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Westfalls Is 7 Miles South Of Edenville

Westfalls Is 7 Miles South Of Edenville

the opposite of south is....​

Daftar Isi

1. the opposite of south is....​


Semoga membantu

2. Write True or False.1. There are hundreds of island in Indonesia.2. Kalimantan is south of Java.3. Kalimantan is east of Sulawesi.4. Sumatra is north-west of Java.5. Sulawesi is east of Kalimantan.6. Java is north-west of Sulawesi.7. Java is south of Kalimantan.8. Java is south-west of Sulawesi.​


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. True

Semoga membantu kalau salah maaf yah:D


3. palangkaraya is south west of ...

a.central kalimantan.

4. 1 , north east - of Bali - in - the -is - Bangli 2 , of - Bali - the south - in - is - Uluwatu 3, the west - of - Bali - in - is - Jembrana 4, the south - of - Bali - Badung - is -in 5 , the-south east - of - kuta - Nusa dua - is -in


1. Bangli is in the North East of Bali

2. Uluwatu is in the South of Bali

3. Jembrana is in the West of Bali

4. Badung is in the South of Bali

5. Kuta is in the South East of Nusa Dua


sorry if I make any mistakes, I hope my answers will be helpful :)


1. Bangli is in the north east of Bali

2. Uluwatu is in the south of Bali

3. Jembrana is in the west of Bali

4. Bandung is in the south of Bali

5. Nusa dua is in the south east of Kuta

semoga membantu!

5. the indonesian of south west is......​


Timor Leste, Australia, Samudra Pasifik.

semoga bermanfaat dan maaf klo salah

hopefully useful and sorry if wrong


Artinya adalah arah angin yg arahnya antara barat dan selatan

6. 1. Lumajang( )2. Madiun( )3. Surabaya( )4. Mountain Bromo( )5. Pacitan( )6.Mount Merapi( )7.Balekambang Temple( )8.Bangkalan( )9.Penataran Temple( )10.Sumenap( )a. is east of Malangb. is in the east of East Javac. is in the east of Madura islandd.is in the west Madura islande. is in the west of East Javaf. is south of karangkates lakeg. is south of ponorogo h. is south of probolinggoi. is south-east of gresik j. is south-west of Selorejo lake​

1. (h).

2. (b)

3. (i).

4. (a).

5. (g).

6. (e).

7. (f).

8. (d).

9. (j).

10. (c).

7. the capital city of south east of sulawesi is ....

the capital city of southeast of sulawesi is Kendarithe capital city of south east of Sulawesi is Kendari

8. the opposite of south is north?

iya karena lawannya utara(north) adalah selatan(south)

Yes it is Yes it is Yes it is Thats my Answer bye bye

9. 6. Bogor is in the ... of Jakarta.a. eastb. westC. southd in the south west of7. Bogor is in the ... of Sukabumi.a. eastc. northb. westd. south8. Sukabumi is in the ... of Bandunga. eastc. northb. westd. south​





maaf kalau salah jenggg

10. What is the capital of South Korea ?​


Seoul is the capital city of South Korea

Semoga membantu dan jangan lupa berikan jawaban tercedas ^^English~_________________☆


What is the capital of South Korea ?


↪ Seoul


Seoul adalah Ibu Kota Dari Korea Selatan,dan kota metropolis terbesar di Korea Selatan. Pada tahun 1948 Seoul Menjadi Ibu kota negara.



[tex]\small\color{pink}{answerby :herdina.n ࿐}[/tex]

11. the indonesis of south weset is​


*south west artinya barat daya

smg terbantu :)


Barat daya


Correct me if I'm wrong:)

12. The opposite of “South" is......​



Like + star and Pollow

13. 3. Bali island is location in ... of java islanda. Westc. Westb. Northd. South4. Bandung is location in ... of java islanda. Westc. Westb. Northd. South5. Pontianak is location in ... of borne islanda. Westc. Westb. Northd. South6. The opposite of north west is ...a. North eastc. south eastb. South westd. south7. Between north west and south west is ...a. Westc. Westb. Northd. South​






7.Between North West = Northwest

Between South East = Southeast

Semoga membantu , maaf jika jawaban saya salah ...

14. the opposite of south east is ...​




moga membantu:)


the opposite of south east is north west

Terjemahan :

arah yg bersebrangan dari tenggara adalah barat laut


15. what is the capital of Englandwhat is the capital of South America ​


England = london

South america itu benua bos ,bukan negara



England: London



16. The opposite of south west is...


Southwest versus Northeast


Barat Daya Lawannya Timur Laut


North East

Help it's helpful :)

17. what continent is directly south of Europe?​




maaf kalau salah


The continent directly south of Europe is Africa. It is the second largest continent in the world, both in terms of area and population.

( Kontinen yang berada langsung di selatan Eropa adalah Afrika. Ini adalah kontinen kedua terbesar di dunia, baik dalam hal luas dan penduduk. )

18. beach is in south beach of yogyakarta​


bhs inggris: beach is in south beach of yogyakarta

bhs indonesia: pantai berada di pantai selatan yogyakarta

19. lumajang ( ) madiun. ( )surabaya ( )mountain bromo ( ) pacitan ( ) mount merapi ( ) balakambang temple ( ) penataran temple ( ) sumenep ( ) pilihanya : a. is east of malang b. is in the east of java c. is in the east of madura island d. is in the west madura island e. is in the west of eats java f. is south of karangkates lake g. is south of ponogoroh. is south of purbolinggo i. is south east of gresik j. is south west of selojero lake ​




karena a itu baik sekali dan bagus

20. apa arti java is south of kalimantan

Responsio :
Jawa ada di sebelah selatan Kalimantan

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking." -Santosh KalwarArtinya Jawa berada di selatan Kalimantan

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