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Lab Absorption And Radiation By Land And Water

Lab Absorption And Radiation By Land And Water

Rearrange into good sentence (susun kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang tepat) : land - It- water - in - on - lives - anda. It lives in water and on landb. lives in water and on land itc. lives it in water and on landd. It lives on water and in land​

Daftar Isi

1. Rearrange into good sentence (susun kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang tepat) : land - It- water - in - on - lives - anda. It lives in water and on landb. lives in water and on land itc. lives it in water and on landd. It lives on water and in land​


jawabannya d kalo bukan a


artinya "itu hidup di air dan di darat"

it lives in water and on land(a)
in digunakan utk di dlm air dan on digunakan utk di darat

2. this is removed from land by water and wind,what is this?

badai storm kali ya...

3. A ... lives in the water and land​




Amphibians and reptiles inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living in both water and land. One of the most widely used examples of such animals is a frog. Frogs typically lay their eggs in water, which then hatch into aquatic larvae called tadpoles. The life cycle is completed when they metamorphose into adults which can inhabit both water and land.

4. amphibians are vertebrates living in two world, water and land,it means.... a.living in water and on land are both good b.experiencing two phases of life on land and in water c.livin in water during rainy season an on land during dry season d.living in the sea bit will move to freshwater when it is time to lay eggs e. breathe through gills but can live on land answer right oke


b.experiencing two phases of life on land and in water

Penjelasan:seorry kalo salah

5. The animal can swim under water and walk on the land. And has a big bite


ya jelas a crocodile (buaya)


6. can swim under water and walk on land and has a big bite animls crosword puzzle​




An alligator can swim under water and walk on land and has a big bite.

7. 5. Our earth's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is made from water and land.7.HURUF DOANG​


Our earth's islands is made from water and land.


Deskripsi Jawaban:

maaf kalau salah =\


Our earth's Surface is made from water and land.

semoga membantu :)

8. Frog can live on land and water. It can swim and jump. Tolong di arti kan


katak di siaran hidup di darat dan dik air ikan dn lompat

9. Frog can live on land and water. It can swim and jump. Tolong di arti kan bahasa indonesia


katak bisa hidup di darat dan air

dia bisa berenang dan melompat


Katak bisa hidup di darat dan air.

Ia bisa berenang dan melompat.

10. the land was flooded by the water from the river and the lake artinya ​

Tanahnya telah dibanjiri oleh air dari sungai dan danau.

Semoga membantu :)

11. land-on-can-in-plants-live-both-water-and-the tolong diurutkan

Plants can live in both water and on the land

12. Can swim under water and walk on land and has a big bike

dapat berenang di bawah laut dan berjalan di daratan dan mempunyau sepeda besar

13. the cheapest and the easiest natural resource for people to live is.....a.carbon dioxide and airb.rain and water and land c.oxygen and water d.oxygen and carbon dioxide

oxygen and water (c)
hope it helps you

14. Examples of invertebrates that live on land and water​pelajaran science


worms, leeches, bees, spiders, dragonflies, jellyfish, coral reefs, sea cucumbers, starfish, clams, squids, snails, and octopuses.


15. Can swim under water and walk on land and has big bite

probably a crocodile or hippopotamus.It is an aligator.Because it can swim under water and walk on land.

16. Frog can live in the water and land diubah menjadi kalimat yang sesuai



Katak bisa hidup di air dan darat

(frogs are amphibians)


Katak adalah hewan amfibi

Maaf kalo salah



Katak bisa hidup di air dan darat

(frogs are amphibians)


Katak adalah hewan amfibi


Maaf kalo salah tapi tolong jadikan jawabanku menjadi jawaban tercerdas

17. frog-live-can-in the-land-water-and.​

frog can live in the water and land



18. 1.frog cant live in the water and land ​


1. (-) Frog can't live in the water and land

(?) Can frog live in the water and land?

2. (+) You can drive a car

(-) You can't drive a car

3. (+) The children will study at home during coronavirus outbreak

(?) Will the children study at home during coronavirus outbreak?

4. (-) The government won't make some policies to face Covid 19 pandemic

(?) Will the government won't make some policies to face Covid 19 pandemic?

5. (-) Covid 19 can't cause a severe breathing problem

(?) Can Covid 19 cause a severe breathing problem?

6. (+) Staying at home will protect you from the virus

(?) Will staying at home protect you from the virus?

7. (+) Washing our hands using hands soap properly can kill the coronavirus

(-) Washing our hands using hands soap properly can't kill the coronavirus

8. (-) We can't use technologies to help us study at home

(?) Can we use technologies to help us study at home

9. (-) Covering your nose and mouth won't help others from being infected

(?) Will Covering your nose and mouth help others from being infected?

10. (+) Five minutes of sun exposure will enable your body to produce vitamin D

(?) Will five minutes of sun exposure enable your body to produce vitamin D?


Bila ada kesalahan mohon dikoreksi

19. Crocodile is........it can live on land and water?a.aves b.amphibians c.mammals d.aquatic




because crocodile can live in the water and land

20. pesticide and factory waste can ...... water and landJAWAB YA TAPI PAKEK BAHASA INGGRIS​


Pesticide and Factory waste can Contamination Water and land.

Kenapa saya menggunakan kalimat Contamination ? Karena Contamination berarti Kontaminasi/mengontaminasi. jadi apa bila diartikan Pesticide and factory waste can Contamination water and land didapat jawaban

Pestisida dan limbah pabrik dapat mengontaminasi air dan tanah.


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