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She Unnames Them Think Questions

She Unnames Them Think Questions

- I think.....(ini) guestions are questions are very difficult​

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1. - I think.....(ini) guestions are questions are very difficult​


these (ini)


jawabannya these karena kata selanjutnya adalah questions (pertanyaan/jamak)

this (ini/tunggal)

these (ini/jamak)

that (itu/tunggal)

those (itu/jamak)

2. Claire took a Math quiz that has 35 questions. She answered 5/7of them correctly. How many questions did she answer wrongly?


10 Questions

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

35 ×[tex]\frac{5}{7}[/tex] = 25 =

35 - 25 = 10

So The Answer Is 10 Questions Wrong =D

3. Maulid .... to wach basketball games.(like/likes)she...... they're entertaining.(think/thinks)I...... cooking shows. (like/likes)I.......they're fun to watch.(think/thinks)wong....... news shows. (like/likes)he..... he can learn from them. (think/thinks)coco and jelf don't.......cartoons. (like/likes)they...... that cartoons are for little kids. (think/thinks)jangan diawur soalnya aku dikasih tugas liburan​










yang lebih dari satu ditambahkan s dibelakang kalimatnya atau hurufnya











karna kalau kata ke3 tunggal (he,she,it)itu pakai "s"

kalau sisanya tidak pakai "s"

4. 23. Anto W hat do you think about our newteacher?Wat I think he is very talkactive,What does Wati mean?a She thinks that their new teacher isvery active.b. She thinks that their new teacher isvery attractive.c. She thinks that their new teacher needsto talk much.d. She thinks that their new teacher talkstoo much​


a. she thinks that the new teacher is very active

kenapa bukan d, talk too much? karena orang yang talkative belum tentu kebanyakan bicara, namun suka berbicara dan aktif

mohon maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu ^-^


d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.


Wati bertanya kepada Anto apakah gurunya talkactive atau tidak. Maka dapat dilihat, bahwa Wati merasa bahwa gurunya itu talkactive.

Talkactive adalah kondisi dimana kita terus-menerus berbicara yang kurang penting, alias cerewet. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah D

5. 9. Kiki : What do you think of Bella's new shoes? Mita :.....The best response is... a. I think she is kind. b. ithink she has many shoes.c. I think you are beautiful. d I think they are expensive.​


d. I think they are expensive


a. I think she is kind


maaf kalo salah

6. 1. What does Siti’s think about the park ? She thinks that the park is…. 1. What does Siti’s think about the park ? She thinks that the park is…. a. shady b. pretty c. beautiful d. wonderful

where is the story

siti didnt say anything yet.

7. nana: what do you think of our New teacher Fina: I think she is...... If someone doesn't understand something, she has explained, spend time helping them to get it​




Karena guru baru Nana dan Fina berbaik hati membantu murid-murid yang kesusahan dalam belajar

Jadi jawabannya adalah Kind

Semoga membantu, maaf jika salah

8. 1. What is the best thing to do after receiving help from other people?A. Leave themB. Thank themC. Abandon themD. Greet them​


B. thank them

B. Thank them ( Terimakasih )

9. Questions :1. What do you know about Susi Pudjiastuti?2 Why do you think she is so popukar?​


Susi Pudjiastuti is the 6th Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. Previously she was known as a businessman. She is the owner of PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product. She also exporter of fishery products and PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation, which operates the Susi Air airline.Grounded sentences from Minister Susi which made her popular on social media. For example "come on, who hasn't eaten the fish, let's sink". That sentence is an example of Susi's communication with the public that is easily understood. Susi's message reaches the public and they often use the sentence as meme.


10. Marry : Thank a lot. A Will you come B. Can you come C. May come D. Don't you come ESSAY: Read the text then answer questions! Wina Wina can do many things. She can read English stories. She can answer questions, but she cannot ask questions in English. She is also good at music. She can play the flute. She can sing. too. She can sing English songs and folk songs. She can swim and run, but she cannot play basketball She does them regularly. She can fry eggs and bananas. She can cook tice too She has two hobbies. She can knit. She can also draw pictures. your fi arti kan​


1). Marry: thank you a lot

C. will u come?

Essay: wina, Wina bisa melakukan semua hal. dia bisa membacakan cerita Inggris. dia bisa menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi(tapi) dia tidak bisa menanyakan pertanyaan di bahasa Inggris. dia juga bagus dalam music. dia bisa menyanyi. dia bisa menyanyi lagu Inggris dan lagu rakyat. dia bisa berenang dan lari. tapi dia tidak bisa bermain basket dia Melakukannya secara teratur. dia bisa masak telur dan pisang. dia bisa memasak nasi juga dia punya dua hobi. dia bisa merajut. dia juga bisa menggambar foto-foto


11. Ajid : "What do you think about our new teacher?"Uzi : "I think he is very talk active"What does Uzi mean?a. She thinks that their new teacher is very activeb. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractivec. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk muchd. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much


Maaf kalau salah yaB.she thinks that their new teacher is very attractive

maaf kalo salah

12. Can wina ask questions in english A:yes she can B:i dont know C:no she cant D:i dont think so


Can wina ask questions in english?

Which part A. Yes she can

Maaf klo ada yg salah

13. the woman gave sweets to the children,but.. (they/them/theirs) did not thank.. (she/her)

Materi : pronouns

The woman gave sweets to the children,but they did not thank her.


14. she/they, they/them, she/her meaning? ​


she/they : dia perempuan/mereka

they/them : mereka/kepunyaan mereka

she/her : dia perempuan/kepunyaan dia perempuan


misalnya :

they write book

(mereka menulis buku)

them book are good

(buku mereka bagus)

she write homework

(dia perempuan menulis pr)

her homework is easy

(pr perempuan itu mudah)

15. 28. Mrs En: Congratulations on winning the Physics OlympiadSitana: .........What will Sitana probably say?a. Thank youc. agree with youb. I don't think sod. That's not true29. Ando: What do you think about our new teacher?Wita: I think he is very talkactiveWhat does Wita mean?a. She thinks that their new teacher is very active. c. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractive, .b. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk much. d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.​


28. A.Thank you

29. A




28. Mrs. En: Congratulations on winning the Physics Olympiad

Sitana: .........

What will Sitana probably say?

*a. Thank you.


Siatana winning the Physics Olympiad and Mrs. En say congratulation to her.

29. Ando: What do you think about our new teacher?

Wita: I think he is very talkactive

What does Wita mean?

*d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.​


The mean Wita is they new teacher talks too much when ask Ando about their new teacher.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

16. Soal 6Ando: What do you thinkabout our new teacher?Wita: I think he is verytalkactiveWhat does Wita mean?a. She thinks that theirnew teacher is veryactive.b. She thinks that theirnew teacher is veryattractive.c. She thinks that theirnew teacher needs totalk much.d. She thinks that theirnew teacher talks toomuch.​


d. she thinks that their new teacher talks too much


maaf kalau salah

17. Change this direct questions into indirect questions . Did you show them the way to the post office ? (she asked the boy)

She asked the boy if he had shown them the way to the post office.

He send in the post office

18. She wants to see them, but. Don’t want to see. A. They, she b. Them, she c. She, they d. They, her e. She, them.

Dia ingin melihat mereka, tapi. Tidak ingin melihat.

A. Mereka, dia

b. Mereka, dia

c. Dia, mereka

d. Mereka, dia

e. Dia, mereka.

19. The cat belongs to my daughter, but my husband decided that.........some of them for adoption. Pilih jawaban kamu. 1did she offer 2she did offer 3she offered 4she did offered 5she offer did

i think 3. she offeredthat she offered.

dlm kalimat ini yg dibutuhkan dlm bentuk past tense

20. apa itu he/her she/her she/they/them dan sebaliknya​


he : itu dia

her she : sama aja dia

they : mereka

them : mereka sm aja

jadi perbedaan nya ada dimana ada yang lebih jelas itu tanda nya benar tp sama sama aja artinya

maaf klo salah

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