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A Business Paid 7000 To A Creditor

A Business Paid 7000 To A Creditor

Proses menjual produk atau jasa kepada konsumen akhir merupakan pengertian bentuk-bentuk bisnis dari,.... A Consumer to consumer B Business to market C Business to business D Business to consumer E Tidak ada jawaban yang benar ​

Daftar Isi

1. Proses menjual produk atau jasa kepada konsumen akhir merupakan pengertian bentuk-bentuk bisnis dari,.... A Consumer to consumer B Business to market C Business to business D Business to consumer E Tidak ada jawaban yang benar ​


D. Business to consumer


maaf kalo salah

2. What is the writer's purpose to write the texto a. to introduce himself to his business partners: b. to invite his new business partners for a frast c. to make an appointment about the business feast d. to offer a business cooperation to the recriver's company e. to celebrate the business relationship of the two companies​


jwb nya berupa teks ga sih?

ok jwb nya



sebelum jawab utamakan translate:

Apa tujuan penulis menulis teks a. memperkenalkan diri kepada mitra bisnisnya: b. mengundang mitra bisnis barunya untuk frast c. untuk membuat janji tentang pesta bisnis


1. Cash bank 15.000

            Equity 15.000

2. Prepaid rent 2.350

            Cash bank 2.350

6. Office equipment 10.000

            Cash bank 10.000

8. Truck 21.000

        Cash bank 2.000

        Account payable 19.000

10. Supplies 1.200

         Cash bank 1.200

12. Cash bank 8.500

          Service revenue 8.500

15. Prepaid insurance 1.800

          Cash bank 1.800

23. Account receivable 6.000

           Service revenue 6.000

24. Truck expenses 1.000

          Account payable 1.000

29. Utilities expense 1.100

            Cash bank 1.100

29. Miscellaneous expenses 5.500

            Cash bank 5.500

30. Cash bank 3.500

           Service revenue 3.500

30. Wages n salaries expense 3.000

          Cash bank 3.000

30. Account payable 2.500

        Cash bank 2.500

30. Owner's Withdrawal Account 51.750

              Cash bank 51.750


4. 1. what is a business cycle? 2. what benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business? 3. what month of the year is the best to open a business in your opinion?

1. Business cycle is the periodic growth and decline of a nation's economy, usually measured by the GDP of the country. On the other hand, the government is doing the spending, raising or lowering taxes, and adjusting interest rates as an effort to manage the business cycle of its country. The reason why business cycles are important is that they can affect individuals in a number of ways, from job-hunting to investing.

2. A business can utilize the knowledge of a country business cycle by choosing the suitable business according to the current condition of the country business cycle. For example, if there's a recession the business can focus more on low-risk business activities, or investing in the stock market since the stock market will experience a temporary drop in the price when there's a recession, for example like last year during the pandemic recession.

3. In my opinion, the best month of the year to open a business is in the holiday's month such as December or mid-year months (June/July), especially if our business is in the Food & Beverages or Tourism area. Since there will be more potential customers (people want to celebrate/take a holiday trip).




Pada 2 November 2006, Nicole Oliver mendirikan bisnis dekorasi interior, Devon Designs. Selama sisa bulan tersebut, Nicole menyelesaikan transaksi berikut yang terkait dengan bisnis: 2 Novembernicole mentransfer uang tunai dari rekening bank pribadi ke rekening yang akan digunakan untuk bisnis, $ 15.000. 5. Membayar sewa untuk periode 5 November sampai akhir bulan sebesar $ 1.750. 6. Membeli peralatan kantor secara kredit senilai $ 8.500. 8.membeli truk bekas seharga $ 18.000, membayar tunai $ 10.000 dan memberikan wesel bayar untuk sisanya. 10. Membeli persediaan dengan uang tunai, $ 1.115. 12. Menerima uang tunai untuk pekerjaan yang diselesaikan, $ 7.500. 15. Membayar premi tahunan untuk asuransi properti dan kecelakaan, $ 2.400. 23.pekerjaan yang dicatat selesai pada akun dan mengirim faktur ke pelanggan, $ 3.950. 24. Menerima faktur untuk biaya truk, yang harus dibayar pada bulan Desember, $ 600. 29. Membayar biaya utilitas $ 750. 29. Membayar biaya lain-lain, $ 310. 30. Menerima kas dari pelanggan secara kredit, $ 2.200. 30.membayar gaji karyawan, $ 2.700.

6. jelaskan Monkey business:7.Annual business:8. To be in business:9. To be out business​

Jawaban:annual business = usaha tahunan

to be business = berada dalam bisnis

to be out business = umtuk keluar bisnis


7. 8. Mr. Rudi : "..Anto: "Your goal to run a business onrestaurant field is a good idea Sir."a. I have a plan to open a small crafts and presents business.b. I have a plan to run a small business on book publisherc. I have a plan to run small restaurantd. I have a plan to open my second caree. I have a plan to enlarge my business.​




karena, pada kalimat pernyataan diatas menunjukan dukungan untuk membuka bisnis restauran.

Cjawaban yang tepat, karena orang yang mempunyai bisnis tersebut.

8. she........to be a successful business owner​



Sekian Mohon Brainliests Answernya


Dia... Menjadi pemilik bisnis yang sukses

9. Transaksi elektronik barang atau jasa antar konsumen yang dilakukan melalui pihak ketiga sebagai penyedia platform online untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut merupakan e-commerce jenis ....a. business-to-business(b2b)b. business-to-customer(b2c)c. customer-to-customer (c2c) d. customer-to-business (c2b)e. business-to-government (b2g)​


c. customer-to-customer (c2c)


customer -to-costumer (C2C)

C2C merupakan jenis e-commerce yang meliputi semua transaksi elektronik barang atau jasa antar konsumen. Umumnya transaksi ini dilakukan melalui pihak ketiga yang menyediakan platform online untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut

semoga membantu

jadikan jawabanku sebagai yang terbaik yaa:v

10. She had to pay the bill yesterday. a The bill was paid yesterday. b The bill had been paid yesterday. c The bill had to be paid yesterday. d The bill must be paid yesterday.

She had to pay the bill yesterday.

a The bill was paid yesterday.

b The bill had been paid yesterday.

c The bill had to be paid yesterday.

d The bill must be paid yesterday.

11. Contoh kalimat to be in of business , to be out of business, booming business, to build up business, business comptition, business corporation

1. to be in of business

= The eatery, a five star restaurant, is going to be in of business this week.

2. To be out of business

= Because of the monetary crisis, my family restaurant is going to be out of business

3. Booming business

= A colorful food is popular right now. that kind of trend is a good recipe for a booming business.

4. To build up business

= To build up business, a good one, you need to focus on your goal.

5. Business competition

= A business competition is being held at Mawar Hall. their participants needs to pass a few requirement, one of them is a stable growth over 5 years

12. Back to School with Brainly - Tolong bantu jawab ya. A management college is turning to Shakespeare for lessons on... a. how survive in business b. how surviving in business c. how to survive in business d. how is survive in business e. how being survive in business



a. how survive in business
b. how surviving in business
c. how to survive in business <===
d. how is survive in business
e. how being survive in business.


13. Transaksi elektronik barang atau jasa antar konsumen yang dilakukan melalui pihak ketiga sebagai penyedia platform online untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut merupakan e-commerce jenis ....a. business-to-business(b2b)b. business-to-customer(b2c)c. customer-to-customer (c2c) d. customer-to-business (c2b)e. business-to-government (b2g)​




customer -to-costumer (C2C)

C2C merupakan jenis e-commerce yang meliputi semua transaksi elektronik barang atau jasa antar konsumen. Umumnya transaksi ini dilakukan melalui pihak ketiga yang menyediakan platform online untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut


14. I wanted to joined a Business Workshop. Apa yang salah?

you problem is I wanted

15. Produsen tas membuat sebuah website untuk menjual barangnya secara online. Jika seseorang membeli tas lewat website tersebut, bentuk transaksi yang terjadi adalah ...a. business to conusmersb. consumer to consumerc. consuner to businessd. business to businesse. produsen ke konsumen​





Maaf kalo salah

16. 8.Mr. Rudi : "...."Anto : "Your goal to run a businessrestaurant field is a good ideaSir."a. I have a plan to open a small crafts andpresents business.b. I have a plan to run a small business onbook publisher.I have a plan to run small restaurant.d. I have a plan to open my second cafe.e. I have a plan to enlarge my business.​


c. i have a plan to run small restaurant


maaf kalo salah;)

Jawaban:C. i have a plan to run small restaurant.

di soal gaada pilihan c nya anying!!!


17. she........to be a successful business owner​




jadikan jawaban terbaik ^_^


she going to be a successful business owner


# semoga membantu

# jadikan yg terbaik ya ^_^

18. Explain the following words and make up sentences with either of them: to mind one’s own business; bad business; dirty business; personal business; business hours; monkey (funny) business; annual business; to be in business; to be out of business; booming business; to build up business; business competition; business corporation

banyan tree and I have a good day at work and I have to go to the gym and I have to go to bed now and I have to

19. A lot of money is paid by her to watch Kecak dance performanceThe active form of the sentence is ....A. She is paying a lot of money to watch Kecak dance performance.B. She had paid a lot of money to watch Kecak dance performance.C. She has paid a lot of money to watch Kecak dance performance.D. She pays a lot of money to watch Kecak dance performance.E. She paid a lot of money to watch Kecak dance performance.​

Jawabannya A karena yg diminta active form: using verb+ing

20. Apa arti dari annual business, dirty business, to be in business, to be out of business?

ARTINYA=bisnis tahunan, bisnis kotor, berbisnis, gulung tikar

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