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Based On Random Choice Or Personal Whim

Based On Random Choice Or Personal Whim

make a personal letter to your friend or somebody else based on the structure​

1. make a personal letter to your friend or somebody else based on the structure​


buatlah surat pribadi untuk teman Anda atau orang lain berdasarkan strukturnya


arti nya kak


surat pribadi untuk orang tua

Kepada Yth,

Ayahanda dan Ibunda



Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Singkat saja untuk ketahuan Ayahanda dan Ibunda bahwa Ananda disini dalam keadaan sehat walafiat, semoga Ayahanda dan Ibunda serat adik ‐ adik saya dirumah dapat mengalami hal yang sama pula, Amin.

Ayahanda dan Ibunda, surat yang Ananda kirimkan lewat teman ini, sekedar Ananda mau beri tahu Ayahanda dan Ibunda bahwa hari ini Ananda telah menyelesaikan ujian dengan baik. Untuk itu pada liburan minggu depan Ananda rencana pulang ke Sorong, jika Ayahanda dan Ibunda mengizinkan.

Itu saja yang ingin Ananda sampaikan kepada Ayahanda dan Ibunda.

New York, 1 Mei 2013

Ananda Salahudin

bahasa inggris :

personal letter to parents


Father and Mother



Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings,

In short, it will be discovered by my father and mother that Ananda is here in very good health, I hope my father and mother, my younger siblings at home, can experience the same thing, Amen.

Father and Mother, the letter that Ananda sent through this friend, just that Ananda wanted to tell Father and Mother that today Ananda has finished the exam well. For this reason, on next week's vacation Ananda plans to return to Sorong, if your father and mother allow him.

That was all Ananda wanted to convey to Mother and Father.

New York, May 1, 2013

Ananda Salahudin

2. apa sih itu set.default.encoding?dan apa itu random choice?​


set.default.encoding itu format huruf yang digunakan di kode (coding), namanya encoding. format paling umum namanya utf-8, ada bermacam-macam format encodingnya.

random.choice itu method/function untuk memilih nilai secara acak. di sini yg diambil secara acak yaitu warna , diambil dari list (kumpulan) my_color yg isinya P,M,H,K,B,U,O,N, dan G

3. Write the personal letter based on the structure!


                                                             Bandung, August 25, 2017

For my best friend

Andi Lesmana

In Jakarta



Hi andi how are you How are you now May it remain in the protection of Allah ya Ndi !!

It's been a long time we haven't seen each other, we have been separated for almost three years. Exactly when I decided to transfer to Bandung. Since that time I have never heard from you before, I was worried about your situation. I always hope that you are always healthy and happy Ndi !!

I'm sorry Ndi because before I didn't tell you, if I would transfer schools to Bandung. It's all also not my desire anyway, I did it because of my parents' work, hopefully you can understand it.

Oh yes, God willing, later this year I will visit Jakarta, to see my grandparents. Approximately I will be in Jakarta for 14 days, even if only briefly. I hope in such a short time we can gather again Ndi, play like before.

Well it depends on your decision Ndi, if you want to accompany me surely I will be very happy. Later if I meet you, God willing, I will bring souvenirs from Bandung that tastes really good. But if you have another event, that's fine too. maybe God predestines our meeting another time.


So first Ndi a letter from me, I hope you are not angry and want to play with me when I'm in Jakarta later. Please send my regards to my friends, I know for sure they really miss me. It's enough for me to write a letter from me hopefully in Jakarta when I can meet you later, bye.


Your best friend




Tata letak Tanggal selalu di kann

4. state true or false based on the sentence based on the picture the bank is behind the post office​


katakan benar atau salah berdasarkan keputusan berdasarkan gambar bank berada di belakang kantor pos


semoga membantu

5. create a warning or caution based on each picture below​


4. pickpockets are prohibited

5. always lock your bike

6. Make mark's personal identity list based on the dialog above write down below


dialognya mana bang, mana bisa dikerjain kalo gada dialognya

7. Create a warning or caution based on each picture below.

Buatlah perhatian sesuai gambar diatas Buat peringatan atau peringatan berdasarkan setiap gambar di bawah ini!

8. Give your suggestion or offer based on the pictures below!​


mohon maff ini maksud pertanyaan nya apa ya

9. Write True or False based on the answer! ​


True, bcs you awnser the task correctly

10. make sentence comparative or superlative based on the picture​



membuat kalimat komparatif atau superlatif berdasarkan gambar

11. State true or false based on the dialogue on task1​


nyatakan benar atau salah berdasarkan dialog pada tugas 1

12. Give your suggestion or offer based on the pictures below!​



Is your stove broken? Buy a new one



13. II. Based on the series of pictures below, make a personal recount, Jhon’s experience!


Bagian 1


Jawaban : 4, 5, 8, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1

Bagian 2

Make a personal recount based on Jhon's experience.

Jawaban: First, in the morning, John got up late. After that, Jhon rushed to school and and only had breakfast milk because he was late. Next, he hurried off to school. Then, because he because he ran away in a hurry, he slipped on the water and fell.


Personal recount adalah kisah lisan atau tertulis dari suatu peristiwa atau pengalaman yang melibatkan penulis atau pembicara secara pribadi.

Maaf kalau salah(╥﹏╥)

Keep it up^^

14. Make 5 caption based on picture or thing around you !

-the classroom is very wide
-the whiteboard is messy
-there are a lot of chairs in the classroom
-the books are tidy up by the students
-the teacher is explaining about english subject

15. mau tanya dong ini artinya apa ya. including every despotic whim and caprice, punishment unsanctioned by statute or judicial

termasuk setiap keinginan despotik dan caprice, hukuman unsanctioned oleh undang-undang atau judicial
termasuk setiap keinginan lalim dan perubahan pikiran, hukuman sanksi oleh undang undang atau keputusan pengadilan.

16. make sentence based on the picture with he or she ​


Nih, Jawabannya yang seperti soal

Story random

Dina:Look, He Is New Student Raka

Rita:Lets Visit him

Dina:Ok,Im wonder how handsome He is.

Rita:Hello Raka, Im Rita, And She Is my friend Dina.

Dina:Hello raka, nice to meet you

Raka:Nice to meet you, im Raka A new Student

Dina&Rita:Nice meet you, Lets go to school, this goin'late

Raka:Ok,Thanks for Visit and Meet Me.

Dina&Rita:Raka, Can you Pose

Raka:Of course

Dina&Rita:Nice Model to Photo



He itu untuk Laki laki

sedangkan She untuk perempuan

17. Apakah arti dari write true or false based on the text


Tulis benar atau salah dalam text tersebut


Semoga membantu:")


Tuliskan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks

18. Make a 10 multiple choice question tests based on your own procedure text​


1.What should you do to detergent first?

A. Spray it

B. Clean it

C. Put it away

D. Shake it up

2. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface directly or spray it on ….

A. Our fingers

B. The paper

C. The fabric cleanser

D. The brush

3. "Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush" (step 3). What does the underlined word mean?

A. Carefully

B. Directly

C. Harshly

D. Cleanly

4. What should we do after turn the temperature control "defrost"?

A. Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument

B. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays

C. Remove all other food stuff

D. Allow the ice to melt

5. "Allow it to melt" (step 4). The word "it" refers to ....

A. The food

B. The refrigerator

C. The ice

D. The freezing unit

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell how to make Anzac Biscuits

B. To see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuits

C. To announce a new recipe of AnzacBiscuits

D. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits

7. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits?

A. To mix baking soda and boiling water

B. To press the balls of mixture

C. To put the balls on a tray

D. To roll the mixture

8. The length of the pencil case depends on ....

A. The items we are going to put there

B. The ruler we have

C. The size of the pen

D. The box that we find

9. From the text above we can conclude that we have to be .... in decorating the box to have a good result.

A. Box

B. Careful

C. Creative

D. Risky

10. " ... Add glitter if you like." (step 4) The synonym of the underlined word is ....

A. Haze

B. Becloud

C. Darken

D. Twinkle


19. Based on your opinion this material is difficult or not​

I do think that this material is not difficult.

so difficult, you not have think

20. Make gina s personal identity list based on the dialogue above.write it in the box below!gina s personal identiy ​


artinya:Buatlah daftar identitas diri gina berdasarkan dialog di atas. tuliskan pada kotak di bawah ini! identitas diri gina.


sebenarnya aku cuma cari orang yg butuh bantuan tapi, aku seh sebenarnya kgk ngerti yaudah maaf kalau salah jadi aku cuma mau translate aja g pake google tapi kaks aku kls 5 makasih.....

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