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Part Three Determining How Transactions Change An Accounting Equation

Part Three Determining How Transactions Change An Accounting Equation

apa yang dimaksud dengan accounting equation​

Daftar Isi

1. apa yang dimaksud dengan accounting equation​


Persamaan akuntansi dasar, juga disebut persamaan neraca, merupakan hubungan antara aset, kewajiban, dan ekuitas pemilik dari sebuah bisnis

2. Persamaan dasar akuntansi (basic accounting equation) menggambarkan hubungan antara


Persamaan dasar akuntansi adalah persamaan yang menggambarkan hubungan antara harta, utang, dan modal yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Rumus persamaan dasar akuntansi adalah harta sama dengan utang.

Harta = Utang + Modal


1. Harta atau aset adalah kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan

2. Utang adalah kewajiban perusahaan untuk membayar kepada kreditur pada waktu tertentu

3. Modal adalah hak pemilik atas kekayaan yang dimiliki perusahaan

3. in what three ways can unbalanced forces change an object's motion?

An unbalanced force is one which is not balanced or counteracted by another force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. In absence of a counteracting force, this force causes motion (from rest) or a change in motion (of an already moving body) of an object. For example, a ball at rest, perhaps sitting in the grass, has two forces acting on it: Earth's gravity pulling it down and the normal force pushing it up. These two forces counteract each other. Due to these balanced forces, the ball stays at rest. When we hit the ball with a golf club, a force has been imparted to the ball and friction will help to stop the ball (by opposing the motion). How far and in which direction the ball will go depends on which force is stronger. Thus, the ball will experience an acceleration.An unbalanced force causes a change in the state of motion of an object by accelerating it. Note that deceleration (by say, friction) is also acceleration, with a negative value.

In general, an unbalanced force can cause a change in the state of motion, speed and/or direction of an object. 

Hope this helps.

4. part I change These sentences into passive voice below​

1. Biology was taught by her every Tuesday on the second floor.

2. An old radio was fixed by Caroline an hour ago.

3. Vegetables were being plant at backyard.

4. Some examples about conditional sentence was given by Mis Anita.

5. Cakes and biscuts were bought by my father in the backery a day before.

6. English was spoken by him in front of us now.

5. mention three kinds part of the body arrinya​


Sebutkan 3 bagian tubuh

1. Head




Maaf kalo salah

6. how many ways to solve the linear equation??

there are 4 ways, that is with graph, elimination, substitution, and mix method

7. How is climate change having an impact on food shortage ?

Climate change having an impact on food shortage because of:

Production process disruptions that causes availability limitations and price increases.Make problem on transport conduits.Problem effect on food safety.


Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap tanaman pakan ternak meliputi penurunan produktivitas dan kandungan nutrisi, serta berkurangnya luas tanam, mempengaruhi pasokan pakan ternak dan mengganggu ketersediaan pangan. Pemanasan global, naiknya permukaan laut,  banjir dan  badai akibat perubahan iklim akan secara signifikan mengubah habitat  alami  berbagai spesies flora dan fauna serta organisme lainnya. Cuaca badai juga dapat mempengaruhi jalannya sarana transportasi ini dan  keselamatan penumpang dan awak, karena iklim mempengaruhi arus transportasi dan beberapa alat transportasi, seperti pesawat terbang, membutuhkan iklim yang baik di sepanjang jalan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang penjelasan tentang perubahan iklim: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10989463

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

8. andi ate three combros change into passive​


three combros eaten by Andi


three combros eaten by andi

9. Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....


equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water

is 2H2​(g)+O2​(g)→2H2​O(l)

10. PART 1: CHANGE INTO (+) (-) (?)1. At three o'clock tomorrow, I (work) in myoffice(+)..(-)....(?)2. he (wait) for the train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning(+)..(-)..(?)...​


1. At three o'clock tomorrow, I (work) in myoffice

(+) At three o'clock tomorrow, I work in myoffice

(-) At three o'clock tomorrow, I don't work in myoffice

(?) At three o'clock tomorrow, Do l I work in myoffice?

2. He (wait) for the train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning

(+) He waits for the train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning

(-) He does't wait for the train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning

(?) Does He wait for the train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning?

11. yang dimaksud dengan determining room avability

Determining = menentukan
Room = ruangan
Availability = kekosongan(tidak ada yang pake ruangan ini/ tidak ada jam kosong, dan sebagainya)
Jadi artinya yaitu menentukan apakah ruangan tsb sedang dipakai/tidak
Tolong jadikan brainliest :)

12. The difference between a number and three is multiplied by negative six. The result is eighteen. What is the number? Write an equation that can be used to find the number, n. Solve the equation you wrote in part A to find the value of the number. Include all of your work in your answer.

Algebraic eguation

The difference between a number and three is multiplied by negative six. The result is eighteen.

The number = n


(n - 3) * (-6) = 18

The value of the number is 0.

(n - 3) = 18 ÷ (-6)

(n - 3) = (-3)

n = (-3) + 3

n = 0



difference = selisih

jadi selisih sebuah angka (n) dengan 3 dikali -6 hasilnya adalah 18.

Persamaannya adalah:

(n - 3) * -6 = 18

Nilai n dari persamaan tersebut adalah 0.


More about algebraic equation:




Subject: English

Category: algebraic equation

Level: elementary

Code: 5

13. a. What is English for financial accounting?b. What is accounting?c. How do you differentiate accounting from business?d. How do you differentiate external audit from internal audit?​


c. how do you differentiate accounting from business?


14. 17. how many parts does the backpack have ?A. one partC. Three partsB. Two parts18. Where doD. Four parts.​


One part


karena dia bawa satu tas

15. part seven : change these sentences inti passive voice​


Passive Voice:

1. English exercise is done by Me.

2. Korean movie is watched by us.

3. Basketball is played by the boys.

4. Chicken curry is cooked by Mother.

5. His new car is washed by Father.

6. Indonesian history is studied by them.

7. A package is delivered by the postman today.

8. A letter is written to his son by Mr.Danu.

9. The ducks are chased by the dog.

10. The old fence is painted by Amir.

11. Some fruits are brought by Dian and Tari for us.

12. The floor is swept by the girls carefully.

13. The red ball is played by the cat.

14. Milk is drunk by the baby.

15. Grandparents are visited by us in the village.


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dari Simple Present Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Latihan bahasa Inggris dilakukan oleh Saya.

2. Film Korea ditonton oleh kami.

3. Bola basket dimainkan oleh anak laki-laki.

4. Kari ayam dimasak oleh Ibu.

5. Mobil barunya dicuci oleh Ayah.

6. Sejarah Indonesia dipelajari oleh mereka.

7. Sebuah paket dikirimkan oleh tukang pos hari ini.

8. Sebuah surat ditulis untuk anaknya oleh Pak Danu.

9. Bebek bebek dikejar guguk.

10. Pagar lama dilukis oleh Amir.

11. Beberapa buah dibawa oleh Dian dan Tari untuk kami.

12. Lantai disapu oleh para gadis dengan hati-hati.

13. Bola merah dimainkan oleh kucing.

14. Susu diminum oleh bayi.

15. Kakek-nenek dikunjungi oleh kami di desa.

Simple Present Tense:

Active: (+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

Passive: (+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-3 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.


1. English exercise is done by me

2. Korean movie is watched by us.

3. Basketball is played by the boys

4. Chicken curry is cooked by mother

5. His new car is washed by father

6. Indonesian history is studied by them

7. A package is delivered by the postman today

8. A letter is written by Mr. Danu to his son.

9. The ducks are chased by the dog

10. The old fence is painted by Amir

11. Some fruits are brought by Dian and Tari for us

12. The floor is swept by the girls carefully.

13. The red ball is played by the cat.

14. Milk is drunken by the baby

15. Grandparents are visited by us in the village.


Untuk membentuk passive voice (kalimat pasif), beberapa hal harus diperhatikan

1) Perhatikan tense

Tense kalimat harus tetap sama ketika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif

2. Objek dalam kalimat aktif, dipindahkan menjadi subjek di kalimat pasif.

(Perhatikan jawaban di atas, khususnya yang ditulis dalam huruf miring/italic. Itu semua tadinya objek kalimat aktif, sekarang menjadi subjek kalimat pasif.

3. Subjek kalimat aktif dipindahkan menjadi  objek kalimat pasif, dan di depannya ditambahkan kata by

(perhatikan jawaban di atas, khususnya semua yang digarisbawahi Itu yang semua tadinya adalah subjek kalimat aktif, berubah menjadi objek kalimat pasif, dan ditambahkan dengan kata by di depannya.

4. Verb dalam kalimat aktif, jika dalam kalimat pasif  akan dirubah menjadi to be + verb bentuk ke-3

to be mana yang dipakai? Apakah is, am , are, was, were? Itu tergantung pada

- tense

- apakah subjek kalimat pasifnya singular atau plural.

5. Jika subjek kalimat aktif adalah kata ganti orang/pronoun  (seperti I, you, He , she, it, we, they) maka dalam kalimat pasif aka berubah menjadi objek dari masing-masing pronoun tsb.


I akan menjadi by ME

He menjadi by HIM

She menjadi by HER


Selamat belajar!

16. 26. Mention three part of speech!​


opening : pembukaan

contents : isi

closing. : penutupan


maaf kalau salah

17. Change into PASSIVE VOICE.1. Three scientists must research an incurable disease.​


an incurable disease must researched by Three scientists




18. to find new quadratic equation if given an equation with the roots p and q and the roots are 2p+1 and 2q+1 (how to solved) pake bahasa indonesia nggak apa

kalo misal kasih cara tapi nanti pake cara panjang gak apa apa kan
aduhh.. maksudnya apaan sih gak ngerti....

19. How to change language to english?plss idk how to change language

Hi! you can switch it anyway but you have to change your country first. How to change country ⬇️

1. Go to your profile page and click settings.

2. Then you can see “You are connected to brainly.co.id”

3. Tap the blue-coloured change

4. Pick your country then

~ USA : brainly.com

~ UK : brainly.com

~ India : brainly.in

~ Philipines : brainly.ph

Hope it helps ^^

20. What,how,why Social media or accounting

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