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9 85 Less Than The Product Of 37 And T

9 85 Less Than The Product Of 37 And T

The sum of two consecutive positive integers is greater than 26 and less than 37. Find all possible values of the smaller of the two integers

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1. The sum of two consecutive positive integers is greater than 26 and less than 37. Find all possible values of the smaller of the two integers


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2. 45 less than the product of 7/8 and 128 is....the answer is...tolong dijawab yang benar karena hari ini mau dikumpul jangan ngasal plissdari tadi pada ngasal jawabnya..​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

product of 7/8 and 128 is = 7/8 x 128 = 112

45 less than the product means = 112- 45 = 67

3. A pair of dice is thrown once and the product of the two numbers is recorded. The table below shows all possibility outcomes. Find the probability that: a. The product is 2. b. The product is 10 or 30. c. The product is less than or equal to 5. d. The product is greater than 5.​

Sepasang dadu dilempar sekali dan hasil kali kedua angka tersebut dicatat. Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan semua kemungkinan hasil. Tentukan peluang bahwa: a. Produknya 2. b. Produknya 10 atau 30

4. The perimeter of a rectangle is 86 meters. The width is five less than the length. The width and the length of rectangle are​



5. the product of -9 and 5 , added to 10 is​

"Product" means the answer to a multiplication of two numbers. You are asked to write the answer to 5 and a number being multiplied together. Let the unknown number be x. The product is therefore 5×x=5x.

6. 9 subtracted of the product of 3 and 15 is​

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7. The angle which less than 360°and larger than 180°is classified as....


Obtuse angle

(sudut tumpul)


Maaf klo salah

Smoga membantu

8. 37.Explain the different meaning of suffix -full and -less.


.Jelaskan perbedaan arti akhiran -penuh dan -kurang.

9. Make a dialogue applying some expression of suggestion and the responses! Less than 10 sentences

A: Hey B, how are you? You look so worry
B: Hey A, I'm good. But I have a problem now
A: You can tell me if you want
B: I borrowed Riska's book yesterday, but I broke it A. What should I do?
A: You must tell her and say apologize.
B: Oh, okey. But I'm not sure about now
A: I suggest you to do it as soon as possible
B: Okey A, thank you for your suggestion.

10. Known, A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}. The possible universal set of set A is. . . .{ natural number less than 12}. { odd number less than 12 }. { whole number between 2 and 11} { prime number less than 12}.​


Prime number less than 12


{ prime number less than 12}.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

himpunan dalam ilmu matematika adalah kumpulan objek yang memiliki sifat yang dapat didefinisikan dengan jelas

11. From the text we know that ….Select one:A.The product contains vitaminsB.The product contains mostly carbohydrateC.The daily value percentage of calcium is less than that of the trans fatD.The amount of protein per serving is more than the sugars​


The picture is cut so we cant exactly tell which is the answer.


12. From the text, we know that ... A. the beautiful appearance and complex design of the product B. the multi function and simple operation of the product C. the modern shape and important function of the product D. the low price and high quality of the product ​

B. The multifunction and simple operation of the product


B. the multi function and simple operation of the product

13. Tolong dijawab ya, hari ini dikumpul.Express the following statements algebraically.2. Allan is p years old now. Express Allan’s age 10 years ago.3. Divide the product of 3 and by 2.4. 3 less than the product of 5 and x.​


gak bisa bahasa inggris

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


14. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is less than 140. Find the largest possible number and express it as a product of its prime factors.


2 x 2 x2 x 2 x3  = 48

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a + b + c < 140

where a<b<c and a,b,c are consecutive even numbers

possible solutions are between 40 and 50

40 + 40 + 40 = 120

50 +50 +50 = 150

then, the closest solutions will be

44 + 46 + 48 = 138

the largest number is 48

15. the sum of three number is 68. the largest number is 6 less than twice the smallest , and the middle number is 10 less than the largest . find the tree numbers!

eg: smallest = x
middle = y
largest = z

z = 2x-6
y = z-10

x+y+z = 68
x+z-10+2x-6 = 68
x+2x-6-10+2x-6 = 68
5x-22 = 68
5x = 68+22
5x = 90
x = 90:5
x = 18

z = 2x-6
z = 2.18-6
z = 30

y = z-10
y = 30-10
y = 20

The smallest is 18
The middle is 20
The largest is 30

16. From the following set, the empty set is..A. set of counting numbers less than 5B. set of prime numbers less than 2C. set of even integers numbers less than oneD. set of even number that divisible by two​



Dari himpunan berikut, himpunan kosong adalah ..

A. set menghitung angka kurang dari 5

B.Himpunan bilangan prima kurang dari 2

C. set bilangan bulat genap kurang dari satu

D. set bilangan genap yang dapat dibagi

Jawabannya: gak tau

17. 1. The brand of the product is........2. The chips are Made of the whole....3. The other name of the chip is..............flavoured chips4. The package contains........... g5. It has............calories from fat.6. The package contains about........ chips7. The product contains calcium.......8. The protein in the product is..........g9. The product contains sugar less than........g10. There is magnesium.........% in the product ​


1. The brand of the product is Doritos

2. The chips are Made of the whole Corn

3. The other name of the chip is Tortillaflavoured chips

4. The package contains 160g

5. It has 70calories from fat.

6. The package contains about 12 chips

7. The product contains calcium 2%

8. The protein in the product is 2g

9. The product contains sugar less than 1g

10. There is magnesium 4% in the product.

18. fine the sum of all prime numbers less than 30​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

cara dan penjelasan ada di foto yaaaa

19. does the product less sugar ? ​


Yang bener 'is the product less sugar?'

Bukan 'does'


'Does/do' cuma untuk penggunaan dengan kata kerja kalau utk kalimat tanya.


Does she work at...?

Does your friend walk to school?

Do you have...?

Kalau is, am, are utk nominal sentence (kalimat yg nggak mrngandung kata kerja)

'Less sugar' bukan kata kerja, ya..

Jadi, 'Is the product less sugar?' yang bener.

Semoga membantu

20. They are making product A and product B at a factory. If we comparethe number of products made in January and February, they made 1,200product A and product B in January. In February, A was made 4% morethan January and B was made 140 fewer than January. So, the totalnumber of products made in February was 10% less than that in January.Find the number of product A and product B they made in February.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

aku gk tau langkah langkah nya sorry ya kalau salah

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