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How Many Pounds Is 550 Kg

How Many Pounds Is 550 Kg

If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?

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1. If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?


1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros

60.00 pounds = 60.00×1.20 = 72.00 euros

2. the doll is 500 pounds and you only have 450 pounds how much money that you need to get?


500 pounds -450 pounds=50 pounds

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3. berapa 1 pounds ke kg

1 pound : 10 kilogram1 pounde = 1=0 jadi jawabanya 10

4. 1 .550 g + 550 hg = ... kg


1550 g=1,55

550 hg=55


maaf kalo salah:)

5. 10.) jake harvested 30 pounds of eggplants and 90 pounds of carrots. what is the ratio of eggplants to carrots



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kan yang ditanya ratio/perbandingan ya, jadi tinggal kita bandingin aja :

Eggplants : Carrots

30 : 90

Disederhanakan dengan dibagi 30, jadi =

Eggplants : Carrots


Semoga membantu, yaa.

6. How many hamburger and hot dog buns are they going to need? a. Three pounds a piece b. five packages a piece c. Nine pounds a pieced. Seven packages a piecee. Six bags a piece​


How many hamburger and hot dog buns are they going to need?

a. Three pounds a piece

b. five packages a piece

c. Nine pounds a piece

d. Seven packages a piece

e. Six bags a piece


Berapa banyak roti hamburger dan hot dog yang akan mereka butuhkan?

a. Tiga pon sepotong

b. lima paket satu potong

c. Sembilan pon sepotong

d. Tujuh paket satu potong

e. Enam kantong satu potong






7. is it save to consume 5 pounds of sand?


are you kidding me?

its definitely notbsafe even if you consume 1 pound of sand

you'll get sick or even die


sorry if im wrong

8. Berikut adalah data hasil penimbangan beratsapi di suatu peternakan (dalam kg).350 450 550 600 550 550 500 400 300 400Median data tersebut adalah ...a. 350 kgb. 400 kg475 kgd. 550 kg​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


mediannya berada diantara 450 Dan 500

maka 450+500 / 2 = 950/2 = 475

9. 1 unit 1 unit 2550 Green 1 unit Yellow +550 Biue There were 2550 green, yellow and blue marbles altog There were twice as many green marbles as yellow m There were 550 more blue marbles than yellow mar How many yellow marbles were there? . How many blue marbles were there? How many green marbles were there? ​


1 unit 1 unit 2550 Hijau 1 unit Kuning +550 Biue Ada 2550 kelereng hijau, kuning dan biru alto Jumlah kelereng hijau dua kali lebih banyak dari kuning m Ada 550 kelereng biru lebih banyak dari mar kuning Berapa banyak kelereng kuning? . Berapa banyak kelereng biru yang ada? Berapa banyak kelereng hijau yang ada? kami

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu artinya minta di jwb atau apa?

10. How much hamburger meat are they going to need? A.three pounds B.ten hamburger C.nine pounds D.seven packages E.six bags


i dont know, how could i know?


lack of information

11. 3 ton = kg. 60 kuintal = kg. 550 kg = kg​






3 ton = 3000kg ( 1 ton = 1000kg)

60 kwintal = 600kg ( 1 kwintal 100 kg)

550 kg = 550 kg

12. 550 g + 550 hg = ...kg


55,55 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

550 g = 550 : 1000 = 0,55 kg

550 hg = 55 kg

0,55 + 55= 55,55 kg

Semoga bermanfaat.... Jadikan jawaban tercerdas

13. peu »21 altogether. 4) Green 1 unis 1 unit Yellow 2550 1 1 +550 Biue There were 2550 green, yellow and blue marbles altogether There were twice as many green marbles as yellow marbles There were 550 more blue marbles than yellow marbles. How many yellow marbles were there? 5. How many blue marbles were there? c. How many green marbles were there? ​


peu »21 sama sekali. 4) Hijau 1 unis 1 unit Kuning 2550 1 1 +550 Biue Ada 2550 kelereng hijau, kuning dan biru seluruhnya Ada dua kali lebih banyak kelereng hijau dari kelereng kuning Ada 550 kelereng biru lebih banyak dari kelereng kuning. Berapa banyak kelereng kuning yang ada? 5. Berapa banyak kelereng biru yang ada? C. Berapa banyak kelereng hijau yang ada?


14. 1,5 + 7,2 + 550 kg......kg​


558,7 kg


1,5kg +7,2kg + 550kg = 558,7 kg




1,5 + 7,2 +550 =558,7

15. How much is the bag? (€ 9. 35) It is nine and thirty - five eurosIt is nine hundred and thirty - five eurosIt is nine euros thirty - fiveIt is nine and thirty five pounds​


3. It is nine euros thirty - five


sorry if i'm wrong.., ty :3

16. massa benda kerja 0,28 kg besarnya sama dengan... poundsmohon bantuan kawan2

0,28 kg = 0,6172943 lb0,28 kg sama dengan 1,75 pounds
Maaf jika salah

17. 2,5ton + 1,25kuintal - 550 Kg =.......kg pakai cara

2,5 ton = 2.500 kg
1,25 kuintal = 125 kg

2,5 ton + 1,25 kuintal = (2.500 + 125) kg = 2.625 kg
2,5 ton x 1000 = 2500 kg
1,25 kw x 100 = 1250 kg
550 kg = 550 kg
2,5 ton + 1,25 kw - 550 kg = 2500 kg + 1250 - 550 kg = 3750 kg - 550 kg = 3200 kg
semoga membantu dan maaf ya kalau jawabannya salah

18. het 1 unit 1 unit Green 1 unit 550 Yellow 2550 Biue 1 unit There were 2550 green, yellow and blue marbles alte There were twice as many green marbles as yellow There were 550 more blue marbles than yellow ma How many yellow marbles were there? How many blue inarbles were there? How many green marbles were there?​

Ada picture question nya g?

19. Berikut data hasil penimbangan berat sapi di suatu peternakan (dalam kg).350550450500550400600300550400 Modus dari data tersebut adalah.A.400 kg.B.500 kg.C.550 kg.D.600 kg.

Modus adalah data yang paling sering keluar.

300 = 1 (kali)

350 = 1 (kali)

400 = 2 (kali)

450 = 1 (kali)

500 = 1 (kali)

550 = 3 (kali)

600 = 1 (kali)

jadi, modusnya adalah C.550 kg.

jangan lupa follow

20. 29. Berikut adalah data hasil penimbangan beratsapi di suatu peternakan dalam kol350 450 550 600 550 550 500 400 300 400Median data tersebut adalaha. 350 kgb. 400 kgc475 kgd 550 kgisiin caranya ​


c. 475 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

median = nilai tengah

diurutkan dari yg kecil dulu

300 350 400 400 450 500 550 550 550 600

karena ada 2 nilai tengah, jadi di cati average nya

(450 + 500) : 2

950 : 2 = 475

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