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In Jkl Solve For X

In Jkl Solve For X

solve for x in 2/5x = 8.

1. solve for x in 2/5x = 8.

~ Math


= 2/5x = 8

x = ?

5 × 2/5x = 8 × 5

2x = 40

2x = 40/2

x = 20

2/5x = 8

x = 5/2 × 8

x = 5 × 4

x = 20

2. Form an equation in x use it to solve for X

(x + 10 + (x+8) + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 . 4
2x = 60 - 46
2x = 14
x = 7
(x + 10 + x + 8 + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 × 4
2x = 60 - 46
x = 14/2
x = 7

Kalau boleh jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.

3. Form an equation in x use it to solve for X

4 · 15 = x + 10 + x + 8 + 28
60 = 2x + 46
14 = 2x
x = 7

Sekian,semoga membantu.(x + 10 + x + 8 + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 × 4
2x = 60 - 46
x = 14/2
x = 7

Kalau boleh jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.

4. 4х – 5y = 33х - 4y = 6solve for y and x​

For this question, you can use elimination method

[tex]4x - 5y = 3 \\ 3x - 4y = 6 \\ - - - - - - ( - ) \\ x - y = - 3 = = > x = y - 3[/tex]

We get 3rd equation, that is x = y - 3. Substitute x = y - 3 to the 1st equation.

[tex]4(y - 3) - 5y = 3 \\ 4y - 12 - 5y = 3 \\ - y = 15 \\ y = - 15[/tex]

Finally we get the value of y. Now the last step, substitute y to the 2nd equation to get the value of x.

[tex]3x - 4( - 15) = 6 \\ 3x + 60 = 6 \\ 3x = - 54 \\ x = - 18[/tex]

Finally we get the value of x and y, x = -18 and y = -15.


4х – 5y = 3

3х - 4y = 6






Substitute x = y - 3






• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •





Substitute y = x - 6






• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •  »Detail  Jawaban

Kelas         : 9

Mapel        : MATIMATEKA  - FISIKA

Bab           : [Kelas 9 MATIMATEKA - FISIKA Bab 2 - Substitute]  

Kode         : 9.22.2

Kata Kunci : Substitute x = y

5. Solve for x: |x-5|=2|x+1|​

(x-5 +2x+2)(x-5 - (2x+2)) = 0

(3x - 3) (-x+3) = 0

x = 1 atau x = 3

6. Solve the exponential equation for ​


x= -4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Itu 1 saat:


3x+12= 0

3x= -12

x= -4

[tex]( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = 1 \\ ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{0} \\ 3x + 12 = 0 \\ 3x = - 12 \\ x = \frac{ - 12}{3} \\ x = - 4[/tex]

[tex] \: [/tex]

»Detail Jawaban: Mapel: Matematika Kelas: X Materi: Eksponensial


7. Solve for x in this equation! 4 sin²x=3- No Ngasal- No Copas- Ngasal dan/atau copas=Report- Pake cara + penjelasan​

persamaan trigonometri

4 sin² x = 3

sin² x = 3/4

sin x = √(3/4)

sin x = 1/2 √3 atau sin x = -1/2 √3

Interval 0° ≤ x ≤ 360°

sin x = 1/2 √3

x = arc sin (1/2 √3)

x = 60° atau x = 180° - 60° = 120°

sin x = -1/2 √3

x = 180° + 60° = 240°


x = 360° - 60° = 300°

HP = {60° , 120° , 240° , 300°}

8. Solve for x + 5 = 13.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x + 5 = 13

x = 13 -5

x = 8

semoga membantu


X + 5 = 13

X = 13 - 5 = 8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

9. solve cosec (x-30°) = 2 for 0°<x<360°pliss bantuu​

Himpunan penyelesaian dari [tex] \rm cosec(x-30)^o = 2[/tex] adalah {60°,180°}.

Pendahuluan :

[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright Pengertian:[/tex]

Trigonometri adalah ilmu matematika yang mempelajari mengenai sudut. Contoh dari sudut yang akan dipelajari : sinus, cosinus, tangen, cosecan, secan, dan cotangen.

[tex] \\[/tex]

[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright Persamaan~Trigonometri~Umum :[/tex]

•[tex]\rm sin~x = sin~\alpha[/tex]

Kemungkinan 1 : x = α + k.360

Kemungkinan 2 : x = (180-α) + k.360

•[tex]\rm cos~x = cos~\alpha[/tex]

Kemungkinan 1 : x = α + k.360

Kemungkinan 2 : x = -α + k.360

•[tex] \rm tan~x = tan~\alpha[/tex]

Kemungkinan 1 : x = α + k.180


[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright cos(x+\alpha) \pm cos(x-\alpha) = c ~dan~sin(x+\alpha)\pm sin(x-\alpha) = c :[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin(A+B)+sin(A-B) = 2sin~A.cos~B[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin(A+B)-sin(A-B) = 2cos~A.sin~B[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos(A+B)+cos(A-B) = 2cos~A.cos~B[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos(A+B)-cos(A-B) = -2sin~A.sin~B[/tex]

[tex] \\[/tex]

[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright ax+bx = 0:[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin~A+sin~B = 2sin\frac{1}{2}(A+B)cos\frac{1}{2}(A-B)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin~A-sin~B = 2cos\frac{1}{2}(A+B)sin\frac{1}{2}(A-B)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos~A+cos~B = 2cos\frac{1}{2}(A+B)cos\frac{1}{2}(A-B)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos~A-cos~B = -2sin\frac{1}{2}(A+B)sin\frac{1}{2}(A-B)[/tex]

[tex] \\[/tex]

[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright acos~x+bsin~x :[/tex]

•[tex] \rm k~cos(x-\alpha)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm k~cos(x+\alpha)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm k~sin(x+\alpha)[/tex]

•[tex] \rm k~sin(x-\alpha)[/tex]

k diperoleh dari :[tex] \rm \sqrt{a^2+b^2}[/tex]

α diperoleh dari : [tex] \rm tan~\alpha =\frac{b}{a}[/tex]

dimana : a adalah koefisien cos dan b koeofisien sin

[tex] \\[/tex]

[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright sin(A\pm B)~dan~cos(A\pm B) :[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin(A+B) = sinA.cosB+cosA.sinB[/tex]

•[tex] \rm sin(A-B) = sinA.cosB-cosA.sinB[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos(A+B) = cosA.cosB-sinA.sinB[/tex]

•[tex] \rm cos(A-B) = cosA.cosB+sinA.sinB[/tex]


[tex]\bf\blacktriangleright Tabel~Trigonometri:[/tex]

[tex]\rm{\boxed{ \begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|c} \underline {{}\alpha} &\underline{\bf 0^o}&\underline{\bf 30^o}& \underline{\bf 45^o}&\underline{\bf 60^o}&\underline{\bf 90^o} \\\\ \bf sin~\alpha & 0 & \frac{1}{2} & \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{2} & \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{3} & 1 \\\\ \bf cos~\alpha & 1 & \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{3} & \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{2} & \frac{1}{2} & 0 \\\\ \bf tan~\alpha & 0 & \frac{1}{3}\sqrt{3} & 1 & \sqrt{3} & \infty \end{array}}}[/tex]

•Kuadran I (0° ≤ α ≤ 90°) = semua +

•Kuadran II (90°≤ α ≤ 180°) = sin +

•Kuadran III (180° ≤ α ≤ 270°) = tan +

•Kuadran IV (270° ≤ α ≤ 360°) = cos +

•Fungsi tetap 180 ± α atau 360 ± α

•Fungsi berubah 90 ± α atau 270 ± α (sin menjadi cos, cos menjadi sin, tan menjadi cotan)

Pembahasan :

Diketahui :

[tex] \rm cosec(x-30)^o = 2[/tex] untuk 0° < x < 360°

Ditanya :


Jawab :

[tex] \rm cosec(x-30)^o = 2[/tex]

[tex] \rm \frac{1}{sin(x-30)^o} = 2[/tex]

[tex] \rm sin(x-30)^o = \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex] \rm sin(x-30)^o = sin~30^o[/tex]

Kemungkinan 1 :

[tex] \rm x-30 = 30+k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm x = 30+30 +k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm x = 60+k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm k = 0\rightarrow x = 60^o[/tex] (M)

[tex] \rm k = 1\rightarrow x = 420^o[/tex] (TM)

Kemungkinan 2 :

[tex] \rm x-30 = (180-30)+k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm x-30 = 150+30 +k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm x = 180+k.360[/tex]

[tex] \rm k = 0\rightarrow x = 180^o[/tex] (M)

[tex] \rm k = 1\rightarrow x = 540^o[/tex] (TM)

Kesimpulan :

Jadi, HP = {60°,180°}.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut :

1) Operasi Hitung Trigonometri


2) Perbandingan Trigonometri


3) Identitas Trigonometri


4) Aturan Sinus


5) Aturan Cosinus


6) Persamaan Trigonometri Bentuk a cos x + b sin x


Detail Jawaban :Kelas : 10Mapel : MatematikaMateri : TrigonometriKode Kategorisasi : 10.2.7Kata Kunci : Cosec, Sin, Persamaan Sederhana

10. Solve the following equations for x, in interval 0<x<3603 cosx = -2​

Persamaan  fungsi  cos x

cos x = cos p , maka  x = ± p +k.360

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

HP  x untuk 0< x< 360 , dari
[tex]3\ \cos x = - 2[/tex]
[tex]\cos x = -\frac{2}{3} = \cos 131,8[/tex]

x= 131,8 + k. 360   atau x = -131,8 + k.360
k= 0, 1 , 2, . . .

k= 0 , x= 131,8   atau  x = -  131,8
k = 1 , x= 491,8  atau  x = 228,2

HP  x untuk 0< x< 360 , x = { 131,8  ;  228, 2}

11. Solve exponential in the picture* 81^³log x = 27 ​


[tex]x = \sqrt[4]{27} [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \begin{aligned} {81}^{ {}^{3}\rm log \: x} &= 27 \\ {}^{3}\rm log \: x &= {}^{81} \rm log \: 27 \\ {}^{3} \rm log \: x &= {}^{ {3}^{4} } \rm log \: {3}^{3} \\ {}^{3}\rm log \: x &= \frac{3}{4} \: {}^{3}\rm log \: 3 \\ {}^{3}\rm log \: x &= \frac{3}{4} \\ \rm x &= {3}^{ \frac{3}{4} } \\ \rm x &= \sqrt[4]{ {3}^{3} } \\ \rm x &= \sqrt[4]{27} \end{aligned}[/tex]

[tex] \: [/tex]


12. solve for x if 1/a + x-2 = b-2

1/a + x-2 = b-2
1 + x-2    = a (b-2)
1 + x-2    = ab - 2a
  x-2        = ab - 2a - 1 
         x    = ab - 2a - 1 - 2
maka x    = ab - 2a - 3

13. 1. Solve for x when 16x = 2x + 56. 2. Solve for x when    14 = [tex] \frac{6 + 4x}{5x} [/tex] 3. Solve for x when 45 = 24 + 3x. 4. Solve for x if 5x2 + 20 = 1,000. 5. If q = 560 − 3p solve for p when q = 314.

16x = 2x + 56
16x - 2x = 56
14x = 56
x = 56/14
x = 4

[tex]14 = \frac{6 + 4x}{5x} \\ 14 \times 5x = 6 + 4x \\ 70x = 6 + 4x \\ 70x - 4x = 6 \\ 66x = 6 \\ \frac{6}{66} = x \\ \frac{1}{11} = x[/tex]
45 = 24 + 3x
45 - 24 = 3x
21 = 3x
21/3 = x
7 = x

5x² + 20 = 1000
5x² = 1000 - 20
5x² = 980
x² = 980/5
x² = 196
x = √196
x = 14

q = 560-3p
314 = 560 - 3p
3p = 560 - 314
3p = 246
p = 246/3
p = 82

14. Solve for x...good luck ​


x = 1, x = 3, x = 2, x = -1

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Terlampir pada gambar yaa


x^(x² - 5x + 6) = 1

kemungkinan 1

x = 1

kemungkinan 2

x² - 5x + 6 = 0 dg syarat x ≠ 0

(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0

x = 2 atau x = 3


kemungkinan 3

x = -1 dg syarat (x² - 5x + 6) adalah genap

(-1)^genap = 1

uji x = -1

(-1)² - 5(-1) + 6 = 1 + 5 + 6 = 12 memenuhi syarat

x = -1



15. |x-2|+|x+3|<5 solve for x plissss sekarang jugaa

Semoga paham yaa.. :))

16. solve for x 8(3^(6-3)) = 40

[tex]8(3^{6 - x}) = 40\\3^{6-x} = 5\\^3log5 = 6 - x\\1,5 = 6 - x\\x = 6 - 1,5\\x = 4,5[/tex]

17. Solve for x and find the measure of the bold angle

[tex]16x - 6 = 14x + 6 \\ 16x - 14x = 6 + 6 \\ 2x = 12 \\ x = \frac{12}{2} \\ x = 6 \\ \\ bold \: angle \\ 14x + 6 \\ 14.6 + 6 \\ 84 + 6 \\ 90[/tex]

18. Solve for x in this equation! 4 sin²x=3- No Ngasal- No Copas- Ngasal dan/atau copas=Report- Pake cara + penjelasan​

HP = {60°, 120°, 240°, 300°}


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4 sin²x = 3

sin²x = 3/4

sin²x = ± √(3/4)

sin x = ½√3 ...sin x = -1/2√3

sin x = 1/2√3

sin x = sin 60°

x = 60° + k(360°)

x = 60° ...k =0

sin x = 1/2√3

sin x = sin 60°

x = (180° - 60°) + k(360°)

x = 120° + k(360°)

x = 120° ...k =0

sin x = -1/2√3

sin x = sin 240°

x = 240° + k(360°)

x = 240° ...k =0

sin x = sin 240°

x = (180° - 240°) + k(360°)

x = -60° + k(360°)

x = 300° ...k =1

HP untuk interval 0° < x < 2π,

HP = {60°, 120°, 240°, 300°}

19. Berapakah [tex]\frac{3}{2}x+5 = 6[/tex] Solve for x btw



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20. solve for x 2^(3-x) = 565

Bab Logaritma
Matematika SMA Kelas X

2^(3 - x) = 565
²log 565 = 3 - x
3 - x = log 565 / log 2
3 - x = 2,752 / 0,301
x = 3 - 9,14
x = -6,14⇒log1023−x=log10 = 565


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