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The Product Of A Number And 9

The Product Of A Number And 9

the product of 7 and a number is 252. what is the number?​

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1. the product of 7 and a number is 252. what is the number?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7 × a = 252

so, a = 252 : 7

a = 36

2. the product of 7 and a number 13 252 what is the number?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7 × a = 252

so, a = 252 : 7

a = 36

3. They are making product A and product B at a factory. If we comparethe number of products made in January and February, they made 1,200product A and product B in January. In February, A was made 4% morethan January and B was made 140 fewer than January. So, the totalnumber of products made in February was 10% less than that in January.Find the number of product A and product B they made in February.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

aku gk tau langkah langkah nya sorry ya kalau salah

4. 1.Brand of the product? 2.Name of the product? 3.Description of the product? 4.Contents or amount of the product? 5.Ingredients of the product? 6.Directions for instruction abiut the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Expiry date of the product 9.Warning 10.Manufacturer of the product tolong carikan jawabannya BUKAN diartikan


no problem

nama kamu siapa

rumah kamu di mana

kamu menjual apa

jual dari onlain

kamu menjual pakek apa

posting produk mu

berapa harganyaa


silahkan memebeli produk saya

5. 5. The product of a and b on a 3-digit number abc is equal to c. If a, b, and care all distinct, then the largest possible value of the 3-digit number abc is......​


ga paham sama pertanyaannya, ini maksudnya gmn?

6. A. the name of the product?B. the description of the product?C. the amount of the product?D. the ingredients of the product?E. the direction of the product?F. the direction to store of the product?G. the expiry date of the product?tolong di jawab ya kak (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ​


a. Duos usaha, blueberry soes

b. filled with blueberry cream

c. 35 g

d. (tulis semua isi komposisi/ ingredients)

e. -

f. dont litter

g. -

7. From the text, we know that ... A. the beautiful appearance and complex design of the product B. the multi function and simple operation of the product C. the modern shape and important function of the product D. the low price and high quality of the product ​

B. The multifunction and simple operation of the product


B. the multi function and simple operation of the product

8. the product of -9 and 5 , added to 10 is​

"Product" means the answer to a multiplication of two numbers. You are asked to write the answer to 5 and a number being multiplied together. Let the unknown number be x. The product is therefore 5×x=5x.

9. the brand of the product us cambell's chunky.the name of the product is ... it contains ... . the package describes the ... of the product per ... . the product contains fat, ... ,sodium , potassium , ... , protestin , vitamins A and C ,Calcium, and ... , the product is made of .. and vegetables. There are no directions for consumption nor ... shown in the label. neither is the ...


merk produk us cambell's chunky. nama produknya adalah ... isinya .... paket menjelaskan ... produk per .... produk mengandung lemak, ..., natrium, kalium, ..., protestin, vitamin A dan C, kalsium, dan ..., produk terbuat dari .. dan sayuran. Tidak ada petunjuk untuk konsumsi atau ... ditampilkan di label. begitu juga dengan ...

10. The sum of half of a number and 49 is 2¼ of the numbers. Find the number.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ini kita bikin persamaan matematikanya dulu, ya. Baru dicari =

1/2x + 49 = 2 1/4x

1/2x + 49 = 9/4x    (dikali 4)

2x + 196 = 9x

196 = 9x - 2x

196 = 7x

28 = x

Semoga membantu, yaa.

11. In a fruit stall, there are apples, bananas, blueberries and pears. The number of blueberries is 25% of the total number of fruits. The number of blueberries and bananas is the same and the number of pears is half the number of bananas. Find out the total number of fruits if there are 375 apples.


1000 fruits

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah :

apples = a , bananas = b , blueberries = bl , pears = p , fruits total = x

bl = b = 25% x

p = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 25% x = 12,5% x

a = 375

a + b + bl + p = x

375 + 25% x + 25% x + 12,5% x = x

375 + 62,5% x = x

375 = 37,5%x

x = 375 : [tex]\frac{37,5}{100}[/tex]

x = 1000

12. The sum of 40 % of number A and 30 % of number B is 6. The sum of 25 % of number A and 15% of number B is 5. Accordingly, what is the value of A?


----------------------- x 100




---------------------- x 100



4A+3B= 60

------------------ -

A = 40

13. is text is for questions number 8 to 10PINEAPPLETerjemahkan texs berikut ini COCONUTBANANA SMOOTHIEA blend of apple juice bananapineapple Juice and coconut milkIngredients:Storagedar Den250mlWhat is the topic of text?a. Informing details of the product.b. Explaining how to store the product.C. Telling the way to consume the product.d. Describing the ingredients of the product.of the product?​


Terjemahan texs berikut ini COCONUT


Campuran pisang jus apel

Jus nanas dan santan



dar Den


Apa topik teksnya?

Sebuah. Menginformasikan detail produk.

b. Menjelaskan cara menyimpan produk.

C. Menceritakan cara mengonsumsi produk.

d. Menjelaskan bahan-bahan produk.


14. screws to the number of nuts to the number of bolts is 2:3:7. The There are screws, nuts and bolts in a tool box. The ratio of the number of difference between the number of nuts and the number of bolts is 112. Find the number of each item.

[tex]7x - 3x = 112 \\ 4x = 112 \\ x = 28 \\ \\ screws = 2x = 2(28) = 56 \\ nuts = 3x = 3(28) = 84 \\ bolts = 7x = 7(28) = 196[/tex]

15. tolong dibantu The name of the product... * The brand of the product * The description of the product? * The use of the product ... * The content of the product... * The direction to use of the product... The direction to use of the product... The expiration date of the product... *


* The name of the product Augmentin

* The brand of the product SB SmithKline Beecham

* The description of the product


Amoxicillin/ Clavunalate potassium

When reconstituted, each 5 ml contains:

-Amoxicillin 125 mg, as the trihydrate,

-Clavulanic Acid 31,25 mg, as the clavunalate potassium

* The content of the product Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid

* The direction to use of the product

Direction for mixing(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yg digambar), Dosage(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yang digambar)

* The expiration date of the product 10 Days



16. The sum of a number and twice the square of the number is 45. Find the number.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

let the number = n






17. 6 Tim is thinking of a number. The number is a multiple of 6 It is also a multiple of 9. The number is between 60 and 80. What number is Tim thinking of?​


6 Tim sedang memikirkan sebuah angka. Angka tersebut adalah kelipatan 6 Ini juga merupakan kelipatan 9. Angka tersebut antara 60 dan 80. Angka berapa yang Tim pikirkan?



Semoga membantu

18. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fact Brand of the product Name of the product Description of the product Contents or amounts of the product Ingredients of the product Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) Directions for storage of the product Expiry date of the product Warning Manufacturer of the product Available? Statement​


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fakta Merek produk Nama produk Deskripsi produk Isi atau jumlah produk Komposisi produk Petunjuk petunjuk tentang produk (petunjuk konsumsi) Petunjuk penyimpanan produk Tanggal kedaluwarsa produk Peringatan Produsen produk Tersedia? Pernyataan


terjemahannya, maaf kalo salah...

19. 9 subtracted of the product of 3 and 15 is​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





20. What is the component of the product which has highest number?​


D. Sugar


Angka gramnya paling tinggi

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