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Which Of The Following Composers Was Spanish

Which Of The Following Composers Was Spanish

1. The rocky island of Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay was discovered by the Spanish.

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1. 1. The rocky island of Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay was discovered by the Spanish.


1.Pulau berbatu Alcatraz di Teluk San Francisco ditemukan oleh Spanyol.

Penjelasan:Maaf kalau salah.

2. Answer the following questions :1. Why do composers compose songs?2. Will you write down your idola composers, then write your reason3. How do composers compose new song?4. What are advantage and dis anvantage of composing songJawabnya menurut pendapat kalian masing masing yaa

1. Composers write songs to listen to music consumers with the intention of entertaining (komponis menulis lagu untuk didengarkan pada para konsumen musik dengan maksud menghibur)
2. ikimono gakari - last scene, i like this song because the song is very nice to hear and easy to memorize ( ikimono gakari - last scene, sya menyukai lagu ini karena lagunya sangat enak didengarkan dan mudah dihafal)
3. by thinking of the lyrics of the song and determining the tone that matches the song (dengan cara memikirkan lirik lagunya dan menentukan nada yang sesuai dengan lagu tersebut)
The advantages of song writing that makes us entertained while the disanvantages of song is we have to think well both the lyrics of the song that is made, if not well thought good, then the result is not good (kelebihan penulisan lagu yaitu membuat kita terhibur sedangkan kekurangan penulisan lagu adalah kita harus memikirkan baik baik lirik lagu yang dibuat, jika tidak dipikirkan baik baik, maka hasilnya kurang bagus)

moga membantu ya :)

3.  “….which depicted the destruction of Spanish town.The underlined word (depicted) has the same meaning.... a.    Drawb.   Describedc.    Paintedd.   Presented

the answer is d
if my answer gone wrong im so sorry im not a english master

4. ( Transposition is often used between English and Spanish because of the preferred position of the verb in the sentence) teori siapakah ini ?


Jeff Kinney

semoga membantu

5. Tolong bantu jawab yah . Beethoven and mozart.................(be) The most famous composers in the classical era.


Beethoven and mozart WERE the most famous composers in the classical era.


Menggunakan to be "were" karena subject nya bentuk plural "Beethoven adn mozart".


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : To be

Kelas : 7

Kode Soal : 7.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 7.5.1

Beethoven and mozart were the most famous composers in the classical era

Menggunakan were karena subjek nya jamak dan telah terjadi dimasa lampau (past tense)

6. 5. Match the clauses/phrases in the left column with the clauses/phrases in the right column. 1) The highest number of victims . . . . 2) Although it had the smallest number of deaths, . . . . 3) The number of deaths on Spanish Flu was nearly . . . . a. COVID-19 was a dangerous pandemic b. ten times that of COVID-19 c. similar to smallpox outbreak d. died due to smallpox outbreak​





1) The highest number of victims  d. died due to smallpox outbreak​

2) Although it had the smallest number of deaths, a. COVID-19 was a dangerous pandemic

3) The number of deaths on Spanish Flu was nearly b. ten times that of COVID-19


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan sudah dicocokkan.

1) The highest number of victims  d. died due to smallpox outbreak​ karena jumlah korban terbanyak itu meninggal karena wabah cacar

di masa lalu sebelum adanya vaksinasi

2) Although it had the smallest number of deaths, a. COVID-19 was a dangerous pandemic karena meskipun memiliki jumlah kematian terkecil (dibandingkan dengan smallpox outbreak dan spanish flu), COVID-19 adalah pandemi yang berbahaya

3) The number of deaths on Spanish Flu was nearly b. ten times that of COVID-19 karena berdasarkan data kesehatan dunia, jumlah kematian akibat wabah penyakit spanish flu (1918-1920) adalah yang terbesar sepanjang sejarah umat manusia

Semoga membantu ya.



Jeff Kinney

8. Potatoes, now a major source of food worldwide, ……. to europe by the spanish in the 16th century.


had been brought


semoga membantu (◠‿◕)

9. Mitha said, "I have just learned the first level of the Spanish language."What is the purpose of the use of present perfect tense in the sentence above?​

Jawaban:the purpose of present perfect tense to tell the activity in the past

10. Halaman 1 PRACTICE TEST 1: DIAGNOSTIC 50 Questions • Time: 25 Minutes Directions: Each passage is followed by a series of questions. Answer the questions based on the information you gathered from the passage. Choose the best answer to each question and answer each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage. QUESTIONS 1-10 REFER TO THE FOLLOWING (40) important matters. Such open meetings became very important to the movement for theindependence of Hispanic America in the early nineteenth century. PASSAGE. The cabildo, which is Spanish for "mu- nicipal council," was the fundamental unit of local government incolonial Span- ish Amerien. Following a tradition going .(5) back to the Romans, the Spanish consid- ered the city to be of paramount impor- tance, with the surrounding country- side directly subordinate to it. (10) In local affairs, each municipality in Hispanie America was governed by its cabildo, or council, in a manner reminis- cent of Castilian towns in the late Middle 2. Where was the cabildo used as a form of Ages. A councila members and magis- trates, together with the local judge ap-(15) pointed by the king, enjoyed considerable prestige and power. The size of a council varied but was alwayssmall. Thecabildos of important eities, such as Lima and Mexico, had about 12 members. (20) The cabildo was in charge of all ardi- 3. Which of the following answer choices is nary aspects of municipal government- e.g., policing, sanitation, taxation, the supervision of building, price and wage regulation, and the administration of (25) justice. To assist them in these responsi- bilities, the city councilors appointed various officials, such as tax collectors, inspectors of weights and measures and the markets, and peace officers. In spite 4. According to the passage, how was a local (30) of royal decrees to promote honest and efficient city government, the cabildos were often corrupt and rapacious. By the mid-sixteenth century, appoint- menta to cabildos were ordinarily made (35) by the Spanish crown and sometimes became hereditary. Occasionally, the propertied class in a city elected some of the councilors, Sometimes citizens were 1. Which choice does the word "paramount" as used in line 6 refer to? (A) Fundamental (B) Government (C) Tradition (D) Surrounding government? 2. where was the cabildo used a from of government ?(A) In Roman colonies (B) In Spanish colonies (C) In Roman provinces (D) In Spanish provinces 3. wich of the following answer choises is closest in meaning to the word "reminis- cent" as used in lines 11-12? (A) Suggesting something in the past (B) Suggesting a schedule or agenda (C) Suggesting a small village (D) Suggesting an odar 4. according to the passage, how was a local judge in Hispanic America selected? (A) He was elected by the council. (B) He was appointed by the king. (C) He was chosen by the town's wealthy citizens. (D) He was the richest man in the town. nsked to attend a open town meeting on.tolong bantu dijawab dong kakak ​


1. (A) 2. (D) 3.(C) 4.(B)

11. Potatoes, now a major source of food worldwide .... to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.

you mean like this?
Potatoes, were known by major source of food world wide... from Europe to Spanish since 16th century

12. originally the book ( )in spanish,but a few years ago it was translated indonesian

was written

“Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, trying the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful.” - Roy Mustang

13. Potatoes now a major source of food worldwide ... to europe by the spanish in the 16th century


Potatoes now a major source of food worldwide, were brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century

14. Make a diagram to show the chronological order of the events, from the beginning to the end. teks The Spanish Armada.​

Умедворам, ки шумо фардо мемиред



15. Beginning in the Middle Ages, composers of Western music used a system of notating their compositions ........... be performed by musicians.


so they could


THANKS ( ╹▽╹ )


16. Complete with the correctwords. I started learningSpanish...........it was easy.bantu kak​

Complete with the correct

words. I started learning

Spanish languageit was easy


Itu ya kak jawabnya

17. most of the students speak spanish jika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif menjadi​


spanish is spoken by most of the students

tense: present tense


Spanish is spoken by most of the students


Rumus passive voice:

>>s + is/are + v3 + by + o/c


semoga bener:)

18. terjemahan capital structure of small compaines in the Spanish footwear sektor

struktur modal perusahaan kecil di sektor sepatu Spanyo.

19. 13. Potatoes, now a major source offood worldwide, ... to Europe by theSpanish in the 16th century.Which phrase is suitable to completethe sentence?​


had been brought


maaf kalau salah

20. arrange the following words into noun phrases! a. wooden-square-two-boxes. b. slim-a- spanish- beautiful-woman.

a. two square wooden boxes
b. a slim beautiful spanish womana. Two wooden square boxes.
b. A beautiful slim spanish women.

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