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Which Elements Of Epic Poetry Are Shown In This Excerpt

Which Elements Of Epic Poetry Are Shown In This Excerpt

pengertian dari poetry elements in a song​

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1. pengertian dari poetry elements in a song​


elemen puisi dalam sebuah lagu

maaf kalo salah


2. The correct sentence (grammar) in the statements below is ....(A) Aristotle suggests that poetry was composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic(B) Aristotle suggested that poetry is composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic(C) Aristotle suggested that poetry composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic(D) Aristotle suggested that poetry was composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic(E) Aristotle has suggested that poetry is composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic​

The correct one is:

Aristotle suggested that poetry was composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic


when you want to write article/journal/research paper, you have to read a lot of books as references and you may take the notes of the expert's opinion you must remember the rules to avoid plagiarism:

1. if you take all the the expert's opinion without adding your idea, you must give a quotation mark (".."), the year and page. For example: "Poetry was composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic" (Aristotle, 1880:24)


2. if you just take the main point of the expert's idea and mixing with your idea, no need to put in ".." For example: Approve to Aristotle we know that poetry is an art of comedy, tragedy, and epic which contains a very poetic choice of words. or you can write like this one: Aristotle suggested that poetry was composed of comedy, tragedy, and epic (remember to use simple past tense form if you take the opinion with your fewer idea)

usually when we want to rewrite the expert opinion use simple past:

Aristotle suggested that..

Alexander said that..

Chomsky approved that

Soekarno agreed that..

3. Given the 6x6 numpy array r shown below, which of the following options would slice the shaded elements


Mengingat array numpy 6x6 r yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini, mana dari opsi berikut yang akan mengiris elemen yang diarsir:


hanya bisa diartikan

4. What are the elements of writing greeting cards ?mention at least 3 elements!​



The cover or front of the card may be a photo, text only, or a combination of text and images. The front of the card is what initially grabs attention and sets the tone (funny, serious, romantic, playful) for the card.

Inside Message

Some greeting cards are blank inside, and you write a personal message. Others might proclaim "Happy Birthday" or "Season's Greetings!" There could be a poem, quotation, or the punchline of a joke that began on the front. The inside of the card might repeat graphics from the front or have other images. The inside message typically appears on the right-hand side of the open side-fold card with the left side blank. On a top-fold card, the interior content generally is on the bottom panel.

Additional Inside Panels. Rather than the standard folded card with a front cover and message inside, some greeting cards incorporate multiple panels folded like a tri-fold brochure. They might have accordion folds or gatefolds to accommodate more text and images.

Additional Inside Pages. Some greeting cards can be like small booklets to present an extended message or tell a story. Some greeting cards are made with computer software and printed on letter-size paper folded to create a quarter-fold card so that all printing is on one side of the unfolded sheet of paper.


On commercially-produced greeting cards, the back of the card is where you'll find the name of the greeting card company, logo, copyright notice, and contact information. When making your own greeting cards, you might want to include your name and date or a personal stamp or logo. It could also be left blank.

Optional Parts

Flaps/Windows. Greeting cards of any size may have die-cut windows with or without flaps that conceal/reveal portions of the inside of the card.

Pop-Ups/Tabs. Some greeting cards might have pop-up elements or tabs that the recipient pulls to reveal a message or cause parts of the card to move.

Embellishments. Greeting cards created by hand or on the computer might have ribbon, charms, glitter, or other items that aren't part of the paper card.

Sound. Some cards incorporate sound using a built-in mechanism that plays music or speaks when the recipient opens the card.

5. what are the elements of the announcement?

apa elemen dari pengumuman itu

6. K = {letters in phrase "RAJIN BELAJAR"}. The number of K subsets which have 4 elements is ... .


K = {letters in phrase "RAJIN BELAJAR"}

n(k) = 12

E: Elemen

E = 12

7. 2. Mention some elements which include in report presentation!​



Name or Type of Activity.


Observation Purpose.

Time and Place of Observation.


Observation result.



jawaban terbaik:v

8. Part B. Questions.A. How do you analyse and interprete a poem?B. How do you identify a poem?C. What is the power of poetry?D. What are emotions in poetry?E. What is the importance of poetry?F. What makes poetry different form literature?G. Why is it important to know the elements and language used in poetry?H. Why do we analyze poetry?1. Why is structure important in poetry?J. Why poetry is so beutyful?K. What are the main features of poetry?L. What are the most common element examined in poetry analysis?M. What is the unique features of poetry?N. What is the role of peotry in sociaty?0. What makes poetry different?ANSWER:271356891241314151011NOANSWERCORRECT: ......... X 10 ): 15.MARK:​

kicil banget 1 SMA negeri di kota ini siapa apa yang ngambil kamu apa adanya dan tidak bisa 6766eh hdxnsjznsnznsn123dan itu we are the by 6

9. apa arti "other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities.trace elements are also found,but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded

unsur kimia lain yang ditemukan dalam persatuan dengan hidrokarbon sedikit dan diklasifikasikan sebagai elemen impurities.trace juga ditemukan, namun jumlahnya sangat kecil sehingga tidak diperhatikan.

10. What are the elements of writing report

Apa elemen penulisan laporan
jawab 7 Elemen Dalam Penulisan

1. Informatif
Esensi sebuah tulisan adalah memberi informai, bukan merangkai bahasa. Informasilah yang menjadi batu    bata penyusunan tulisan yang efektif. untuk menulis efektif, penulis pertama-tama harus mengumpulkan keingan informasi serta detail konkret yang spesifik dan akurat, bukan kecanggihan retorika atau pernik-pernik bahasa.

2. Signifikan
Tulisan yang baik memiliki dampak pada pembaca. panjangnya tulisan dan ruwetnya persoalan jangan sampai membuat penulisannya lupa untuk mengaitkan dengan kepentingan pembaca. mengaitkan dengan sesuatu yang mengancam kehidupan mereka, kesehatan, kemakmuran, maupun kesadaran mereka tentang nilai-nilai. enulis harus meletakkan informasi itu dalam sebuah perspektif yang berdimensi: mengandung unsur apa yang telah, sedang, dan akan terjadi.

3. Fokus
Tulisan yang sukses adalah tulisan yang bisa secara jelas menyampaikan sebuah pesan tertentu. tidak harus panjang lebar, justru efektif dan terfokus. proses investigasi yang panjang kerap menghasilkan bahan laporan yang berlimpah, data yang menggunung, dan kesaksian yanng beragam. inilah saatnya bagi wartawan untuk setia kepada angle cerita, dan fokus pada uaya menjawab hipotesis ang sudah dirumusakannya sendiri.

4. Konteks 
Tulisan yang efektif mampu meletakkan informasi pasa perspektif yang tepat sehingga pembaca tahu dari mana kisah berawal dan kemana mengalir. Penulis pemula biasanya cenderung menyajikan hal-hal besar secara sekaligus, sehingga sulit dicerna pembaca. sementara penulis yang lebih berpengalaman biasanya memunculkan konteks secara bergantian (secara bergelombang ) ke seluruh cerita.

5. wajah
Manusia suka membaca tulisan tentang manusia lainnya. tulisan akan efektif jika penulisannya mampu mengambil jarak dan membiarkan pembacanya menemui, berkenalan, serta mendengar sendiri  gagasan/informasi/perasaan dari manusia-manusia di dalamnya.

6. Bentuk
Tulisan yang efektif mengandung cerita dan sekaligus mengungkapkan cerita. umumnya tulisan ini berbentuk narasi, dan sebuah narasi bakal sukses jika terdapat pola kronologisnya aksi-reaksi. Penulis harus kreatif menyusun sebuah bentuk yang memungkinkan pembacanya memiliki kesan lengkapyang memuaskan. pembacanya harus dibawa ke dalam situasi di mana segala hal yang ada dalam tulisan tersebut mengalir ke arah kesimpulan yang tak terhindarkan. 

7. Suara
Dalam abad komunikasi massa seperti sekarang, kegiatan membaca tetap saja besifat pribadi; seorang penulis bertutur kepada seorang pembaca. tulisan akan mudah diingat jika mampu menciptakan ilusi 

11. What are the elements of procedure text?​



Titles indicate the goal or aim of your procedure.


Keep everything organised and in order


Subheadings such as materials, what to do next, warnings indicate the stages of the procedure.


Everything is organized in the sequence it is to occur and each new step must begin on a new line.


Greatly enhance a procedural text and reinforce technical instructions. Maps, diagrams and photos are essential.

12. what are the text elements of recount?

orientation, event, reorientation

smoga bermanfaat:)

13. What are the elements of 5W + 1H?​




semoga membantu


5W is






1H is



if there is some false i'm so sorry

14. Sinta can make a good poetry in this class"" what expression of this sentence?


Sinta can make a good poetry in this class

(Sinta bisa membuat puisi yang bagus di kelas ini)


Ungkapan tersebut merupakan ungkapan kemampuan (ability) yang biasanya ditandai dengan kata can.

Lawannya adalah ungkapan ketidakmampuan (inability) yang ditandai dengan kata can't.

15. what are the text elements of recount?

orientation, events, reorientation


16. Which of the following elements make up a molecule of glucose?


Glukosa (C6H12O6, Heavy molekul 180.18) is a heksosa—monosakarida that contains six atom carbon. Glukosa is a aldehida (mengandung gugus

Rumus kimia: C6H12O6

in water :909 g/1 L (25 °C (77 °F))

Kapasitor of calor {C): 218.6 J K−1 mol−1

17. Two or more items are omitted in each of the tabulations of income statement data shown below​


For 2013:

Net sales = $279,000

Ending inventory = $32,000

Purchases = $242,000

For 2014:

Sales revenue = $360,000

Cost of Goods sold = $269,000

Ending inventory = $24,000

For 2015:

Net sales = $390,000

Sales returns and allowances = $20,000

Beginning inventory = $24,000

Ending inventory = $31,000


Note: See the attached excel file for the tabulated income statement data to see the filled missing amounts. The answers are the ones in bold red color.

For each of the years, the calculations are done as follows:

For 2013:

Net sales = Sales revenue - Sales returns and allowances = $290,000 - $11,000 = $279,000

Ending inventory in 2013 = Beginning inventory in 2014 = $32,000

Purchases = Cost of Goods sold - Beginning inventory + Purchase returns and allowances – Freight-in + Ending inventory = $233,000 - 20,000 + 5,000 - 8,000 + $32,000 = $242,000

For 2014:

Sales revenue = Sales returns and allowances + Net sales = $13,000 + $347,000 = $360,000

Cost of Goods sold = Net sales - Gross profit on sales = $347,000 - $91,000 = $269,000

Ending inventory = Beginning inventory + Purchases - Purchase returns and allowances + Freight-in - Cost of Goods sold = $32,000 + $260,000 - $8,000 + $9,000 - $269,000 = $24,000

For 2015:

Net sales = Cost of Goods sold + Gross profit on sales = $293,000 + $97,000 = $390,000

Sales returns and allowances = Sales revenue - Net sales = $410,000 - $390,000 = $20,000

Beginning inventory in 2015 = Ending inventory in 2014 = $24,000

Ending inventory = Beginning inventory + Purchases - Purchase returns and allowances + Freight-in - Cost of Goods sold = $24,000 + $298,000 - $10,000 + $12,000 - $293,000 = $31,000

ma'af kalau salah

18. 1. what song is?2. what are structures of the song?3. what are figure elements of speech in song?​


1. a dream is a wish your heart makes


3. cinderella

19. What are the elements of Announcement text?


there is element water,fire,wind,gas and earth

20. how many elements which are not very important can be found in the plants?

Berapa banyak elemen yang tidak penting dapat ditemukan dalam tanaman?

who asked the meaning or the answer???????

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