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What Temperature Is 68 Fahrenheit In Celsius

What Temperature Is 68 Fahrenheit In Celsius

the difference between a temperature written in degrees Fahrenheit is 72°. a. what is the temperature in degree celcius?b. what is the temperature in degree fahrenheit?

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1. the difference between a temperature written in degrees Fahrenheit is 72°. a. what is the temperature in degree celcius?b. what is the temperature in degree fahrenheit?

a. what is the temperature in degree celcius

2. The temperature in the morning is - 2 derajat celsius. Its rises by 7 derajat celsius at noon. What is the temperature at noon?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

-2 + 7 = 5 derajat celcius


3. bob's body temperature is 28oR. What's his temperature in Fahrenheit?


28°R = 9/4×28 +32

= 63+32

= 95°F

4. suhu dalam skala fahrenheit menunjukkan 68 suhu menurun skala celsius adalah

C = 5/9 x (68-32); = 5/9 x 36 = 5 x 4 = 2068 F = (5/9) x(68-32) C 
68 F = (5/9) x(36) C
68 F = 20 C

5. the temperature of a room is 27 C,What is its temperature in kelvin?

K = C + 273
K = 27 + 273
K = 300 K
27drjat celcuis=... drjat kelvin
27 c = 273 + 27 = 300 k

6. The temperature in Fahrenheit is formulated by F = 5/9C + 32. Find the temperature Fahrenheit corresponding to 35°C.

35°C is equal to 95°F.




The Celsius scale is the most commonly used temperature scale in the world. In Indonesia, it is also the most used temperature scale. Meanwhile, the Fahrenheit scale is more common in the USA.

To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, we can use the formula below.

°F = (°C × [tex]\Large{\frac{9}{5}}[/tex]) + 32


°C = degrees Celsius°F = degrees Fahrenheit

Since we know the temperature in degrees Celsius and the formula, we can convert to Fahrenheit by using the formula as follows.

°F = (°C × [tex]\frac{9}{5}[/tex]) + 32

°F = (35°C × [tex]\frac{9}{5}[/tex]) + 32

°F = [tex]\frac{35\:\times{\:9}}{5}[/tex] + 32

°F = [tex]\frac{315}{5}[/tex] + 32

°F = 63 + 32

°F = 95

Therefore, 35°C is equal to 95°F.


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7. Jika temperature udara di jakarta diukur dengan satuan fahrenheit menununjukkan skala 86o, maka dalam skala celsius suhu tersebut adalah

Fahrenheit : Celcius

9 : 5

Celsius = 5/9 x (86-32)

Celsius = 5/9 x 54

Celsius = 30°C

8. what is temperature​


gak bis bahasa Inggris b b b b b


Suhu menunjukkan derajat panas benda. Mudahnya, semakin tinggi suhu suatu benda, semakin panas benda tersebut. Secara mikroskopis, suhu menunjukkan energi yang dimiliki oleh suatu benda. Setiap atom dalam suatu benda masing-masing bergerak, baik itu dalam bentuk perpindahan maupun gerakan di tempat, getaran. Semakin tinggi energi atom-atom penyusun benda, makin tinggi suhu benda tersebut.



9. what is the temperature in winter? ​Plis jawab!


what is the temperature in winter ?


berapa suhu di musim dingin?


bahasa Indonesia :

selama musim dingin, suhu rata-rata berkisar antara 4,8-20°C (40,6-68°F)

bahasa Inggris:

during winter, average temperatures range from

4,8-20°C (40,6-68°F)


semoga membantu

10. The temperature in Tokyo is -8°C. In Bandar Lampung, the temperature is 29°C. What is the difference in temperature between Tokyo and Bandar Lampung? Tolong ya Makasih •o•


37° C

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

cuz difference ( selisih ) suhu dua tempat,

(- 8) - 29 = -37 karena selisih selalu positif maka jdi 37°

11. 1. The temperature of the body is 15 °C. What is the temperature in a. Reamer scale ? b. Fahrenheit scale ? c. Kelvin scale ?Pakai solving , given and ask ya​

ini udah di jawab oleh guru sekolah saya langsung

12. Temperature contain what? There is no in google

themperatur contains kalot

13. Suhu 68 fahrenheit ekuivalen dengan a. Celsius b. Reamur c. Kelvin

jwabannya itu maaf kalo salah

c.293.15 k

14. The temperature in Tokyo is -3⁰C. The temperature in Seoul is -7⁰C. What is the difference these two temperatures?


In Korea the temperature is colder

15. temperature sebua benda 300k tentukan temperature yg terbaca pada skala a) celsius b) fahrenheit c) reamur

a. K = 273+°C
300 = 273+°C
°C = 300-273
°C = 27°

b. °F = (9/5.°C)+32
°F = (9/5.27)+32
°F = 48,6+32
°F = 80,6°

c. °R = 4/5.°C
°R = 4/5.27
°R = 21,6°

16. ayu put a drink in a plastic bag with temperature of 14 celsius in freezer.after 1 hours,the temperature decrease 10 celsius.the temperature of ayu's drink now is...a. 24 celsius c. -4 celsiusb. 4 celsius d. -24 celsius

b.4 celsius deh kalo gak salahb. 4 celsius 14c-10c=4 c

17. The water temperature is 30°C. The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is....°F

semoga jawaban ini membantu. ☺

18. a. Carilah temperature celcius Yang ekivalen dengan 68°F b. Carilah temperature Fahrenheit Yang ekibavalen dengan -40°C

semoga bisa membantu

19. what is the average daily temperature in the Earth and what is the average nightly temperature on Earth?

The average surface temperature of the Earth, day or night, is between 57.2 and 61 degrees Fahrenheit


20. A Celsius thermometer measures a temperature difference (ΔT) of 45°C. What is this temperature difference expressed in the Kelvin scale?




karna Kevin dan Celcius beda contohnya °⁵5+=¹⁰8

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