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Why Did The King s Birthday Celebration Last So Long

Why Did The King s Birthday Celebration Last So Long

how long will the celebration last

1. how long will the celebration last

How long will the celebration last?

translate: Berapa lama perayaannya berakhir?

aku nggak bisa nentuin jawabannya karena nggak ada pilihannya (kalau memang nanyanya mau jawabannya) , jadinya aku translate aja. :l

Until the end of the celebration

2. What took you so long? Why the question doesn't use did?

karena tidak ada subjek pada kalimat, you tidak bertindak sebagai subjek,,

3. Why did the king always feel unhappy


Biasanya kalo kayak gini ada bacaannya?

4. Why did the king konstruct taj mahal?


becouse the king loves his wife so deeply

5. why did she become the primary bride of mataram's king?

mengapa dia menjadi pengantin utama raja mataram ini?

6. why did the king construct taj mahal

Sultan Mughal Shah JahanBecause Sultan Mughal Shah Jahan wanted to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

7. Why did the king send friend to the jail

itu maksudnya apa, terjemahannya ta?
kalau terjemahannya itu
" kenapa raja mengirim temannya ke penjara"kenapa raja mengirim temannya ke penjara

8. 1. What is the story about? 2. Why did people love King Aryan? 3. Why did a powerful king want to attack King Aryan's kingdom and King Vaishal's kingdom? 4. Why did King Vaishal's people leave the kingdom? 5. What proverb is suitable for King Aryan and King Vaishal? What is the meaning?​

Teks yang disajikan adalah

descriptive text

. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah

1. The story was about two kingdoms facing a war

2. People love king Aryan since he always paid attention to the safety andwelfare of his kingdom

3. The powerful kiing wanted to expanse his kingdom's teritory

4. People leave king vaishal because they don't love him, and he ever treat his people well.


No man is an island


Descriptive text

adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang biasanya terdapat pada buku-buku cerita. Jenis teks ini digunakan untuk menceritakan dongeng, fabel, hingga novel dan komik.


atau petuah, atau peribahasa daam bahasa inggris.

No Man is an Island

berarti tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat hidup sendirian tanpa bantuan orang lain. Layaknya king vaishal pada cerita tersebut, yang tidak memperhatikan rakyatnya, lalu kemudian ditinggalkan oleh rakyatnya.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Descriptive text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3507300


9. Why did the king Construct Taj Mahal​


taj mahal constructed by the king to show his love to his beloved wife

10. Why did the king invitecindelaras to his palace?​


Why did the king invite cindelaras to his palace?​

It is because the news about the strength of Cindelaras’ rooster spread quickly up to the palace of Jenggala kingdom and it made Raden Putra was curious. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace.


Sang Raja mengundang Cindelaras ke istananya karena berita tentang kekuatan ayam jantan Cindelaras menyebar dengan cepat ke istana kerajaan Jenggala dan membuat Raden Putra penasaran. Jadi, Sang Raja pun kemudian mengundang Cindelaras ke istananya untuk menjawab rasa ingin tahunya tersebut.

Semoga membantu ya.

11. why did the king shah jahan build taj mahal

karena shah jahan sangat patah hati akibat meniinggalnya ratubecause the king shah jahan felt so sad caused the death of his lovely wife.

12. 2. Why did the king construct Taj Mahal?

mengapa raja membangun taj mahal=Taj Mahal dibangun untuk menghormati istri penguasa Dinasti Mughal. ... Sama seperti kebanyakan raja lainnya, Shah Jahān memiliki banyak istri. Namun dari semua istrinya, sang kaisar hanya mencintai satu istrinya bernama Mumtaz Mahal. Keduanya menikah di tahun 1612.

semoga membantu-_-

13. How long will the birthday party last for


Berapa lama pesta ulang tahun akan berlangsung


semoga membantu maaf kalau salah


About 2 hours, Because it's just a birthday party

14. why did the king construct taj mahal​

He constructed Taj Mahal for his wife memoriam

15. how long did the tour yogyakarta last for

the Yogyakarta tour last for ... sesuai buku/bebas

16. Apa jawabannya 3.Did you make the actual plane ? 4.Why did you choose Kitty Hawk for the first flight ? 5.How long did the first flight last ?

3. Yes, I did.
4. Kitty Hawk has a hill, a good wind, and sand. That conditions will help the soft landing in case of accident.
5. It's about 12 seconds.
Semoga membbantu.

17. why did the king invitecindelaras to his palace?​


Because Cindelaras great rooster was heard by King Raden Putra.


18. Why did the king send his soldiers to arrest calonarang​


Kenapa Raja mengirim tentaranya/pasukannya untuk menangkap calonarang


Semoga membantu


mengapa Raja mengirimkan tentaranya atau pasukannya untuk menangkap calonarang

19. How long did the battle last


Berapa lama pertempuran terakhir

20. Why did the king send his friend to the jail?

Mengapa si Raja mengirimkan temannya ke penjara?itu suruh ngartiin atau jawab?

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