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Listening During An Interview Is Just As Important As Talking

Listening During An Interview Is Just As Important As Talking

Why is listening important to you as public speaker??

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1. Why is listening important to you as public speaker??

in order to be able to record what is important that is discussed. sorry if wrong,,,,

2. studying english is .. computer knowledgea. as important asb. as important c. important asd. being important

Jawabannya adalah...
=> A. As important asStudying English is as important as (sama pentingnya) computer knowledge

3. During school vacation, bukit tinggi is as....as bandung




During school vacation, Bukit Tinggi is as fun as Bandung

yang artinya:

Saat liburan sekolah, Bukit Tinggi sama serunya dengan Bandung.

4. water is believed as the.... (important) substance to consume

Water is believed as the most important substance to consume.

5. 1.canon camera is as .... as bicyclea.expensiveb.more expensivec.the most expensived.cheaper2.to me my mother is as ...... as my father.a. more importantb. less importantc. importantd. most important3. horror movies are as.... as romance.a. more interestingb. interestingc. the most interestingd. interest4. my house is bot as .... as yoursa. bigb. biggerc. biggestd. more big5. his father as ... as my father.a. oldb. older`c. oldestd. younger​​


1 a expensive

2 c important

3 b interesting

4 a big

5 a old

maaf kalau salah dan saya gk tau Canon camera usia saya 13

6. 1.canon camera is as .... as bicyclea.expensiveb.more expensivec.the most expensived.cheaper2.to me my mother is as ...... as my father.a. more importantb. less importantc. importantd. most important3. horror movies are as.... as romance.a. more interestingb. interestingc. the most interestingd. interest4. my house is bot as .... as yoursa. bigb. biggerc. biggestd. more big5. his father as ... as my father.a. oldb. older`c. oldestd. younger​

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. A

maap kalo salah

7. Yg mana yg bener(grammar) - stay just as it is. not drama OR -Stay just as it is.not dramas

stay just as it is. not dramas

8. Combine the sentences below applying the degree of comparison correctly ! Example : Sandrina is clever Yunia Is Clever > Sandrina is as clever as YuniaThis shirt is as expensive as that oneMy sister is just as lazy as my brotherAhmad's hair is as curly as Husen'sThe English test is as difficult as the math testRaisha is as smart as Andin​


This shirt = that one (equal degree)

My sister = my brother (equal degree)

Ahmad's hair = Husen's hair (equal degree)

The English test = the math test (equal degree)

Raisha = Andin (equal degree)


-this shirt is expensive and that one shirt is expensive to

-my sister is lazy and ny brother is lazy

-ahmad hair is Curly and Husen hair is Curly

-the English test is difficult and the math test is difficult too

9. the town is just as ..... (large) as my native one


maaf kalo salah!!!The town is just as LARGE as my native one.

positive degree of comparison

10. Andi: Do you think money is.................thing in life ? Rika : No.Family and friends are moreimportant than money.O importantO the most importantO as important asO more important​


B. The most important



Jika Paling, menggunakan "The most


The most important


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

11. apa perbedaan during dengan as long as?​

as long as digunakan dlm positive degree(perbandingan),sedangkan during digunakan dlm kata tense:perfect continous

As long as adalah jenis konjungsi atau kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kondisi. Jika digunakan dalam kalimat conditional, as long as memiliki persamaan arti dengan provided, yaitu : jika/kalau dan hanya jika / hanya kalau.

Contoh : you can go to the cinema this Saturday, as long as you do your homework

During adalah preposition atau kata depan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kapan sesuatu terjadi. During digunakan dengan noun atau noun phrase.

Contoh : Her son became very fussy during a fever


12. As far as..........I will support that conservation of wildlife is important.

I do
moga bantu ya
sorry klo slah

13. Water is believed as the (important) substance to consume

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

14. during school holiday, jatim park is as ..... as Taman safari


during school holiday, jatim park is as crowd as Taman safari


crowd = ramai

maap crowd tambahin ed crowded

15. as alternaive to learn english, listening to english song is as better as watching english movie. tentukan kata yang salah?

kata better,harus nya menggunakan kata good jadi kalimat nya akan menjadi as good as yang artinya sama bagus nya dengan,bukan memakai better yang arti nya lebih baik

16. Ubah menjadi kalimat aktif 'peace in the world is seen as an important thing'. Thanks

people see peace in the world as an important thing.

17. During scholl vocaltion,bukit tinggi is as... As bandung

Pilih aja salah satunya ya,soalnya aku juga bingung mana yg bener nya

1. Beautiful
2. Green
3. High
4. Crowd

maaf kalau salah

18. It's important that we rest our minds as well as our bodies. The closest meaning of important is ..................... a.unusefulb.meaningfulc.joyfuld.kindly​


B. Meaningful


Karena semua jawaban selain yang B tidak sesuai dengan kata "Important" jadi jawabannya adalah yang B.



B. Meaningful


Karena arti dari Important = Penting

Unuseful = tidak berguna

meaningful = penting

joyful = senang

kindly = baik

Jadi yang dekat artinya dengan important adalah meaningful (B)

19. The lesson you are studying now is ..... lesson than you will have. * 4 poin More important The most important As important as As important than The important than


The most important

Thanks for you

20. 1.The book is as...as the dictionary 2.during school vacation.bukit tinggi is as....as bandung 3.the pillow is as......as fur 4.the food in this stall is not as...as the food in that stall Bantu jawab Ya semua!!Yg bisa Please bantu!!

1. thick
2. crowded (maaf lupa dikasih -ed) ^^"
3. soft
4. delicious

jawabannya bisa beda-beda tergantung orang kecuali kalo ini soal pilgan

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