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When A Cosmetics Company Considers Marketing Abroad

When A Cosmetics Company Considers Marketing Abroad

Windy has stayed with us since her father___ A. sends abroad by his company. B. sent abroad by his company. C. was sent abroad by his company. D. is sent abroad by his company. E. To be sent abroad by his company.

Daftar Isi

1. Windy has stayed with us since her father___ A. sends abroad by his company. B. sent abroad by his company. C. was sent abroad by his company. D. is sent abroad by his company. E. To be sent abroad by his company.


jawabannya kalo gak salah C

2. windy has stayed with us since her father.... A. sends abroad by his company B. sent abroad by his company C. was sent abroad by his company D. is sent abroad by his company E. to be sent abroad by his company tolong beri penjelasannya

C. Was sent abroad by his company
The sentence describes in passive voice. It describes the activity that is already happened.

3. membuat dialog bahasa ingris sales and marketing dengan company travel yang datang ke hotel. bagaimana sales marketing menawarkan upselling barang atau voucer di hotel kepada company travel ??


maksudnya bagaimana?


welcome to the live star hotel ,i want to offer vaucher to you guys ,wauld you like.

4. when your company will buy some goods from a vendor, you should fill out

you should fill out the bill

5. when you go abroad, you need​

i think the answer is your passport correct mee if im wrongg

6. she built...own company when...was 20 years old

1. her
2. she

have a nice day cantik :)

7. When you go abroad, you need a/an ....a. identity cardb. certificate of birthc. driving licenced. passport​


1. D. Passport.


Maaf kalau salah

When you go abroad, you need a/an

(Ketika anda/kamu pergi ke luar negeri, kamu perlu../an)



8. suryandari is a great businessperson.she built....own company when....was 20 years old

Suryandari is a great businessperson. She built *HER own company when *SHE was 20 years old.

9. What do you say when you know that your friend got a scholarship to go abroad?


keep him safe


sorry if wrong

please make it the brainliest answer

10. X: When will you go abroad?Y:....I finish smpA. Beforec. AfterB. Whend. while​


after mungkin menurutku loh ya

11. When did he become a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?


tolong kasi kisi kisi-kisi nya di foto biar bisa aku jawab Kalau pertanyaan kamu udah aku terjemahan bahasa ke Indonesia


When did he become a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?

artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia;

Kapan dia menjadi penasihat pemerintah dan kepala Perusahaan kedirgantaraan baru?

12. Mr.Endro (become) a manager of the company when he was 25 years old

Mr.Endro became a manager of the company when he was 25 years old

*Thanks*Mr. Endro (became) a manager of the company when he was 25 years old.

Hope this helps:)

13. when your father's company got a very big problem,you send her a...


a support maybe?solution if you can

14. When did he become a 8overnment adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?


Kapan dia menjadi penasihat pemerintah dan kepala Perusahaan dirgantara baru?

15. Create an offering letter showing that you are a marketing manager of a company. You offer a product of your company.

Create an offering letter showing that you are a marketing manager of a company. You offer a product of your company.


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xample  an offering letter/ email.

16. MCA Company is going to launch some new product. When the company (launch) ... Them, they will be a blast




17. he...happy when he worked in that company​


dia(laki-laki) senang ketika dia(laki-laki) bekerja di kejuaraan itu.


mian kalo slh:)


He was happy when he worked ini that company.


1. Tenses pd kalimat ini Past Tense (worked).

2. 'happy' karena adjective membutuhkan 'kata kerja bantu' atau auxiliary: 'was' karena subyeknya 'He'

18. Which approach to retail expansion is most appropriate when targeting a country that management considers both culturally close and easy to enter .....




semoga bantu

19. suryandari is a great businessperson.she built....own company when....was 20 years old

suryandari is a great businessperson. she built her own company when she was 20 years old

maaf kalo salah

20. an author surely considers multiple aspects, sich as text types, generic structure, social function, and text structure when composing a text. Elaborate your answers.

Jawabannya: James write a brief essay on different types of animals and has decided that the best way to format his piece will be to divide the topic of animals into three subtopics that include mammals, reptiles, and birds. From there, Calvin plans to further divide each subtopic into categories that highlight attributes and examples of each type of animal. With this type of plan in place, Calvin prepares to write his essay using classification-division text structure.

Text structure refers to the way an author arranges information in his writing. Text structure enables authors to organize their thoughts as they write. It also helps the reader in that it provides a structure in which information can be found and understood as it is read.

There are several different types of text structure, including:

Chronological (discussing things in order)

Cause and effect (explaining a cause and its results)

Problem and solution (presenting a problem and offering a solution)

Compare and contrast (discussing similarities and differences)

Classification-division (sorting information into topics and categories)

For the purpose of this lesson, we will focus on the classification-division text structure.

Classification-Division Text Structure

Classification-division text structure is an organizational structure in which writers sort items or ideas into categories according to commonalities. It allows the author to take an overall idea and split it into parts for the purpose of providing clarity and description. Sorting can take place on many levels with topics, subtopics, categories, subcategories, and so on.

For readers, a classification-division piece can be identified by looking for use of certain words such as: first, finally, to begin, next, in addition, on the other hand, for example, or then.

Process for Classification-Division Text Structure

For writers, there are several steps to be followed in the process of developing a written piece that follows a classification-division text structure:

Decide on a main topic.

Divide the main topic into two or more subtopics.

For each subtopic, provide information and details to clarify and explain, OR divide each subtopic further by creating categories for each subtopic.

If categories have been developed, provide information and details to clarify and explain each category.

Begin writing following this format:

Introduction (including a thesis statement, a description of the topic as a whole, and an explanation of the process and purpose for dividing the main topic into subtopics and beyond)

Body (least important subtopic first, most important subtopic last)

Subtopic One followed by categories if needed

Subtopic Two followed by categories if needed

Subtopic Three, etc.

Conclusion (a basic summary of each subtopic and category followed by a restating of the original thesis statement)

A sample format for use of classification-division text structure.

text structure


Calvin is ready to begin working on his essay. Below is an example as to how he might organize his thoughts with his main topic being divided into subtopics and categories for a product that uses true classification-division text structure.

Main Topic = Animals

Subtopic One = Mammals

Category One = Attributes of mammals

Category Two = Examples of different mammals

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