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The Principal P Is Borrowed At A Simple Interest Rate

The Principal P Is Borrowed At A Simple Interest Rate

Sean invested $4000 in a savings plan that returns a simple interest at a rate of 10% per annum. Find the total amount of money, including principal amount, that Sean would receive from the savings plan after 5 years. (Simple interest is calculated only on the principal amount.) ​

Daftar Isi

1. Sean invested $4000 in a savings plan that returns a simple interest at a rate of 10% per annum. Find the total amount of money, including principal amount, that Sean would receive from the savings plan after 5 years. (Simple interest is calculated only on the principal amount.) ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The total amount of money that Sean would receive from the savings plan after 5 years would be $6000, including the principal amount. This is because the simple interest is calculated only on the principal amount of $4000 and for a 10% per annum rate, the interest for 5 years would be $4000 * 10 * 5/100 = $2000. Thus, the total amount received would be $4000 + $2000 = $6000.

bhs Indonesia

Simple interest yang didapat Sean dari investasi $4000 selama 5 tahun adalah $4000 x 10% x 5 tahun = $2000.

Jadi, total uang yang akan diterima Sean setelah 5 tahun termasuk jumlah utama adalah $4000 + $2000 = $6000.

orng penjawab ~bran

2. how to find principal if known rate,time,simple interest, and amount​


study hard and think smart

3. The profits from the bank are derived from the interest that they charge for the use of their own of their depositors' money. The interest is the sum charged for borrowing money for a fixed period time. While the money that is borrowed is called principal, the percent per year of the principal charged for its use is called the rate of interest. The calculation of interest can be solved with the general equation of the principal which is multiplied with the rate and time (Interest = Principal x Rate x Time) There are four quantities - that is, interest, principal, rate, or time. Any of them may be found when the other three are known. The time is expressed in years. The rate is expressed as a decimal fraction Thus, 5 percent interest means five cents charged for the use of SI of principal borrowed for one year. The time can be less than, equal to or greater than one year. Most applications for loans are for periods of less than one year. For purposes of computing interest for short periods, the commercial year or 360 days is commonly used, but when large sums of money are involved. exact interest is computed on the basis of 365 days. What is the main idea?


Keuntungan dari bank berasal dari bunga yang mereka kenakan untuk penggunaan uang deposan mereka sendiri. Bunga adalah jumlah yang dibebankan untuk meminjam uang selama jangka waktu tertentu. Sementara uang yang dipinjam disebut pokok, persen per tahun dari pokok yang dibebankan untuk penggunaannya disebut tingkat bunga. Perhitungan bunga dapat diselesaikan dengan persamaan umum pokok yang dikalikan dengan suku bunga dan waktu (Bunga = Pokok x Bunga x Waktu) Ada empat besaran yaitu, bunga, pokok, suku bunga, atau waktu. Salah satu dari mereka dapat ditemukan ketika tiga lainnya diketahui. Waktu dinyatakan dalam tahun. Tarif tersebut dinyatakan dalam pecahan desimal. Jadi, bunga 5 persen berarti lima sen yang dikenakan untuk penggunaan SI pokok pinjaman selama satu tahun. Waktunya bisa kurang dari, sama dengan atau lebih dari satu tahun. Sebagian besar aplikasi pinjaman untuk jangka waktu kurang dari satu tahun. Untuk tujuan menghitung bunga untuk periode yang pendek, tahun komersial atau 360 hari biasanya digunakan, tetapi jika melibatkan sejumlah besar uang. bunga pasti dihitung atas dasar 365 hari. Apa ide utamanya?


b.indo nya aja

biar bisa kamu jawab

4. if the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years in $80.80 and the simple interest $80 then the rate of interest per annum is..


jika bunga majemuk atas jumlah tertentu selama 2 tahun sebesar $ 80,80 dan bunga sederhana $ 80 maka tingkat bunga per tahun adalah ..


artinya kakak maaf kalau salah

5. Exercise Kerjakan latihan di bawah ini bisa langsung di pdf ini atau dikertas kemudian difoto jawabannya! 1. Shinta borrowed Rp 1,000,000.00 from Bank, the interest rate is 12% per year. The interest for 3 months is ... . 2. Ali saves Rp750,000.00 at a bank with an interest rate of 12% per year. The amount of Ali moneys at the end of the ninth month is .... 3. Harun saves Rp 80.000.000,00 in bank with the annual interest 8%. After some periods, his saving become Rp 108.000.000, 00. Determine period of Harun’s saving? 4. Amir borrows Rp 54.000.000,00 from a bank and the annual interest 6%. If Amir borrows for 2 years, then the installment every month is. . . .


1. the interest for 3 months = 30.000

2. a. if we do in math: ((1% x 9) x 750.000)+ 750.000 = 817.5000

b. if we do in banking math, Ali moneys is 820.264

3. Harun's saves in 53 month

4. Rp.2.520.000

6. If a 7%, 10-year, $800,000 bond is issued at face value and interest is paid annually, what is the amount of the interest payment at the end of the first year period?

the amount of the interest payment at the end of the first year period is = $805.600

7. Sarah borrowed RM 20000 from two money lenders. She has to pay simple interest of 12% per annum for one of the loan and 14% per annum for the other. After one year, she paid a total of RM 2560 as interest. How much did she borrow at respective rate?

If 1st lenders we called A, and 2nd lenders we called B.
So match equation for Basic loan is A+B = 20.000

Interest for A = 12%
So Total paid per annum = 100% +12% = 112%

interest for B = 14%
So total pain per annum = 100%+14% = 114%

Total interest = 2.560
So total paid = 20.000+2.560 = 22.560

If total paid A+B = 22.560
so : 112%A + 114%B = 22.560 then
               A +         B = 20.000         

eliminated both equation 
1,12A + 1,14B = 22.560  Ix1       I 1,12A + 1,14B = 22.560
       A +       B = 20.000  Ix 1,12 I  1,12A + 1,12B = 22.400
                                                 ----------------------------------------- -
                                                                0,02B = 160
                                                                       B = 160/0,02
                                                                          = 8.000
                                                         A+8.000 = 20.000
                                                                   A = 12.000
Conclution : Borrowed from 1st lenders : RM 12000
                  Borrowed from 2nd lenders : RM  8000

pls re-check each process of equation before took as final answer.
Wish helpfull.         

8. @ T 12/17 - Show your working clearly to solve questions 1 - 3. 1 Louie takes a loan of $150 000 from a bank to start his restaurant. The bank charges him simple interest at a rate of 5.5% per annum. If he plans to repay his loan at the end of 3 years, a) find the amount of interest he has to pay b) the total amount he owes the bank Principal Percent Amount Total interest Total @


a.  $ 24.750

b. $ 174.750

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Total Bunga :

150.000 × 5,5% × 3 = 24.750

Total Hutang :

150.000 + 24.750 = 174.750

9. in the arrow debreu contingent claims market structure, what is the (implicit) interest rate?

Selain bebas keluar masuk dalam pasar persaingan sempurna jumlah penjual dan pembeli juga banyak serta barang yang dijual jenisnya homogen, sehingga perusahaan

10. A bank is offering to sell 6-month certificates of deposit for $9500. At the end of 6 months, the bank will pay $10,000 to the certificate owner. Based on a 6-month interest period, compute the nominal annual interest rate and the effective annual interest rate.


1. Nominal Interest rate. Interest accrued after 6 months is; = 10,000 - 9,500 = $500 Nominal Interest; 500 = 9,500 * x * 1/2 years 500 = 4,750x x = 10.53% 2.

Effective interest 9,500 * ( 1 + x )^0.5 years = 10,000 x = (10,000/9,500)^2 - 1 x = 10.80%

11. At an interest rate of 12 percent. the 6-year discount factor is.507. How many dollars is $.507 worth in 6 year if invested at 12 percent ?

Subject : Finance
Category : Future Value

cash flow = $CO = $.507
interest rate = r = 12% = 0.12
t = 1 year

Future Value = $CO * (1+r)^t
FV = $ .507 * (1 + 0.12)^6
FV = $1

12. 13. Mrs Tan deposits a sum of $7200 in a bank. The simple interest for 9 months is $216. (a) Find the interest rate. (b) Find the amount after 3 years. (c) If the interest is compounded annually at the same rate, find the amount after 3 years.​




Principal (P) =Rs.7200


Time=4 years













13. Bank is offering to sell 6-month certificates of deposit for $9500. At the end of 6 months, the bank will pay $10,000 to the certificate owner. Based on a 6-month interest period, compute the nominal annual interest rate and the effective annual interest rate.

semoga membantu, semangat belajarnya!

14. A man invest $16800 in a saving plan that ia pay simple interest at a rate for 5% per annum. Find the time taken for his investmant to grow to $18900​.

[tex]\%interest \\ \frac{18.900 - 16.800}{16.800} \times 100\% \\ \\ \frac{2.100}{16.800} \times 100\% = 12.5\% \\ \\ time \: taken \\ \frac{12,5\%}{5\%} \times 1 \: year = 2,5 \:years[/tex]

15. Other things the same, as the price level rises, the real value of a rupiah … A. Rises, interest rates and exchange rate rises B. Rises, interest rates fall, and exchange rate rises C. Falls, interest rates and exchange rate rises D. Falls, interest rates rise, and exchange rate falls E. Falls, interest rates and exchange rate falls

Setiap perekonomian memiliki indikator ekonomi makro yang saling berhubungan. Indikator ekonomi makro tersebut terdiri dari tingkat harga (price), nilai riil uang (the real value of a rupiah), tingkat bunga umum (interest rate), dan nilai tukar (exchange rate).

Ketika tingkat harga naik, nilai riil uang mengalami penurunan, tingkat bunga akan mengalami kenaikan, dan nilai tukar mengalami kenaikan.

Ketika harga mengalami kenaikan, inflasi terjadi, hal ini menyebabkan nilai riil uang terhadap harga barang akan turun. Saat itu terjadi, Bank Sentral akan menaikkan tingkat bunga sehingga nilai tukar mengalami kenaikan.

Hal ini berarti bahwa jawaban yang tepat adalah C

Lihat juga : Cara Mengatasi inflasi di brainly.co.id/tugas/9679363

Kategorisasi Soal :

Matpel : Ekonomi

Kelas : XI

Materi : Indikator Perekonomian

Kata Kunci : Price Level

Kode Soal : 11.12.4

Semoga membantu :)


16. See page 10 of the book. Match the word of each number to be a correct term and define it. For example: 1. Interest Rate (in one context): The price of credit in financial markets and is usually expressed as a percentage of the total amount borrowed that is to be paid each year (over and above the repayment of the principal, or amount borrowed).




17. Keep the economy growing at a steady rate is difficult because ?

Jadi pertanyaanya apa?
Itu diartiin apa dijawab?
Arti : Menetapkan kurs pertumbuhkan ekonomi stabil itu susah karena?because sometimes unstable exchange rate

moga membantu ya :)

18. a sum of money is deposited in a bank and it earns interest at 5% per annum for 3 years. if compounded yearly,and the simple interest earned on the sum is $36.60, find the sum.

[tex]5\% \times 3 \: yrs = 15\% \\ 36.60 = 15\% \times sum \\ sum = \frac{36.60 \times 100}{15} \\ sum = 244[/tex]
So, the sum is $244

19. Rui Feng borrows $48000 from a bank that charges simple interest at a rate of 6% per annum.Find the total amount of money that he has to pay the bank at the end of 2 years



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Simple interest:

I = P×R×T


I = Simple interest

P = Principle

R = Rate of percentage interest (per annum)

T = time (years//tahun)

In the word problem:

P = $48000

R = 6%

T = 2 years



= $5760

20. What is the present value of a payment of $21,000 three years from now if the effective annual interest rate is 4%


Berapa nilai sekarang dari pembayaran $21.000 tiga tahun dari sekarang jika tingkat bunga efektif tahunan adalah 4%

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