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The Following Excerpt Represents Polyphonic Texture

The Following Excerpt Represents Polyphonic Texture

use an orange colour pencil to trace the paths that represents closed circuits in the following diagrams

Daftar Isi

1. use an orange colour pencil to trace the paths that represents closed circuits in the following diagrams


gunakan pensil warna oranye untuk melacak jalur yang mewakili sirkuit tertutup pada diagram berikut




2. Which of the following statements best represents a difference between short-run and long-run cost?

manakah dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut yang paling mewakili perbedaan antara jangka pendek dan jangka panjang?

mungkin yang kmu maksud translate annya ya?

3. the texture of the brewed coffee drink ?? ​

Black coffee is usually a little rough in texture because there is coffee grounds in it

whereas if milk coffee is usually soft or smooth textured

4. What is the excerpt of the song lyrics mainly about Imagine by John lennon

Jawaban: harmony and uniting with each other.


Full lyrics:

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will live as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will be as one

5. Jelaskan perbedaan menyanyi secara unisono dan polyphonic!


dengan redu rendahhati

6. 4) Which of the following represents all the possible values of x that satisfy the equation below? X X x − 3 2x 2 *​

Nilai x memenuhi persamaan yaitu x = 0 atau x = 4. Soal ini berkaitan dengan materi mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Diketahui :

Koreksi soal, mungkin maksud Anda persamaan x/(x-3) = 2x/2

Ditanyakan :

Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut

Jawab :

Langkah 1

x / (x - 3) = 2x / 2

Jika dipindah ruas akan menjadi :

x . 2  = 2x . (x – 3)

Selanjutnya kita lakukan operasi

  2x  = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 6x

    0  = [tex]2x^{2}[/tex] – 8x

     0 = 2x (x – 4)

 x = 0 atau x = 4

Jadi, x yang memenuhi adalah x = 0 atau x = 4

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang mencari nilai x dari suatu persamaan brainly.co.id/tugas/26215307

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

7. texture - tissue- rough-bit-a-of-is-the.

texture - tissue- rough-bit-a-of-is-the.


= the texture of tissue is a bit rough

tekstur tisunya agak kasar


The texture of the tissue is a bit rough

8. Apa arti dari look at the excerpt from the dialog below. Pay attention to the bold-typed expressions


lihat excrept dari dialog di bawah ini. perhatikan ekspresi yang diketik tebal








9. Why the poem have a texture and why don’t have a texture? explain it.

because a poem is like telling a story to soneone special and the texture is what giving the poem the meaning and a poem is a picece of art and a poem can change how a world look at something and what is something

hope this help
(i am 5th grade)

10. read the excerpt from the reading text and study the uses of past uerbs kebahasa indonesia

baca kutipan dari teks bacaan dan pelajari penggunaan kata kerja sebelumnya

11. Apa yang di maksud simulated texture dan syntetic texture

Tekstur semu, atau disebut juga: synthetic texture, yaitu ketika seseorang mendapat kesan kasar pada pengamatan permukaan objek lukisan, sementara hasil perabaannya sesungguhnya halus, atau kesan pengamatan halus dan kesan raba kasar, maka jenis tekstur seperti ini disebut tekstur semu. Karena antara hasil pengamatan dengan kenyataan sesungguhnya tidak sama tapi berbeda atau tidak nyata. Biasanya tekstur seperti ini dihasilkan dari efek permainan warna, pola, nada, dan garis.

12. On a map, 1 cm represents 60 km. Find the length on the map represents a distance of 480 km!​


8 cm

Explanation with steps:

scale = map length : actual length

scale = 1 cm : 6.000.000 cm

scale = 1 : 6.000.000

48.000.000 cm / 6.000.000 = 8 cm

hence, 480 km is represented by 8 cm on the map

13. read the excerpt from the reading text and study the uses of past uerbs kebahasa indonesia

Baca kutipan dari teks bacaan dan pelajari penggunaan dari kata kerja lampau/masa lalu.

Semoga membantu.

14. Find a word that represents a minimal pair of the following numbers a. main - b. they - c. jane - d. suffer - e. like -


e. like


Jawabannya e. karena like itu artinya seperti seperti itu bsa menggambarkan penyebutan minimal.

contoh seperti katak keong dll.


A. main room


B. They are both my friends


C. Hello Jane, how are you?


D. Patience means ready to suffer


E. i like your attitude




semoga membantu

15. I love the juice texture of watermelon artinya​


Saya cinta tekstur dari jus semangka itu


i: saya

love: cinta

the: itu

juice: jus

texture: tekstur

of: dari

watermelon: semangka


16. read the excerpt from the reading text and study the uses of past verbs

Meaning :
baca kutipan dari teks bacaan dan pelajari penggunaan verba masa lalu.

17. do the cohesion make texture in discourse analysis?

yes. because cohesion makes text more stable

18. how is the texture of balsa​

bagaimana tekstur balsa

19. Which of the following represents the number two tenths in decimal form?a. 0.20000 c. 0.002000b. 0.40000d. 2.00000​


A: two tenths is equal to zero point two

20. the buffalo represents... characterjawab secepatnya ya​


the buffalo represents... character..Indonesia


maaf klo salah

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

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