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Unit 7 Right Triangles And Trigonometry

Unit 7 Right Triangles And Trigonometry

Tolong artikan the following figures are not drawnmto scale . Identify and shade the right-angled triangles

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1. Tolong artikan the following figures are not drawnmto scale . Identify and shade the right-angled triangles

bentuk-bentuk di bawah ini tidak digambar sesuai dengan skala
identifikasi dan arsir segitiga-segitiga dengan sisi/sudut yang tepat :)

2. Painted on a wall are 4 red triangles, 2 blue triangles, 6 green triangles and 8 yellow triangles. What percentage of the triangles are blue or red?


red : 20%

blue : 10%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


red : 4/20=2/10=20%

blue : 2/20=1/10=10%

semoga membantu.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 merah

2 biru

6 hijau

8 kuning

berjumlah = 20 segitiga

segitiga biru dan merah = 4+2 = 6

20 = 100%

1 = (100/20)%

1 = 5%

presentase segitiga biru dan merah :

= (5×6)%

= 30%


jangan lupa follow hehe

3. Find length x in the right-angled triangles to 3s.f

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \sqrt{ {17}^{2} - {11}^{2} }\\ = \sqrt{289 -121 } \\ = \sqrt{168} [/tex]

4. How many the Kay concepts of trigonometry?Tell and give 2 Example of each​


There are six fundamental concepts of trigonometry: triangles, right triangles, angles, angle measure, trigonometric functions, and trigonometric identities.

Example 1 - Triangles: A triangle is a three-sided polygon with three angles.

Example 2 - Right Triangles: A right triangle is a triangle with one 90 degree angle.

Example 1 - Angles: An angle is formed by two lines that intersect at a given point.

Example 2 - Angle Measure: Angle measure is the measurement of an angle in terms of degrees or radians.

Example 1 - Trigonometric Functions: Trigonometric functions are mathematical equations that describe a relationship between angles and sides of a triangle.

Example 2 - Trigonometric Identities: Trigonometric identities are relationships between trigonometric functions that hold true for all angles.

5. MNO and MPO are isosceles triangles. Find t


maksudnya apaan kak aku gk paham

6. Trigonometrysin 120°?

Liat kuadrannya 120 di kuadran 2, Sin. berarti sin positive
Pakenya 180 sama 360/0 biar gak ngubah tanda
Jadi Sin 120
=Sin 60
=1/2[tex] \sqrt{3} [/tex]

7. Jelaskan spherical trigonometry


Spherical rrigonometry adalah cabang geometri bola yang berhubungan dengan hubungan antara fungsi trigonometri sisi dan sudut poligon bulat yang ditentukan oleh sejumlah lingkaran besar berpotongan di bola


Semoga membantu maaf kalo salah


PQ/PR = sin 45/sin 60
PQ/PR = (1/2√2)/(1/2√3)
PQ/PR = √2/√3

#maaf kalo salah

9. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12 di bagi 2 sama dengan 6

16 di bagi 2 sama dengan 8

jadi perbandingan nya adalah 6 banding 8

10. Characteristics of Triangles and Quadrilaterals is?​


triangle is a simple closed curve or polygon which is created by three line-segments. In Euclidean geometry, any three points, specifically non-collinear, form a unique triangle and separately, a unique plane (known as two-dimensional Euclidean space).

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

harus ada bintang 5

11. 7. Followings are mandatory classes:a. English and Psychologyb. Social Studies and ICTc. Math and Nursing classd. Biology and Economics8. Lab experiments are always included intoclasses.a. biology and chemistryb. chemistry and calculusc. biology and trigonometryd. chemistry and trigonometryjawab dengan benar ya kak​


no 7 c no 8 b maaf

kalo salah lik kometar



7. Followings are mandatory classes :

C. Math and Nursing Class

8. Lab experiments are always included into classes:

A. Biology and chemistry


12. Find the unknown marked angles in each of the right-angled triangles.tolong bantu dong​


a. 180° - (90° + 57°)

   180° - 147°

= 33°

b. ∠ABC = 180° - (90° + 28°)

               = 180° - 118°

               = 62°

   ∠ADC = 180° - {90° - (90° - 28°)}

               = 180° - (90° + 62°)

               = 180° - 152°

               = 28°

c.  ∠GEF = 180 - (90 + 26)

               = 180 - 116

               = 64

    ∠DEG = 90 - 64

               = 26

13. PQR and PSQ are isosceles triangles. PSQ = 124°, RPS = RQS = 28°. Find PRQ. ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

@ the picture

14. Find length of x in the right-angled triangles to 3s.f.


x = √12² - 8²

x = √144 - 64

x = √80

x = 4√5

[tex]{ \red{ \boxed{ \orange{ \boxed{ \green{ \boxed{ \bold{BELAJAR BERSAMA CATTUS}}}}}}}}[/tex]

15. 15 Diagram 5 shows two right angled triangles BDE and CDE. It is given that ABCD is a straight line and BC is half of CD. Find the value of cos 0+tan x.

To find the value of cos 0+tan x, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the sides of triangle BDE and triangle CDE.

In triangle BDE, we have:

DE = 8 cm (given)

BE = 6 cm (given)

BD = ?

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of BD:

BD = √(DE^2 - BE^2) = √(8^2 - 6^2) = √(64 - 36) = √(28) = 2√(7) cm

In triangle CDE, we have:

DE = 8 cm (given)

CE = 4 cm (half of CD)

CD = ?

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of CD:

CD = √(DE^2 - CE^2) = √(8^2 - 4^2) = √(64 - 16) = √(48) = 4√(3) cm

Now that we have the lengths of the sides of the triangles, we can find the value of cos 0+tan x.

First, we can find the value of cos 0:

cos 0 = BD/DE = (2√(7))/8 = √(7)/4

Then, we can find the value of tan x:

tan x = BD/CE = (2√(7))/(4) = √(7)/2

Finally, we can add the value of cos 0 and tan x to find the value of cos 0+tan x:

cos 0+tan x = (√(7)/4) + (√(7)/2) = (√(7)/4) + (2√(7)/4) = 3√(7)/4

Therefore, the value of cos 0+tan x is 3√(7)/4.

16. 10. Let A = {right-angled triangles). (a) Is each of the following triangles an element of A? Explain your answer. (i) triangle with sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm (ii) triangle with sides 2 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm (b) Can each of the following sets be the universal set for the set A? Explain your answer. (i) U = {all triangles} (ii) V = {all polygons}​



[tex] \xi = \{x \colon x \text{ is an integer and } -3 \le x \le 3 \} \\ [/tex]

[tex] A = \{x \colon 2x + 1 < 5 \} \\ [/tex]

[tex] B = \left \{ x \colon \frac{x}{3} \text{ is an integer} \right \} \\ [/tex]

(a) Express the set [tex] A [/tex] by listing its elements.

(b) Is [tex] -4 [/tex] an element of [tex] A [/tex]? Explainyour answer.

(c)Write down the common elements of [tex] A [/tex] and [tex] B [/tex].


For part (a), the set of [tex] A [/tex] can be written as

[tex] A = \{-5, -3, -1, 1, 3 \} [/tex]

For part (b), [tex] -4 [/tex] is not an element of a set of [tex] A [/tex] because [tex] A [/tex] is a set of odd numbers with [tex] x \in [-3, 1], x \in \mathbb{Z} [/tex].

For part (c), both sets can be written as

[tex] A = \{-5, -3, -1, 1, 3\} [/tex]

[tex] B = \{-1, 0, 1\} [/tex]

The branches of mathematics that he/she studied:

Set theory

17. cara cepat memahami trigonometry

Jika ingin belajar trigonometry dasar maka cara cepat untukdapat memahaminya yah harus menghapal prinsipnya dan untuk lebih gampang menghapal rumusnya bisa menggunakan singkatan

sin itukan DEpan bagi MIring jadi bisa disingkat DEMI
cos itu SAmping bagi MIring jadi bisa disingkat SAMI
tan itu DEpan bagi SAmping jadibisa disingkat DESA

18. Ada yang bisa Bantu soal persamaan trigonometry?


persamaan trigonometry adalah persamaan yang mengandung perbandingan antara sudut trigonometry dalam bentuk x.

19. A pattern has 12 blue triangles to every 16 yellow triangles. what is the ratio of yellow triangles to the blue triangles ?​

total = 16 + 12 = 28

blue triangles = 12/28

= 3/7

yellow triangles = 16/28

= 4/7

ratio yellow to the blue triangles = 3/7 : 4/7

= 3/7 × 7/4

= 3/4

dont forget to make the smartest answer oke.


20. Use pythaporus'theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse in these right-angled triangles 8 6


8 sorry kalo salah

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf sekali lagi Im sorry

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