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Martian And The Car Answers

Martian And The Car Answers

complete the questios and answers​

1. complete the questios and answers​

a. do

b. Does, tennis, doesn't

c. do, dishes, they don't

d. Does, shower, she/he

2. review text the martian

The Martian

The Martian is a movie about a guy trapped in Mars and need to wait for a long time before he saved by other astronauts and bring back to earth but he got soo many bad luck in Mars example his home in Mars is destroyed he got stabbed by a stick and left by his friend in Mars until finally he back to earth.

Beri like

3. write two riddles and the answers!


semoga membantu jangan lupa follow aku ya ^_^ satu jawaban terbaik dari kamu sangat membantu bagi saya

4. C. read the text below and answers the questions! ​


1. tell us about mirna's family.

2. chicken soup.

3. in the kitchen.

4. mirna's father.

5. mirna likes to help her mother to cooking. mira likes to clean the house, like sweeping and moping it. and the little brother, medi, he likes to arranging a magazine and books in the bookshelf


bisa di koreksi jikalau ada yang salah, sekian dan terima kasih.

5. choose and cross (×) the correct answers​


24. B

25. C

26. C

27. A

28. A

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. A

33. B

6. Write sentences and finish the short answers.

a. Does school finish at four o'clock? Yes, it does.
(Apakah sekolah selesai pada pukul 4? Ya, itu benar)

b. Do students eat in the canteen?
(Apakah para murid makan di kantin?)

7. complete the questions and give short answers​



1. Is she working on her homework? No,

she isn't.

2. Am I sitting in your seats? No, you aren't.

3.Are the students mopping the floor? Yes,

they are.

4. Is our mother looking for us? No, she


5. Are you listening to me? Yes, I am.

6. Is Alia cooking an omelet for me? No,

she isn't.

7. Are they cleaning the swimming pool?

Yes, they are.

8. Is my cat sleeping on your pillow. No, it


9. Are we waiting for someone? Yes, we


10. Am I doing something wrong? No, you



She/He/It > Is

They/We/you > You

#maaf klo salah

#Semoga membantu (。>‿‿<。 )

8. make questions and answers about the picture​

The modal verb "can" is used to express that we know how to do something.

1. Are you good at swimming?

2. Can you play soccer?

3. Do you know how to play American football?


Contoh expressions of ability:

My brother can swim very well (Saudara lai - laki saya bisa berenang dengan sangat baik)I feel capable of painting the picture (Saya merasa bisa melukis gambar)I am able to do mathematics (Saya bisa mengerjakan matematika)I might be able to do the task (Saya mungkin bisa mengerjakan tugas)I know how to play a guitar (Saya tahu bagaimana bermain sebuah gitar)

Expressions of asking ability:

Are you good at dancing? (Apakah kamu bagus dalam menari?)Can you play the piano? (Bisakah kamu bermain piano?)Do you know how to fix the laptop? (Apakah kamu tahu bagaimana memperbaiki laptop?)Are you able to sing? (Akapah kamu bisa bernyanyi?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh expressions of ability:



Detil jawaban

Kelas: 11

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Expressing ability

Kode: 11.5.2

Kata Kunci: Ability, Expressions

9. write questions and short answers. see the example

Subject: English


1. (a parking lot near here)

A : Is there a parking lot near here?

B. No, There isn't

2. (any interseting places in your town)

A: Are there any interesting places in your town?

B: Yes, there are

3. (any posters in your classroom)

A: Are there any posters in your classroom?

B: No, there aren't

4. (any computers in your school)

A. Are there any computers in your school?

B. Yes, there are

Semoga membantu:)

10. ActivityMake questions and answers about the picture​

2. Can you wind surf?
= No I can’t

3. Are you capable of surfing?
=Yes, I’m capable of surfing

4. Are you good at playing basketball?
=Yes, I play basketball quite well

11. Look at the pictures and give a answers ​


Picture 1

Dad: Hey Andi. What are you doing?

Andi: Hello, dad! I'm preparing my things for school.

Andi: What are you doing, dad?

Dad: I'm helping your mom to clean the house.

Picture 2:

Agung: Hello, Andi. Where are you going?

Andi: I'm going to my class, how about you?

Agung: I'm going to my class too.

Andi: Okay, then. Goodbye.

Picture 3:

Andi: Hello, sir.

Teacher: Hello, Andi. how is your day?

Andi: Good, sir.

Teacher: Okay, andi. Please take your seat.

Picture 4:

Parents: Hello, Andi. What did you learned at school?

Andi: I learned geography and English.


12. look at the pictures and give a answers ​


1. He say's to the parents that he got a best rank in class.

2. Adi say's to Eko to leave early to help his mother.

3. Andi Meet Mr. Joko in walk around on his school.

4. The Ardi Parent's say's hello to Budi for welcoming to Ardi House.


hope it helps and mark as the best answer.

13. choose and cross the correct answers​


pertanyaannya mana kok ngak ada yg terlampir?

14. 10 Questions and Answers for the Flood Disaster ?

Flood disaster artinya Banjir

15. Write the sentences and give underline for the answers!​













Semoga Membantu


1. first

2. two

3. third

4. four

5. five

6. sixth

7. seven

8. eight

9. ninth

10. ten

16. Please answer this 2 questions and the answers

Question 1 : Which month has the highest increase in sales?

Answer : April

Question 2 : What is the amount of decrease on May to June?

Answer : 8000-6500 = 1500 sales

17. 1. the car is... the police car and the truck




18. Read the riddles below and then write the answers!


1. Watermelon

2. Moon

3. Life

4. Birthday candles

5. Parachute

Semoga membantu :)

19. G. Complete the questions and answers.TOLONG DONG PLS​


itu kamu buat sendiri maksudnya

20. B.Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.(istilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)1.The man is standing....the school`s gate.2.the man is standing....the mailbox.3.The car is....the police car and the truck.tolong jawab pelajaran:bhs inggris​


1) The man is standingin front of the school's gate.

2) The man is standing behindthe mailbox.

3) The car is between the police car and the truck.


1) Lelaki itu sedang berdiri di depan gerbang sekolah.

2) Lelaki itu sedang berdiri di belakang kotak surat.

3) Mobil itu berada di antara mobil polisi dan truk.

semoga membantu^^

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