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Teesha Is In The French Club

Teesha Is In The French Club

Rudy is the……….in this club *​

Daftar Isi

1. Rudy is the……….in this club *​


rudy is the Captain in this Club


maaf kalo salah

2. the oldest club in the word of football is...

The oldest club in the world of football is Sheffield F.C in Sheffield, England.

3. fill in the blanks with in order to or so that ! yanti is learning french...she can study in french


France course

kursus bahasa perancis





Yanti is learning french so that she can study in french

4. What is the leaflet about?,what is benys ability?,what is satriad ability?,will beny join the club?,mention the expressions of abilities found in the dislogue!


artinya=Selebaran tentang apa?, Apa kemampuan ben?, Apa itu satriad ability ?, akan bergabung dengan klub?, Sebutkan ekspresi kemampuan yang ditemukan dalam dialog!

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

5. the indonesian of french fries is​


kentang goreng.............

6. Jonny didn’t join the extracurricular club ……… He was sick.What is the suitable word in the sentence ?


Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :DJonny didn't join the extracurricular club because he was sick.

Good luck! :)

7. The French club ....this week(a. meets, b. aren't meeting, c. isn't meeting, d. doesn't meet)

A. meets
(mungkin) .....Jawabannya A
#maaf klo salah ya dan semoga membantu!!!

8. Tolong bantu kk Master English∆SOALTASK 4 In pairs, read the text in Task 2 again and then answer the following questions. Comparr your answers with anotger group's. 1. What is the announcement about? 2. What is meant by science club? 3. When do the members of science club meet? 4. What do the members do in the meetings? 5. How does the club strive to keep science interesting to its members? 6. What is the purpose of the science club? 7. What events are organized by the science club? 8. What should the students who are interested in joining the club do? ​

Task 2 : Read the following announcement and write questions about the words, grammar, contents, text structure, and purpose of the text. Look at the examples.

Join Our School Science Club

Meetings: Wednesday 2 p.m. in room 106

Science club is a place for students to pursue their passion in science and fulfill their infinite curiosity of how the world works. At meetings, members perform various experiments to extend their general knowledge as well as have a lot of fun in the process. Members are highly encouraged to participate in science competitions as they are given a chance to represent the school, have an opportunity to learn and once again, have fun in the process. This club strives to keep science interesting to its members by having a perfect combination of science and fun to create one of the most successful clubs in the school.


Experiments In-club competitions McMaster Engineering OlympicsContests: CAP, Avogadro's Chemistry Contest, Chemistry Contest National, Biology Competition

More Information, contact Lisa: 0867354627364


1. Pengumuman itu tentang apa?

Jawaban: The announcement is about School Science ClubKeterangan: Pengumuman tentang Klub Sains Sekolah mereka

2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan klub sains?

Jawaban: Science club is a place for students to pursue their passion in science and fulfill their infinite curiosity of how the world work.Keterangan: Klub sains adalah tempat bagi siswa untuk mengejar hasrat mereka dalam sains dan memenuhi rasa ingin tahu mereka yang tak terbatas tentang bagaimana dunia bekerja.

3. Kapan anggota klub sains bertemu?

Jawaban: Wednesday 2 p.m. in room 106Keterangan: Pertemuannya hari rabu jam 2 siang di ruang 106.

4. Apa yang dilakukan anggota dalam rapat?

Jawaban: members perform various experiments to extend their general knowledge as well as have a lot of fun in the processKeterangan: anggota melakukan berbagai eksperimen untuk memperluas pengetahuan umum mereka serta bersenang-senang dalam prosesnya

5. Bagaimana klub berusaha untuk menjaga agar ilmu pengetahuan tetap menarik bagi para anggotanya?

Jawaban: This club strives to keep science interesting to its members by having a perfect combination of science and fun to create one of the most successful clubs in the schoolKeterangan: Klub ini berusaha untuk menjaga sains tetap menarik bagi para anggotanya dengan memiliki kombinasi sempurna antara sains dan kesenangan untuk menciptakan salah satu klub paling sukses di sekolah.

6. Apa tujuan klub sains?

Jawaban: to participate in science competitions as they are given a chance to represent the school, have an opportunity to learn and once again, have fun in the processKeterangan: untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi sains karena mereka diberi kesempatan untuk mewakili sekolah, memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar dan sekali lagi, bersenang-senang dalam prosesnya.

7. Acara apa yang diselenggarakan oleh klub sains?


Experiments In-club competitions McMaster Engineering OlympicsContests: CAP, Avogadro's Chemistry Contest, Chemistry Contest National, Biology Competition

Keterangan: Berdasarkan bagian dalam teks "events"

8. Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa yang tertarik untuk bergabung dengan klub?

Jawaban: They can contact Lisa: 0867354627364 to get more information. Keterangan: Siswa yang tertarik bisa hubungi Lisa untuk info lebih lanjut


Reading https://brainly.co.id/tugas/46143059


Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kode: 10.5

9. i can ... the number in french


I can have your number in french


Maaf kalau salah

10. 5. "You should join the karawitan club at our school. What expression is used in the sentence above?​



Expressing suggestion usually uses word "should" or " can''

dikalimat da kata "should" mak berarti sugestion

11. The letter is in French. I can't understand it neither .... my sister​


The letter is in French. I can't understand it neither (Of) my sister

Kalo salah mohon di benerin :)

12. There were 60 children in mathclub. The ratio of the girls tothe boys in the club was 1:2.How many boys and girls in theclub?.​


Ada 60 anak di klub matematika. rasio perempuan dengan berapa banyak anak laki-laki dan perempuan di klub?

ratio= 1:2

total ratio= 3




20girls, 40boys

13. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia 8. They ...........( not/invite ) me to join the football club 9. We...........( not/learn ) how to spike in French 10. The cat..........( not/eat ) the fish on the table


8) they (invite= Mengundang/mengajak) me to join the football club.

> Mereka mengajakku untuk bergabung di klub bola

9) we (learn= mempelajari) how to speak in French

> Kita mempelajari bagaimana cara berbicara/berbahasa Perancis

10) The cat (eat= Makan) the fish on the table

> Kucingnya makan ikan diatas meja

14. Tom is by far the bast french...... in our class(speak) Tolongg kak yg titik itu

speaker jawabannya

jadikan yg terbaik yah :)

15. There are 40 boys and girls in the robotic club 3/8 of the club member is girls , how many boys then girls are there in the club


15 girls and 25 boys

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

girls = 3/8 × 40 = 15

boys = 40 - 15 = 25

16. The letter is in French. I can't understand it neither .... my sister​

The letter is in French. I can't understand it neither .... my sister​


Surat itu dalam bahasa Prancis. Aku juga tidak bisa memahaminya .... saudariku

Penjelasan: semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban tebaik ya

17. To: pencak silat club members The club activities will be off this week since mr.imam is still having a competitions in medan. 1.what is the message about? a. Club invitation b. Club promotion C.club calculation d. Club cancellation. 2.from the text we can conclude that mr.imam is probably a..... a. Coach b.janitor C. Student D.principal

1.D Club cancellation
2. A1.D.Club Cancellation

18. to: pencak silat club members the club activities will be off this week since mr. imam is still having a competition in medan. what is the message about??

to inform about the pencak silat activities will be off.
maaf kalo salahthe message is about the club activities will be off whis week

Maaf kalo salah

19. ANNOUNCEMENTENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB is opening registration for new members.Meeting is held every Wednesday from 14.00 to 16.00 at the Language Laboratory.For registration, please contact: Nadya (XID) and Hanung (XIF)It can be inferred from the text that ....a.the student may contact their teacher to join the clubb.the students who lack in English cannot join the clubc.the students must join the clubd.the meeting of the club is held for two hourse.the club is held outside the school​


a.the student may contact their teacher to join the club

20. The cause in the sentence "nancy joined yhe book club because she loved to read "is


the cause in the sentence is "she loved to read"


Nancy joined the book club "because she loved to read."

cause "because she loved to read."

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