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Identify Each Pair Of Angles As Corresponding

Identify Each Pair Of Angles As Corresponding

Draw a sketch of pair of similar triangles, lable them. show their corresponding angles by the same signs. show the length of corresponding sides by numbers in proportion.​

Daftar Isi

1. Draw a sketch of pair of similar triangles, lable them. show their corresponding angles by the same signs. show the length of corresponding sides by numbers in proportion.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

artinya ; Gambar sketsa sepasang segitiga serupa, beri label. tunjukkan sudut yang sesuai dengan tanda yang sama. tunjukkan panjang sisi yang sesuai dengan angka secara proporsional.

2. Apa yang di maksud corresponding angles?



Ketika dua garis dilintasi oleh garis lain (yang disebut Transversal), sudut di sudut yang cocok disebut sudut yang sesuai atau corresponding angles.

3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan: - Supplementary Angles - Complementary Angles - Corresponding Angles - Alternate interior Angles - Alternate exterior Angles - Opposite Angles

- sudut suplemen atau sudut yang berpelurus Sifat : Kalo dijumlahkan hasilnya 180 derajat - sudut komplemen atau berpenyiku Sifat : Kalo dijumlahkan hasilnya 90 derajat - saya gatau corresponding, maaaaf - sudut dalam bersebrangan Sifat : Besarnya sama - sudut luar bersebrangan Sifat : Besarnya sama - sudut bertolak belakang Sifat : Besarnya sama Maaf kalau salah

4. find the size of the ubknown angles in each of the diagram​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karna bau lu tersebut cepirit

5. Copy the words identify the use of each part of tree artinya


Salin kata-kata mengidentifikasi penggunaan setiap bagian pohon


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

6. elvin and carol had $42 and $30 respectively. they each spent the same amount of money on a pair of shoes. how much was the pair of shoes if elvin had twice as much money as carol after buying the pair of shoes

wath no ai dont know

7. arti dari each pair of us share one table


setiap pasangan dari kita berbagi satu meja.


setiap pasangan dari kita berbagi satu meja

itu jawabannya


semoga membantu

8. this pair of glasses is as ...... as that pair.(fashionable,more fashionable,most fashionable)

as fashionable as that pair.the answer " fashionable" semoga membantu

9. 3 Eddy draws each of the following shapes on square dot grid paperHow many sides and angles does each shape have?Mark all the angles inside each shapeShapeNumber of sides Number of angles​

cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar....

10. identify the profession of each person in the picture :)​

5. Architect

6. Mechanic

7.bisa Artist (seniman) atau Sculpture (pembuat patung)

8. Cashier

Maaf bila ada salah

11. If each of the exterior angles is 108 degrees , what is the name of the polygon?

Interior angle = 180 degrees - 108 degrees = 72 degrees
n-gon = 360 degrees / Interior angle
n-gon = 360 degrees / 72 degrees
n-gon = 5
The name of the polygon is pentagon OR 5-gon
I wish this answer helps you :)

12. Find the unknown marked angles in each of the right-angled triangles.tolong bantu dong​


a. 180° - (90° + 57°)

   180° - 147°

= 33°

b. ∠ABC = 180° - (90° + 28°)

               = 180° - 118°

               = 62°

   ∠ADC = 180° - {90° - (90° - 28°)}

               = 180° - (90° + 62°)

               = 180° - 152°

               = 28°

c.  ∠GEF = 180 - (90 + 26)

               = 180 - 116

               = 64

    ∠DEG = 90 - 64

               = 26

13. combine each pair of sentences below using the given ckrrelative conjunctions!

1. either by boat or by helicopter we will reach the island
2. both jason and kai is the man vocal of that group
3. neither to obey nor to command he was not one of those born

semoga membantu

14. 1. In the figure, AB || CD. (a) List down (1) two pairs of equal corresponding angles, (ii) two pairs of equal alternate angles, (iii) two pairs of interior angles which are supplementary. (b) Is BWQ = AXR? Explain your answer. c) Is the sum of DYP and CZR equal to 180? Explain your answer.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kita translite ke Bahasa Indonesia dulu

Pada gambar, AB || CD.

(a) Daftar ke bawah

(1) dua pasang sudut yang bersesuaian sama besar,

(ii) dua pasang sudut yang sama besar,

(iii) dua pasang sudut dalam yang bersuplemen.

(b) Apakah BWQ = AXR? Jelaskan jawabanmu.

c) Apakah jumlah DYP dan CZR sama dengan 180? Jelaskan jawaban Anda

Garis dan Sudut



(i) 2 Pasang sudut yang bersesuaian sama besar adalah

< W = < X

< Y = < Z

(ii) 2 Pasang sudut yang sama besar

< W = < X

< Y = < Z

(iii) 2 Pasang sudut dalam yang tambahan

< YWX dan < ZXW

< WYZ dan < XZY


Tidak sama karena < BWQ lebih landai dibandingkan dengan < AXR yang lebih lancip

C. DYP + CZR = 180⁰

Ya, karena < DYP dan < CZR saling berhadapan maka jumlah kedua sudut adalan 180⁰

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Matematika

Kelas: 7 / VII SMP

Materi : Garis dan Sudut

Kode Kategorisasi: -

Kata Kunci: Garis dan Sudut


Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat!

15. Identify the cause and effect in each pair of sentences. Then, combine the sentences with because.


1. Cause: Edi's a heavy smoker.

Effect: Edi has breathing problem.

2. Effect: Kadita feels homesick.

Cause: Kadita moved to a new city.

3. Effect: Gunawan is lack of staple food.

Cause: Gunawan has been unemployed.

4. Cause: Setiawan has gained weight.

Effect: Setiawan is going to eat less.

5. Cause: The weather was cold.

Effect: We stayed home.


Combine the sentences with because.

1. Edi has breathing problem because he is a heavy smoker.

2. Kadita feels homesick because she moved to a new city.

3. Gunawan is lack of staple food because he has been unemployed.

4. Setiawan is going to eat less because he has gained weight.

5. We stayed home because the weather was cold.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cause and effect pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13150651


16. each of the angles A, B, C, and D is... degrees​


Maaf kok tidak ada ganbar nya

17. Apa terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dari: - Supplementary Angles - Complementary Angles - Corresponding Angles - Alternate interior Angles - Alternate exterior Angles - Opposite Angles

- Tambahan Angles
- Pelengkap Angles
- Angles korespondensi
- Alternatif interior Angles
- Angles eksterior Alternatif
- Angles Opposite
Maaf kalau salah.

18. find the size of the unknown angles in each of the diagrams ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Langkah cara terdapat di dalam gambar

19. find the size of the unknown angles in each diagrams​


360° = 120° + 92° + 65° + X°

360° = 212° + 65° + X°

360° = 277° + X°

360° - 277° = X°

83° = X°

So, The Unknown Angles In X Is 83°

Semoga Membantu <3

Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah <( ̄︶ ̄)>

20. find the size of the unknown angles in each of the diagrams​







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