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Homework 5 Trigonometry Finding Sides And Angles

Homework 5 Trigonometry Finding Sides And Angles

what shape has Theree sides and three angles​

Daftar Isi

1. what shape has Theree sides and three angles​


Triangle ( Segitiga )

Maaf jika ada kesalahan, have a nice day ^^

2. what shapes has theree sides and theree angles?​


what shapes has three sides and three angles?​

The shape that consists of three sides and three angles is triangle. It has 3 sides, and also 3 angles that sum up to 180 degree.

Arti :

Bentuk apakah yang memiliki 3 sisi dan 3 sudut?

Bentuk yang memiliki 3 sisi dan 3 sudut yaitu segitiga. Segitiga memiliki 3 sisi, dan juga 3 sudut yang dijumlahkan berjumlah 180 derajat.

Sa-chan hopes this help :P

3. A plane shape has these types (1) Has 4 sides and 4 angles (2) Has 2 pairs of parallel sides (3) Has 2 cute angles and 2 obtuse angles. The plane shape below with the types above is


Parallelogram (jajargenjang)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf kalau salah

4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan: - Supplementary Angles - Complementary Angles - Corresponding Angles - Alternate interior Angles - Alternate exterior Angles - Opposite Angles

- sudut suplemen atau sudut yang berpelurus Sifat : Kalo dijumlahkan hasilnya 180 derajat - sudut komplemen atau berpenyiku Sifat : Kalo dijumlahkan hasilnya 90 derajat - saya gatau corresponding, maaaaf - sudut dalam bersebrangan Sifat : Besarnya sama - sudut luar bersebrangan Sifat : Besarnya sama - sudut bertolak belakang Sifat : Besarnya sama Maaf kalau salah

5. 1.what ia the writer's name? 2.how many shapes are there in the text? 3.what shape has two sides longer that the other two? 4.what shape has three sides and three angles? 5.is learning shape interesting ​


1. His name is Hilmi

2. There are eight shapes

3.  Rectangle

4. Triangle

5. Yes, it is very interesting

6. Apa terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dari: - Supplementary Angles - Complementary Angles - Corresponding Angles - Alternate interior Angles - Alternate exterior Angles - Opposite Angles

- Tambahan Angles
- Pelengkap Angles
- Angles korespondensi
- Alternatif interior Angles
- Angles eksterior Alternatif
- Angles Opposite
Maaf kalau salah.

7. This is a shape. It has four equal sides and four anglesof 90°. It is a ....​


It is a square .

maaf kalau salah




semoga bermanfaat

8. Text for number 1 to 5.Today my English teacher explains about shape. There are many kinds of shapes. They are square, rectangle, triangle, circle, cylinder, cone, pentagon, star, diamond, etc. Each shape has different features. For example, square has four sides and four angles. Triangle has three sides and three angles, and circle has only one side and no angles.1. The text tells us about ....2. There are ... shapes mentioned in the text.3. The square has ... sides and angles.4. The ... has three sides and three angles.5. Who explains the shape? He/she is the writer's ...​

1. shapes

2. nine

3. four

4. triangle

5. he/she is the writer's english teacher

9. The correct the properties of polygons are .... 1. Have curves. 2. Closed shapes. 3. 2 dimensional figures. 4. The straight lines cross each other. 5. Multisided shapes with straight sides, vertices and angles


1) have curves

2 closed shapes

5. multisidex shapes with straight sides , vertices a d angles

10. There are..... The shapes of them are..... Because they have ...... sides and.... angles​


There are.....

The shapes of them are.....

Because they have ...... sides and.... angles

Answer :

There are trianglerulers



trianglerulers:Penggaris² segitiga

sides : sisi

angles : sudut

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : two-dimentional figure

11. Ada gambar segi empat sampinya ada bacaan it is a.......... it has........ equal sides it has......angles


it is a square, it has 4 equal sides and 4 angles

12. What is the name of a shape that has 4 equal sides and 4 door angles? *​



13. the quadrilateral has two pairs of equal sides and four right angles(digambar)the quadrilateral has no equal sides and no equal angles(digambar juga)mohon cepet dijawab ya yg ngasal aku report

maaf kalau kurang rapih. Btw, kyknya lingkaran juga bisa buat yg kedua.

maaf kalau salah :)

14. 3 Eddy draws each of the following shapes on square dot grid paperHow many sides and angles does each shape have?Mark all the angles inside each shapeShapeNumber of sides Number of angles​

cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar....

15. Explain how shapes and forms can be classified. Use the following words: angles, dimensions, sides, surface. tolong dijawab pelajaran bahasa inggris saya


a geometry has sides and angles. building space has a different surface shape. building space is included in three dimensions


maaf kalau salah

16. 2. How many shapes are there in the text? Answer: 3. What shape has two sides longer that the other two? Answer: : 4. What shape has three sides and three angles? Answer: 5. Is learning shape interesting? Answer: tolong jawab​


2. eight (8) shape

3. rectangle has two sides longer that the other two

4. triangle has three sides and three angles

5. learning shape is very interesting

Semoga membantu

17. ITS shape .it has three sides and three angles what shape is?a.triangle b.square c.rectangled.circlejangan asal loh ​


A. triangle


karena ada 3 sisi dan 3 sudut

18. 1. The text us about....2. There are............ shapes mentioned in the text.3. The square has.......... sides and angles4. The..........., has three sides ant three angles5. Who explains the shape? He/she is the writer's​


1. Teks kami tentang ....

2. Ada............ bentuk yang disebutkan dalam teks.

3. Persegi memiliki .......... sisi dan sudut

4. ..........., memiliki tiga sisi semut tiga sudut

5. Siapa yang menjelaskan bentuk? Dia adalah penulisnya



1. The text us aboutShapes

2. There are.many. shapes mentioned in the text.

. shapes mentioned in the text.3. The square has 4 sides and angles

sides and angles4. The triangle.., has three sides ant three angles

.., has three sides ant three angles5. Who explains the shape? He/she is the writer's

19. Triangle ABC has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles. The equal angles are opposite the equal sides, you call this a/ana. right angled triangleb. isosceles trianglec. equilateral triangled. scalene triangle​


b. isosceles triangle

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20. 5 a. From the following statement, write true or false for the property of the rectangle The opposite sides are equal and parallel. Two diagonals are equal, bisect each other, and are perpendicular. The opposite angles are equal and both diagonals are the bisector of the angle. The adjacent angles are supplementary.



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