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Jack And Jill Fairy Tale Story

Jack And Jill Fairy Tale Story

what categorizes the story as a fairy tale

1. what categorizes the story as a fairy tale


In the literary world, fairy tale stories or normally called as simply fairy tale, is a tale or story which has an element of fantasy in it, something that is not possible to happen in the real life. This kind of story usually has unusually unreal characters such as dragons, wizards, dwarves, giants, elves, ghosts or devils in it along with the imaginary realm as the setting of it as well. However, there are more specific stuff to distinguish fairy tales to legends or epics. Here are the essential ones:

- Fairy tale has no specific time as the setting. Normally it starts with the phrase 'Once upon a time....' to begin with.

- Fairy tale has no reference on heavy stuff or profound subjects like religion, philosophy or history since it's intended for children or young adults. It only contains moral values in it.

- Fairy tale is originated from oral stories passed by generations without no specific written source like novels or plays.

The examples of fairy tales are Brothers Grimm's Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, Snow White or JRR Tolkien's The Hobbits and Hans Christian Andersen's short stories like The Little Match Girl for example.

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: literature

Kata Kunci: fairy tales, story

2. cerita cinderella (folk tale/fairy tale) ? - sebutkan beberapa contoh fairy tale !

Cerita Cinderella fairy tale
Fairy tale adalah cerita tentang peri yang penuh dengan unsur keajabaian

Contoh fairy tale
- Snow white
- Pinokio

Fairy tale karena ada unsur magis dan bersifat imajinatif
Contoh lainnya :
- Sleeping beauty
- Beauty and the beast
- Snow white and the seven dwarfs
- Jack and the beanstalk
- Pocahontas
- Aladin
- Little red riding hood
- Pinnochio
- Mulan
- The little mermaid
- Peter pan
- Alice in wonderland
- Goldilocks and the three bear
- Maleficent
- The ugly duckling
- Bambi
- The lion king
- Rapunzel
- Puss in boots
- Rumpelstiltskin
- The frog prince
- The snow queen
Dan masih banyak lagi..

3. jack and jill...... (decided) to get married

Jack Dan Jill Memutuskan Untuk Menikah.

Maaf Banget Klo Salah

4. fairy tale legend and myth they are kind of

Literature work

Maaf kalau salah

5. cinderella cerita folktale atau fairy tale atau apa??

Fairy tale
Semoga bermanfaat

6. apa yang dimaksud dengan fairy tale

Cerita dongeng atau cerita peri, di cerita terrsebut ada unsur fantasy nya
Fairy tale adalah cerita atau karangan yang dibuat dengan memunculkan karakter karakter fantasi seperti contohnya goblin, elf, giant, peri.

semoga dapat membantu ;)

7. contoh teks dari fairy tale

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Alice that always curious about anything Alice is sitting with her sister outdoors when she spies a white rabbit with a pocket watch. Fascinated by the sight, she follows the rabbit down the hole. She falls for a long time, and finds herself in a long hallway full of doors. There is also a key on the table, which unlocks a tiny door; through this door, she spies a beautiful garden. She longs to get there, but the door is too small. Soon, she finds a drink with a note that asks her to drink it. There is later a cake with a note that tells her to eat; Alice uses both, but she cannot seem to get a handle on things, and is always either too large to get through the door or too small to reach the key.While she is tiny, she slips and falls into a pool of water. She realizes that this little sea is made of tears she cried while a giant. She swims to shore with a number of animals, most notably a sensitive mouse, but manages to offend everyone by talking about her cat's ability to catch birds and mice. Left alone, she goes on through the wood and runs into the White Rabbit. He mistakes her for his maid and sends her to fetch some things from his house. While in the White Rabbit's home, she drinks another potion and becomes too huge to get out through the door. She eventually finds a little cake which, when eaten, makes her small again.In the wood again, she comes across a Caterpillar sitting on a mushroom. He gives her some valuable advice, as well as a valuable tool: the two sides of the mushroom, which can make Alice grow larger and smaller as she wishes. The first time she uses them, she stretches her body out tremendously. While stretched out, she pokes her head into the branches of a tree and meets a Pigeon. The Pigeon is convinced that Alice is a serpent, and though Alice tries to reason with her the Pigeon tells her to be off. Alice gets herself down to normal proportions and continues her trek through the woods. In a clearing she comes across a little house and shrinks herself down enough to get inside. It is the house of the Duchess; the Duchess and the Cook are battling fiercely, and they seem unconcerned about the safety of the baby that the Duchess is nursing. Alice takes the baby with her, but the child turns into a pig and trots off into the woods. Alice next meets the Cheshire cat (who was sitting in the Duchess's house, but said nothing). The Cheshire cat helps her to find her way through the woods, but he warns her that everyone she meets will be mad.Alice goes to the March Hare's house, where she is treated to a Mad Tea Party. Present are the March Hare, the Hatter, and the Dormouse. Ever since Time stopped working for the Hatter, it has always been six o'clock; it is therefore always teatime. Alice leaves them and finds a tree with a door in it: when she looks through the door, she spies the door-lined hallway from the beginning of her adventures. This time, she is prepared, and she manages to get to the lovely garden that she saw earlier. She walks on through, and finds herself in the garden of the Queen of Hearts. There, three gardeners are painting the roses red. If the Queen finds out that they planted white roses, she'll have them beheaded. The Queen herself soon arrives, and she does order their execution; Alice helps to hide them in a large flowerpot.The Queen invites Alice to play croquet, which is a very difficult game in Wonderland, as the balls and mallets are live animals. The game is interrupted by the appearance of the Cheshire cat, whom the King of Hearts immediately dislikes.The Queen takes Alice to the Gryphon, who in turn takes Alice to the Mock Turtle.The Knave of Hearts has been accused of stealing the tarts of the Queen of Hearts, but there is no evidence. Alice begins to grow larger. She is soon called to the witness stand; by this time she has grown to giant size. She refuses to be intimidated by the bad logic. Suddenly, the cards all rise up and attack her, at which point she wakes up. Her adventures in Wonderland have all been a fantastic dream.
Fairy Tale Tentang Cinderella

8. 6. (+)(-) Jack and Jill aren't very smart.(?)​

(+)Jack and Jill are very smart
(?) Are Jack and Jill very smart

6. Answer

(+) Jack and Jill are very smart.

(?) Are Jack and Jill very smart?

9. cerita pinokio (folk tale/fairy tale) ?

fairy tale
karena cerita pinokio itu cuma cerita dongeng. gaada didunia nyataKalo dilihat dari ada tidak nya fairytale tapi kalo dilihat dari mitos kalo berbohong tambah mancung itu folktale..

*my opinion*

10. Penggunaan fairy tale,folk tale, fable

•Fairy tale itu kayak buat dongeng fantasi, yang tidak mungkin terjadi.

•Folk tale itu cerita dongeng khas rakyat setempat, makanya namanya ‘folk’, ada pengaruh dari masyarakat setempat.

•Fable/Fabel itu untuk cerita dongeng yang tokoh utamanya hewan, jarang bahkan tidak pernah manusia. Hewan yang bisa berbicara, bersifat layaknya manusia.

Semoga befaedah uwu

11. Fairy tale di ponorogo


Historical Stories of the Reog Ponorogo (Indonesia)

Long ago, there was a kingdom called the Kingdom of Kediri. Raja Kediri has a daughter named Putri Sanggalangit, a princess who is very beautiful and kind. Princess Sanggalangit grew up and many princes proposed.

The king of Kediri was very worried because Princess Sanggalangit always refused applications from the princes. Raja Kediri then met with Princess Sanggalangit. He requested that Princess Sanggalangit receive a proposal from one of the princes.

Sanggalangit's daughter could not refuse his father's request. However, he proposed a condition for the princes who wanted it.

"Tell the princes, Father. If you want to marry me, they must accept the conditions from me, which is to hold a show that has never been seen in this country. The second condition, the show must be accompanied by 140 twin horse riders. Then the last condition, they must bring a two-headed animal, "said Princess Sanggalangit.


The king of Kediri was surprised to hear that requirement. Really difficult conditions proposed by his daughter. But he had to keep announcing it to the princes. After Raja Kediri announced the conditions, only two princes were able to participate in the contest, namely Pangeran Kelana and Pangeran Singabarong. They went home to prepare these conditions.

A few days later, Prince Kelana had prepared everything. But, there was one he did not have, namely a two-headed animal. He only has a peacock that is very beautiful. Prince Kelana hopes that Princess Sanggalangit likes her peacock.

Prince Kelana's entourage went to the kingdom of Kediri. However, on the way, the group of Prince Kelana was intercepted by a ferocious lion. Actually the lion is the incarnation of Prince Singabarong. He wants to seize what is prepared by Prince Kelana. Prince Singabarong is really cunning. Some soldiers fell victim to the lion's ferocity. Prince Kelana then looked for a way to stop the ferocious lion.

Olala ... her peacock suddenly went over the lion's shoulder. He pecked the bugs in the body of the lion. The lion is complacent. At the same time, Prince Kelana took his magic whip, then pointed it at the lion and peacock. Finally the lion and peacock's body stick together. They are inseparable. Prince Kelana also managed to tame the lion.

Now complete the conditions proposed by Putri Sanggalangit. Prince Kelana's entourage continued their journey to the kingdom of Kediri and performed there. Putri Sanggalangit was very amazed to see a performance that had never existed before. Princess Sanggalangit was also fascinated by the two-headed animal brought by Prince Kelana. Lion-headed and peacock-headed animals. So beautiful.

Historical Stories of the Reog Ponorogo

Historical Stories of the Reog Ponorogo

Finally, Princess Sanggalangit received the proposal Prince Kelana. Since then, the show that was performed by Prince Kelana was named Reog Ponorogo.

12. saya ingin tau cerita apa saja tentang fairy tale ?

Fables, Fairy Tales, Stories andNursery RhymesAesop's FablesThe Ass in the Lion's SkinThe Bat and the WeaselsThe Fox and the HedgehogThe Fox and the LeopardThe Fox and the MonkeyThe Lion, the Fox, and the AssThe Monkey and the CamelThe Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Sick LionThe Tortoise and the Hare
Hans Christian AndersenThe Beetle who went on his TravelsThe Emperor's New ClothesThe Little MermaidThe Princess and the PeaThe Snow ManThe Snow QueenThumbelina or Little TinyThe Ugly Duckling
Grimms Fairy TalesBeauty and the BeastCinderellaGoldilocks And The Three BearsHansel and GretelLittle Red Riding HoodSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsThe Three Little PigsThe Wise Little Girl
Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in WonderlandThrough the Looking Glass
Carlo CollodiPinocchio
Mother Goose and Selected Nursery RhymesBaa Baa Black SheepHey Diddle DiddleLittle Boy BlueLittle Miss MuffetMary Had A Little LambOld MacDonald had a FarmRing-a-Round a RosieThere Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A ShoeThree Little Kittens

fairy tale adalah cerita dongeng yang tidak nyata.ada banyak kisah yg tidak nyata di Indonesia seperti: Gunung Tangkuban perahu, Asal mula danau toba, Batu belah batu betangkup dll

13. beri penjelasan dari lagu fairy tale​


fairy tale atau dongeng merupakan bentuk sastra lama yang bercerita tentang suatu kejadian yang luar biasa yang penuh khayalan yang dianggap oleh masyarakat suatu hal yang tidak benar-benar terjadi. Dongeng merupakan bentuk cerita tradisional atau cerita yang disampaikan secara turun-temurun dari nenek moyang.


lagu fairy tale adalah sebuah lagu belanda yg menjadi sundtrack (DRAKOR) lagu ini di rilis tanggal 17 januari 2019

14. Dongeng tentang fairy tale


Dongeng adalah salah satu cerita rakyat yang cukup beragam cakupannya serta berasal dari berbagai kelompok etnis, masyarakat, atau daerah tertentu di berbagai belahan dunia.

15. CLJDUK and Jill's babyincorrect?A. Jack and Jill are not marriedB. Tony is Jack's and Jill's friendC. Jack and Jill will sail a new lifeD. Tony wishes the best for Jack and Jill18. According to the text, which statement is​


Answer : A


Happy helped you!

16. Contoh legend,fable,fairy tale,folk tale,myth

Subject : English
Category : Reading (narrative)
Keywords : Legend, fairy tale, folktale, myth, fable

Legends are made up stories about historical figures.
Examples of legend :
1. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
2. Queen Boadicea
3. Robin Hood

Fables are stories that feature animals with human-like qualities. Fables are usually used to deliver moral lesson.
Examples of fables :
1. The Tortoise and The Hare
2. The Ant and The Grasshopper
3. The Lion and The Mouse

Fairy tales are stories that features magical creatures like fairies, elves, goblins, etc and magical events. Fairy tales happen in magical lands.
Examples of fairy tales :
1. Cinderella
2. Rumpelstiltskin
3. Beauty and The Beast

Folktales are stories that are passed down from generation to generation. Like fables, folktales also teach moral lesson. However the main characters are human.
Examples of folktales :
1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
2. Daedalus and Icarus
3. Issunboshi

Myths are traditional stories usually about the early history of humans, explaining natural phenomena or about gods and deities.
Examples of myths :
1. Izanagi and Izanami
2. Thor
3. Mulajadi na Bolon

17. Mention the title of fairy tale, folk tale, and fabel ! (Each of them 7)

Fairy Tales :
- Cinderella
- Beauty and The Beast
- Hansel and Gretel
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Snow white and the 7 dwarfs
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Sleeping beauty

Folk Tales (Western) :
- The Pied Pipper
- Brother and sister
- The Seven Ravens
- The Goose Girl
- The Frog king
- Goldilocks and the three Bears
- The Bremen Town Musicians

Folk Tales (Local) :
- Bawang putih Bawang merah
- Putri Tangguk
- Cinderalas
- Roro Mendut
- Ande-ande Lumut
- Timun Mas
- Jaka Tarub

Fabels :
- The Frogs and the Ox
- The Town mouse and the Country mouse
- The Ant and the Dove
- The Wolf is Sheep's clothing
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Shepherds boy and the Wolf
- The Three little Pigs

18. Bagaimana sebuah cerita di sebut fairy tale?

What makes a story a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a story that is usually intended to be read by childrens. Imaginary and magical characters such as (but not exclusive to) elves, goblins and fairies features prominently in fairy tales.

The term “fairy" tale seems to refer more to the fantastic and magical setting or magical influences within a story, rather than the presence of the character of fairy characters within that story.

Fairy tales, especially in Indonesia, are often traditional; many were passed down from story-teller to story-teller before being recorded in books.

19. "the golden star fruit tree". what type the story is it?a. Legendb. fabelc. folk taled. fairy tale​




Karena menjelaskan tentang adanya dia di hati


B. fabel


sorry ia wrong

20. contoh fairy tale singkat ?

Title :
The Clever Violinist

One day a violinist decided to play some music as he was walking through the woods. But this attracted a large fierce bear.

“How well you play,” he said to the man, to gain his confidence. “Could you teach me to play as well?”

“Of course,” answered the violinist, not fooled at all. “As long as you do what I tell you. Put your paws in the crack in this tree.”

The bear did as he was told and the musician was quick to jam his paws in the crack with a large stone. The bear was stuck tight.

The next time the violinist played, he attracted a lion, and the same scene was repeated. This time the beast was caught in a trap and ended up hanging by its tail from a tree. Then it was the turn of a tiger, which was captured by a similar trick.

When the three wild beasts managed to free themselves, the chased after the violinist, seeking revenge; but they found him in the company of a new friend: a huge woodsman with a giant axe, who chased the animals away. And so the clever violinist Crossed the forest in safety.
Semoga bermanfaat (*^_^*)
jika merasa terbantu
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