilter dari darah.

Ga puas tanyakan lagi ya kakak (^^)/

16. write true {T} or false {F} for each sentence based on the pictures provided. 1.Cut the paper into a star shape and a moon shape.... 2.Draw a flower on the origami paper..... 3.Glue the shapes..... 4.Tie the ribbon to the origami paper..... 5.Cut the top and the bottom of the bottle..... Circle the corrent answers. 1.{ Cut / Cutting } the origami paper. 2.{ Drawing / Draw } a line on the bottle. 3.{ Fold / Folded } the origami paper. 4.{ Sticked / Stick } the shapes to the bottle. 5.{ Prepare / Preparing } the materials of the lantern. 6.{ Tied / Tie } the ribbon to the bottle. 7.[ Make / Making ] eight holes on the bottle. 8.[ Draw / Drawing ] shapes on the origami paper. 9. [ Hanged / Hang ] the lantern in front of the class. 10.[ Glue / Glued ] the star shape and the moon shape. artikan ke bahasa indonesia. match the sentences in the box with the pictures. a. Make four holes on the top and the bottom of a plastic bottle. b. Tie the ribbon on the top of the bottle into a bundle. c. Tie the ribbon to the holes in the bottle. d. Cut the top and the bottom of the bottle. e. Hang the lantern in front of the door. f. The lantern is done. g. Stick the glued shapes to the bottle. h. Draw shapes on the origami paper. i. Glue the shapes of the origami paper. j. Cut the shapes on the origami paper.

Untuk bagian pertama saya gak tau. Harus ada gambarnya.

Untuk nomor 1-10 dilingkari jawaban yang benar.

1. Cut

2. Draw

3. Fold

4. Stick

5. Prepare

6. Tie

7. Make

8. Draw

9. Hang

10. Glue

a. Buat empat lubang pada bagian atas dan bawah sebuah botol plastik.

b. Ikat pita pada bagian atas botol agar menjadi bundel.

c. Ikat pita ke lubang-lubang pada botol.

d. Potong bagian atas dan bawah dari botol.

e. Gantung lentera di depan pintu.

f. Lentera sudah jadi.

g. Tempelkan bentuk-bentuk yang sudah dilem ke botol.

h. Gambar bentuk-bentuk pada kertas origami.

i. Potong bentuk-bentuk pada origami.

semoga membantu

maaf kalau ada yang salah

17. cut / cutting the origami paper​


kamu nanya translate kah? kalo iya ini yahh

- potonglah kertas origami

cutting the origami paper.

18. -the bottle-the top-cut-and-the bottom-of -into-nine-pieces-the ribbon-cut -the ribbon-tie-of-the holes-the bottle-to -shapes-draw-paper-on-the origami -the shapes-glue-of-the origami-paper


Cut-the bottom-and-the top-of-the bottle

cut-the ribbon-into-nine-pieces

tie-the ribbon-to-the holes-of-the bottle

draw-shapes-on-the origami-paper

glue-the shapes-of-the origami-paper

ini kaa^^ maaf kalo salah....

19. The meaning of cut the paper! is...


potong kertasnya

menuhin jawabannnn


guntinglah kertasnya!


Cut berarti potong namun karena yg dipotong adalah kertas, lebih tepat kalau diterjemahkan sebagai gunting karsna media yang digunakan adalah pisau dari gunting. The paper berarti "kertas itu", the menunjukan kertas sebagai objek. "Cut the paper" adalah bentuk kalimat perintah dalam bahasa inggris yang mengandung arti yg bersifat imperatif/memerintah kepada pembacanya untuk memotong kertas.

semoga membantu

20. bahasa indonesianya folding a paper bird adalah​


melipat burung kertas


maaf kalo salah :)


melipat burung kertas


it jawabanya klo ke indoin

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