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Which Words Complete The Sentence Correctly Allowed Allowed

Which Words Complete The Sentence Correctly Allowed Allowed

which school and countries that allowed the students bring the handphone​

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1. which school and countries that allowed the students bring the handphone​



Sekolah mana dan negara apa yang membolehkan siswa nya membawa Handphone

Kalau ente nanya Which school and Countries:

Rata2 semua sekolah menengah keatas diperbolehkan membawa hape,


- America

- Canada

- United Kingdom

2. Complete the following sentences using the words from the box. Remember to use the correct forms of verbs. Ps; you allowed use the words twice or more​


1. She is really into reading

2. Doesn't that sound cool?

3. Run their own business

4. to her e_pal.

5. her mother tongue is Batakese

6. Saidah who is into books, Hannah are (hrsnya is) more into animals.

7. they can attend

8. she got a half sister

9. has many E-pals

10. slips back into


Magnificent gak kepake. Semoga bener semua yaa

3. Which one is allowed in salon​

Yang mana diperbolehkan di salon


yg mana yg diperbolehkan di salon


semoga membantu :)

maaf klau slh

4. change this sentence into negative from her Mother allowed her to join the English Club​

Jawaban: her mother doesn't allowed her to join the english club


maaf kalau salah :)

5. complete the following text using the words from the box ,correctly

what's the problem??

Mana gambarny?

GK bisa jawab klo gk ada soalnya

6. complete the following sentences make,let,or be allowed to ___ your teachers __ your study hard​


Allowed to MAKE your teachers LET your study hard

7. Write a complete sentence that uses the term energy correctly.

Option 1: An energy is something that we need in order to perform work or doing something.

Option 2: Energy is a source of life in our body, without energy, we wouldn’t do as much work as we normally do in our normal lives. It is very important to work on your energy and keep your body healthy enough to produce energy.

8. complete the following sentence using the words in the box​




I don't have idea in 11 and 12,I'm sorry if I'm wrong

9. The passengers aren’t allowed to drop out the wasteanywhere.The underlined word express….​(arent allowed)


Aren't allowed berarti tidak diperbolehkan atau diizinkan dengan kata lain, kalimat tersebut mengandung arti larangan/prohibited/prohibition


Prohibition adalah sebuah kalimat larangan atau peringatan bagi orang lain untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu.kalimat ini biasanya didominasi dengan kata kerja/verb "don't" yang mengibaratkan sebuah peringatan larangan semisal

don't step the grass

=jangan injak rumput itu.

tidak hanya "don't" kata lain akan mengandung prohibition jika isinya juga tentang larangan seperti soal di atas

the passengers aren't allowed to drop out the waste

= para penumpang tidak diperbolehkan membuang sampah

nah, ada kata tidak diperbolehkan yang berarti kalimat itu bersifat larangan.

untuk mengerjakan soal soal seperti diatas perlu amati soalnya, translate ke bahasa indonesia,tentukan jawaban yang sangat sesuai

semoga membantu ya

terima kasih

10. Twenty chairs in my classroom. Which of the following words could best complete the sentence above


There are.

There are twenty chairs in my classroom.

11. Complete the sentence with right words


2. like

3. has

4. are

5. have

6. like

7. is

8. like

9. is

10. is

✰ I'm sorry if my answers may be incorrect

12. In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly​



In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?


Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1.He loves to play basketball.

2.He goes to work everyday.

3.Does he go to school?

4.She Writes a book for her best friend.

5.He thinks he is very stupid.

6.It usually rains every day here.

7.It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

8.He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar.

#smoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

✧༺Selamat belajar༻✧

13. 16. Which words in the text have the same meaningas 'remember'?A. Park accordingly. C. Under construction.B. Allowed to park. D. Keep in mind.​


D. Keep in mind


16. Which words in the text have the same meaning as 'remember'?

➡️ Kata-kata mana dalam teks yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan 'ingat'?

Pilihan Ganda:

A. Park accordingly.

➡️ Taman yang sesuai.

C. Under construction.

➡️ Sedang dibangun

B. Allowed to park.

➡️ Diizinkan parkir.

D. Keep in mind.

➡️ Perlu diingat.


Tanpa teks, kita bisa menemukan Persamaan kata “remember” adalah “keep in mind” karena memiliki makna yang sama yaitu ingat dan diingat.

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Link Terkait Mencari Synonim: brainly.co.id/tugas/23813929brainly.co.id/tugas/25013848

DETAIL JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: SynonimLevel: JHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

KataKunci:Remember, Keep in mind



D. Keep In Mind.


maaf klo salah

14. Complete this followingsentence *1. I am not allowed to play outside. I ....playfootball with you in the garden.​


I'm not allowed to play outside. I can't play

soccer with you in the garden .

15. 5. What does the notice mean?.a. The students are allowed tob. The students are not allowec. The students are allowed tod. The student s are allowedDon't use this​


B. The students are not allowed



16. complete the sentence with these words

2. sale, bargains
3.shop assisten, customer
4.shopping basket
6. market stall

17. Complete the following dialogue with your Own words correctly.​


1. watching

2. fulfill

3. make

4. book

5. tell



Doni : What makes you so crazy in watching television = Apa yang membuat kamu gila dengan menonton televisi?

Desi : It can fulfill our knowledge (Menonton televisi dapat menambah ilmu kita)

Doni : In my opinion, watching television may make eyes strain. (Kalau pendapat saya, menonton televisi bisa membuat mata sakit)

Desi : I don't think so if we watch in a proper distance (Saya tidak setuju jika kita menonton dengan jarak tertentu)

Doni : In my opinion, reading a book will be safer (Kalau pendapat saya, membaca buku bisa lebih aman)

Desi : Yes, but the newspaper comes later than television (Ya, tapi koran dan buku bisa lebih lambat (untuk pendapatan informasi) daripada televisi)

Doni : Why are you watching such advertisement now? (Mengapa kamu menonton iklan-iklan sekarang?)

Desi : Advertisement may be tell for us to know new products (Iklan dapat memberitahu kita tentang produk-produk baru).

Doni : Ok, I see, I see. (Oh ok, aku mengerti)

Desi : Thank you for your understanding, bye. (Terimakasih atas pengertianmu, sampai jumpa)

Doni : Bye bye. (Sampai jumpa)

Maaf kalau salah, semoga dapat membantu, dan semangat belajar!

Jangan lupa dijadikan jawaban terbaik :D

18. allowed- We – not – to - are – enter The right arrangement of the jumble words above is.​


We are not allowed to enter


We are not allowed to enter


We are not allowed to enter


Semoga membantu

19. Apa itu bahasa indonesia nya things which are not allowed to do by the students are?



sesuatu yang tidak diizinkan untuk dilakukan oleh murid2 adalah...


Hal-hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh siswa adalah

20. complete the following text with the words from the box correctly.

1. Experience

2. Operated

3. Development

4. Renovations

5. Comprises

6. Traumatizing

7. Generations

8. Exhibits

9. Entrance

10. Visit

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