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Which Microscopic Field Contains A Hypertonic Solution

Which Microscopic Field Contains A Hypertonic Solution

If blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution?

Daftar Isi

1. If blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution?


If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water will leave the cell, and the cell will shrink. In an isotonic environment, there is no net water movement, so there is no change in the size of the cell. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic environment, water will enter the cell, and the cell will swell.

2. A hypertonic solution has lower …… than a hypotonic solution A. solute B. water potential C. concentrated solution D. density


B. water potential


hipertonis= larutan yang lebih pekat, dalam pengertian banyak zat terlarut

hipotonis= larutan yang lebih encer, dalam pengertian sedikit zat terlarut

karena hipertonis memiliki zat terlarut yang lebih banyak maka potensial air akan menurun

3. What is the molarity of H2SO4 solution which contains 49.04 g in 1 litre solution.

Materi : Asam - Basa


0.500408163236 (0.5 molarity)


to calculate the molarity of sulfuric acid H2SO4.


m H2SO4 = 49.04 g

v = 1 litre

Mr H2SO4 =

Mr H2SO4

= (2 × Ar h) + (1 × Ar S) + (4 x Ar o)

= (2×1) + (1×32) + (4×16)

= 2+32+6

Mr H2SO4 = 98

(1.The formula for calculating the moles of sulfuric acid

n = m/Mr H2SO4

n = 49.04/98

  = 0.50040816326 or 0.5

(2.The formula for calculating the molarity of sulfuric acid

M = n/v

M = 0.50040816336/1

  = 0.5

→so the molarity of sulfuric acid H2SO4 is 0.5

hope it helps, thank you

4. 100 grams of salt solution contains 20 grams salt .Find mass percentage

mass percentage (w/w) = (grams of salt / grams of solution) x 100
mass percentage (w/w) = (20 gr / 100 gr) x 100
mass percentage (w/w) = 20%

5. Which of the following chemicals is a nonelectrolyte?a. molten naphthalenab. sodium hydroxide solutionc. aqueous sulfuric acid solutiond. aqueous ethanoic acid solutione. aqueous potassium iodide solution

The First thing that you must knew about Electrolyte Solution, Have the Criteria:
- The Solution that Perfect Ionized 
- Strong Acid or alkali (have strong electrolyte) and weak Acid or alkali (have Weak Elektrolytes)
- Salt Solution (NaCl, KCl, and any others)

I thing Molten Napthalena Is the best Answer, Napthalena as an Organic coumpund has a Stabilized structur, so dificult to ionized.

I Hope that answer your question...

6. Write the sentence which contains a relative pronoun!


He is the person who gave you a call last night.

(Dia adalah orang yang meneleponmu tadi malam)

7. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

8. The pH of solution that contains 0.01 M NH4OH (Kb = 10^-6) and 0.5 NH4Cl M is..

Diketahui : 200 mL NH₄OH 0,01 M

50 mL HCl 0,02 M

Kb = 10⁻⁵

Ditanya : pH = ...?

Jawab :

Hitung mol masing-masing larutan :

mol NH₄OH = 200 mL × 0,01 M = 2 mmol

mol HCl = 50 mL × 0,02 M = 1 mmol

Stoikiometri :

NH₄OH (aq) + HCl (aq) → NH₄Cl (aq) + H₂O (l)

m : 2 mmol 1 mmol _ _

r : -1 mmol -1 mmol +1 mmol +1 mmol

s : 1 mmol _ 1 mmol 1 mmol

[OH⁻] = Kb × \frac{mmol~sisa~basa}{mmol~sisa~garam}

mmol sisa garam

mmol sisa basa

= 10⁻⁵ × \frac{1~mmol}{1~mmol}

1 mmol

1 mmol

= 10⁻⁵

Selanjutnya hitunglah pH campuran larutan :

pOH = - log [OH⁻] = - log 10⁻⁵ = 5

pH = 14 – pOH = 14 - 5 = 9

⇒ Kesimpulan, dicampurkan 200 mL larutan NH₄OH 0,01 M dengan 50 mL larutan HCl 0,02 M (Kb = 10⁻⁵ ),pH larutan hasil pencampuran adalah 9.

Pembahasan :


pH suatu larutan akan turun apabila ditambah asam, hal ini disebabkan meningkatnya konsentrasi H⁺. Sebaliknya, bila ditambah basa akan menaikkan pH karena penambahan basa meningkatkan konsentrasi OH⁻. Penambahan air pada larutan asam dan basa akan mengubah pH larutan, karena konsentrasi asam atau basanya akan mengecil. Namun, ada larutan yang bila ditambah sedikit asam, basa, atau air tidak mengubah pH secara berarti. Larutan yang demikian disebut dengan larutan penyangga (disebut juga larutan buffer atau dapar).


1. Larutan Penyangga yang bersifat asam

Larutan ini mempertahankan pH pada daerah asam (pH < 7). Untuk mendapatkan larutan ini dapat dibuat dari asam lemah dan garamnya yang merupakan basa konjugasi dari asamnya.

Contoh :

1. Asam lemah CH₃COOH dengan garamnya CH₃COONa

2. Asam lemah HCN dengan garamnya Ca(CN)₂

3. Asam lemah HF dengan garamnya KF

Dapat digunakan tetapan ionisasi dalam menentukan konsentrasi ion H⁺ dalam suatu larutan dengan rumus berikut:

[H⁺] = Ka × \frac{mmol sisa asam}{mmol sisa garam}



2. Larutan Penyangga yang bersifat basa

Larutan ini mempertahankan pH pada daerah basa (pH > 7). Untuk mendapatkan larutan ini dapat dibuat dari basa lemah dan garam, yang garamnya berasal dari asam kuat.

Contoh :

1. Basa lemah NH₄OH dengan garamnya NH₄Cl

2. Basa lemah Al(OH)₃ dengan garamnya AlCl₃

3. Basa lemah NH₃ dengan garamnya NH₄Cl

Dapat digunakan tetapan ionisasi dalam menentukan konsentrasi ion OH⁻ dalam suatu larutan dengan rumus berikut:

[OH⁻] = Kb × \frac{mmol sisa basa}{mmol sisa garam}



Pelajari lebih lanjut :

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22109899

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21975698

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21568173

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21388769

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21023609

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21175802

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21127484

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20787283

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10092527

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21319198

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22259710

Materi tentang contoh soal larutan penyangga (buffer) https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22259753

TOLONG volow ya

9. make a conversation which contains obligation and advice​


artinya: membuat percakapan yang berisi kewajiban dan nasihat

sorry kak ternyata salah soal

10. The diagram shows two food tests carried out on solution x. which nutrients are present in solution x ?

Diagram menunjukkan dua tes makanan yang dilakukan pada larutan x. nutrisi yang ada dalam larutan x adalah protein dan gula.


Kita tahu bahwa setiap hidangan biasanya terdiri dari satu atau lebih bahan, yang kita dapatkan dari tumbuhan atau hewan. Bahan-bahan tersebut mengandung beberapa komponen yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Komponen ini disebut nutrisi. Makanan yang berbeda mengandung berbagai jenis nutrisi. Karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral merupakan nutrisi penting yang terdapat dalam makanan.

Nutrisi adalah komponen kimia dalam makanan yang diperlukan untuk melepaskan energi dan membantu pertumbuhan. Karbohidrat dan lemak terutama memberikan energi bagi tubuh kita.

Nutrisi utama dalam makanan kita adalah karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral. Selain itu, makanan juga mengandung serat makanan dan air.

Protein dan mineral dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan pemeliharaan tubuh kita.

Pati dan gula adalah dua jenis karbohidrat yang ditemukan dalam makanan.

Karbohidrat dan lemak terutama menyediakan energi.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang:

Cara menguji kandungan zat makanan pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/244366

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

11. a scientist confucts an experiment by soaking roots of a plant solution which contains minerals salt at different level of oxygen concentration.exolain whymineral salts concentration in the roots increases when the oxygen concentration in the solution increases 10%

| Biophysics |

This is the other example of physics movement fluid. When you add two solution in different concentration and split it with some membrane, the one which has high concentration of water will diffuse to the lower water concentration. Which means, if you add oxygen in the solution, the concentration of water is decrease while the mineral concentration is decrease too. It increase the difference concentration gradient and make the water move to the roots cells until the gradient is balance.

12. In a solution that contains salt and waterWater is the ....Salt is the ....​


Water ia the tasteless

salt ia the salty

13. make 1 question which contains two sentences​

buat 1 pertanyaan yang berisi dua kalimat

14. A solution of salt and water contains 10% salt by weight. 30 kg water evaporates from the solution and now it contains 20% of salt. Find the original quantity of salt.

Please find attached pic of my math work for your question. Hope you can understand.. :)

15. Solution which is included in strong electrolyte solutions is

#larutan elektrokit
#X semester 2

yang termasuk dalam larutan elektrolit kuat :

(basa kuat, asam kuat atau garam)


16. Which molecule contains a nitrogen atom with sp hybridised orbitals .....


molecule that contains a nitrogen atom with sp hybridised orbitals is HCN

17. mengapa cairan pada hypertonic,isotonic,hypotonic keluar?

mungkin karena perbedaan konsentrasi cairan

18. make a complete which contains combitation of personal pronoun possesive pronoun and reflixive pronoun​

                                                                                                                                  Answer :  Definition of Pronoun

Pronouns are pronouns that are used to replace nouns, such as people, animals, objects, and other things that are abstract. For example, you're talking about your brother, John. The sentences you use will become very repetitive if you repeat the word "John".                                                                       You can just change the word"John"to"My brother". However, the sentence seems to imply that you are talking about two different people.        For that, you can use the pronoun"he" so that your sentences are not repetitive and in accordance with what is intended.                                                       Types of Pronouns

There are several types of pronouns in English, namely:                                                1. Personal Pronoun

Personal pronouns or what are often known as personal pronouns are pronouns that refer to people both as the subject and the object of a sentence.                                                                                                                           2. Antecedents

Before we discuss Possessive Pronouns, we must know about Antecedents first. As we know, pronouns are very versatile. The pronoun“it”can refer to anything: a bicycle, a tree, a feeling, and so on. That's why we need antecedents. Antecedents are nouns or phrases of nouns that we mention at the beginning of sentences or stories, and will later be replaced by pronouns. Example:  My brother always drives me nuts, but I love him.

In some cases, antecedents need not be explicitly stated as long as the context is clear. We can also use pronouns before antecedents.


I love him, but my brother always drives me nuts.                                                   3. Possessive Pronoun

Often known as possession and is a pronoun that indicates possession. There are two types of possessive pronouns, namely limiting and absolute.                                                                                                                            4. Reflexive & Intensive Pronoun :  Intensive pronouns have the same form as reflexive pronouns but have a different function. This intensive pronoun is used to emphasize the pronoun itself.


He drew that paint himself.

The pronoun in this sentence emphasizes that he drew it himself. In other words, he doesn't ask other people for help to do it.                          

19. Make a dialogue which contains word "will" to show willingness!

i will clean up the window soona: will you please sweep the floor? it's dirty
b: yes, i will do it later

20. Name the body system which contains the eye. ​


The ocular system consists of the eye and its central visual system . Light images from the outside pass through the central visual system (cornea, the lens, and fluids) to land upon the retina. The retina then generates the signals passed by the optic nerve to the brain and interpreted as vision.

Maaf kalo salah


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