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Kip Is Using A Recipe

Kip Is Using A Recipe

My brother ........ good at cooking.he ........ several recipe e-books.We will try to cook using the recipe.​

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1. My brother ........ good at cooking.he ........ several recipe e-books.We will try to cook using the recipe.​


My brother very good at cooking.he try several recipe e-books.We will try to cook using the recipe.


Saudaraku sangat pandai memasak. Dia mencoba beberapa resep buku elektronik. Kami akan mencoba memasak menggunakan resep itu.

2. the goal of recipe is...​

The goal of recipe is start as the main idea of a procedural text.

so that people know and are not wrong in making something food or drink

3. Apa arti dari what recipe is this


resep apa ini?

semoga membantu ok :')

4. right or wrong 1. butet and iwan are writing a recipe [ ] 2. butet is holding the recipe [ ]

1. Right, sudah ok

2. Right, sudah ok

1. right. because butet and iwan plural, so use are + continuous
2. right, because butet singular, so use is + continuous

5. what is the difference between a recipe and manual

apa perbedaan antara resep dan manual

6. what is your favorite recipe?write ypur favorite recipe step by step below.

Gado gado Garlic Carrot 5 egg Chili Chesee 1. make sure you prepare everything you need (like noodle, pan, a bowl, sausages or vegetables like carrot or any other leaves if you want)
2. boil water for 2 minutes
3. open the noodle from its package and add it into the boiling water
4. stir the noodle and discard the water
5. place the noodle on a bowl or a plate, mix all the seasoning
6. fried noodle is ready to serve

7. what is the difference between a recipe and a manual?

Udah dijawab sini... https://brainly.co.id/tugas/17739572

8. active voice : The doctor is giving a recipePassive voice: ?​


A recipe is giving by the doctor


sorry if wrong

a recipe is given by the docor

9. Saat membuat mail merge, langkah untuk menghubungkan word dengan data yang ada di excel adalah …a. Mail merge-- select recipients – use existing listb. Mailings – select recipients – use existing listc. Mailings – select recipe– using listd. Mailings – select recipe– use existing liste. Mail merge – select recipe – using list​

A. mail merge-select recilients-use existing list


Microsoft Excel. Caranya tinggal masuk ke Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Select Recipients > Use Existing List.

10. Please make dialog!*Your mother cooked a meal using a new recipe. It's delicious. You compliment her.​


You: Mom, this meal is delicious! What's the recipe?

Mother: Thank you! I found it in a cookbook and decided to give it a try. I'm glad you like it.

You: It's so tasty! The flavors are perfect together.

Mother: I'm glad you think so. I was a little nervous about trying a new recipe, but it turned out better than I expected.

You: You have a great talent for cooking, Mom. Every meal you make is always delicious.

Mother: Aw, thank you. That means a lot to me. Cooking is my way of showing love to my family.

You: Well, you're doing an amazing job. I couldn't be happier.

Mother: I'm glad to hear that. Let's enjoy the meal!

11. cyntia is writing the recipe for


cyntia is writing the recipe for : patient(pasien)

12. Gerakan lenting tangan merupakan gabungan dari gerakan... a. forward roll dan handstand b. handstand dan kop kip c. kop kip dan neck kip d. handstand dan neck kip

b. handstand dan kop kipb. handstand dan kop kip

13. Gerakan lenting tangan merupakan gabungan dari gerakan... a. forward roll dan handstand b. handstand dan kop kip c. kop kip dan neck kip d. handstand dan neck kip

b. handstand dan kop kip

14. The purpose of the recipe is​




Semoga terbantu :)

15. What is the difference betwen a recipe an a manual

Recipe is a procedure text that explain steps to do something.

Manual is a text that explain everything about something and steps how to use it

16. using vegetables as is its ingredients, who Will be probably more interested in trying the recipe ? A. children B. teenagers C. pregnant women D. vegetarians ​


D. Vegetarians


Vegetarians will be interested to trying that recipe.

17. Gerakan lenting tangan merupakan gabungan dari gerakan... a. forward roll dan handstand b. handstand dan kop kip c. kop kip dan neck kip d. handstand dan neck kip

A.Forward roll dan handstand
#maaf kl salah

18. Goal tells us about..... Ingredients is about..... Steps or method tells us about... The purpose of writing a recipe is... A recipe consists of... The ingredient should be given... To tell the order of steps, the recipe..... Tolong dijawab besok dikumpulkan


1. truth

2. recipe

3. how to do

4. to have a precise record of the ingredients used, the amounts needed, and the way they are combined.

19. what is the diference between a recipe and a manual?​


The differencebetweenrecipe and manual is in the content and the object.

A RECIPE is a set of instructions that explain how to prepare or make something, especially a prepared food dish.

The earliest known written prescriptions date from around 1600 BC and come from Akkadian tablets from southern Babylon.[1] There are also works of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting food preparation.[2]

Many ancient Greek recipes are known. The Mithaecus cookbook was an early one, but much of it has been lost; Athenaeus quotes a short recipe in his book Deipnosophistae. Athenaeus mentions many other cookbooks, all missing.[3]

Roman recipes are known to begin in the 2nd century BC with Cato the Elder's De Agri Cultura. Many writers of this period described eastern Mediterranean cuisine in Greek and Latin.[3] Several Punic recipes are known in Greek and Latin translations.[3]

The large collection of De re coquinaria recipes, conventionally titled Apicius, appeared in the 4th or 5th century and is the only complete cookbook from the classical world. It lists the courses served in dishes such as Gustatio (appetizer), Primae Mensae (main course) and Secundae Mensae (dessert).[4] Each recipe begins with the Latin command "Take ...," "Recipe ...."[5]

Arabic recipes are documented as early as the 10th century; see al-Warraq and al-Baghdadi.

The earliest recipes in Persia date back to the 14th century. Several recipes have survived from the Safavid period, including Karnameh (1521) by Mohammad Ali Bavarchi, which includes instructions for cooking over 130 different dishes and pastries, and Madat-ol-Hayat (1597) by Nurollah Ashpaz.[6] There are many cookbooks from the Qajar period, the most famous of which is Khorak-ha-ye Irani by prince Nader Mirza.[7]

King Richard II of England commissioned a cookbook called Forme of Cury in 1390,[8] and around the same time, another book was published entitled Curye on Inglish, "cury" meaning to cook.[9] Both books give an impression of how food for the nobility class was prepared and served in England at that time. The taste of aristocratic luxury in the Early Modern Period brought with it the beginnings of what might be called modern cookbooks. In the 15th century, many manuscripts appeared detailing the recipes of the day. Many of these manuscripts provide excellent information and record the rediscovery of many herbs and spices including coriander, parsley, basil and rosemary, many of which have been brought back from the Crusades.[10]

recepi is tutorial or guide how to make a certain meal orfood. As an example :"how to make Nasi Goreng ","how to make Pancake"

object=food,meal, drink


Manual is anintruction for you tooperateacertain product, usually it's anelectronic stuff such as phone, oven, television, etc. object : electronic procuct.


(( Perbedaan antara resep dan manual terletak di konten dan objek nya ))

(( Perbedaan antara resep dan manual terletak di konten dan objek nya ))Resep adalah sebuah tutorial atau cara untuk membuat suatu makanan. sebagai contoh :"cara membuat nasi goreng ""cara membuat serabi ".objek :makanan, minuman

Manualadalah sebuah instruksiuntuk mengoperasikansuatu produk, biasanya adalah benda elektronik sepertitelepon, oven, televisi, dll.Objek :benda elektronik ))


20. 4 The Doctor writes a recipe of medicine .A recipe paper is calledA. Note bookB. Drawing book C. Prescription D. Note paper​


C. Prescription


Arti dari :

Note Book : Buku catatan

Drawing Book : buku gambar

Prescription : resep obat

Note paper : kertas catatan



Karena Dokter Tidak Memakai Buku Harian,Buku Gambar,Dan Kertas Catatan

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