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Which Two Themes Does This Passage Most Clearly Develop

Which Two Themes Does This Passage Most Clearly Develop

Where would this passage most likely be found?

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1. Where would this passage most likely be found?


Di mana bagian ini kemungkinan besar akan ditemukan?

2. based on the passage which holiday does the letter refer to?​


where is the letter


mungkin kalo hari libur itu Minggu dan Jum'at

3. Bantuinn dong "most students have laptops ".develop this topic sentence into a paragraph!​

There are a few students who own laptops in schools, there are many kinds of laptops, in a lot of different colors. such as Black laptops, Red Laptops, Blue laptops, White laptops and many more. there are a lot of Laptop brands to choose from such as Lenovo, ASUS, and many more. Saldy though mostly students in poor schools only have a few students who has a laptop or alas own one, therefore mostly in rich expensive schools there are mostly a lot of people who own a laptop. most people also use it for working, even the president owns one too!

4. Based on the passage, which of the following most likely reflects doctor’s concern on the association between mobile phone use and cancer ?

Based on the passage, the most likely reflects doctor's concern on the association between mobile phone and cancer is about demand and supply.

It's because the use of mobile phone spreads largely between modern day people and it is impossible to prevent because many of the research have been funded by the mobile phone industry.


Pertanyaan di atas berkaitan dengan  efek mobile phone terhadap kesehatan. Bila diterjemahkan:

Berdasarkan bacaan tersebut, manakah dari berikut ini yang paling mungkin mencerminkan kekhawatiran dokter tentang hubungan antara penggunaan ponsel dan kanker?

Pertanyaan ini memerlukan pemahaman kita tentang konteks bacaan yang diberikan, sebab banyak pertanyaan serupa ini yang tidak akan kita temukan jawabannya secara harfiah di dalam teks, namun hanya dapat kita jawab berdasarkan pemahaman kita secara umum terhadap teks tersebut.

Berdasarkan konteks pertanyaan kekhawatiran dokter sebenarnya terletak pada tidak bisa dihindarinya penggunaan ponsel dalam kehidupan, karena ponsel sudah menjadi bagian hidup manusia sehari-hari.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang memahami pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4919417

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

5. which two of the dollowing are the most likelu reason whya stock price might not react


well soon am said that


comsequence deficiency ecomomy

6. 5. What does Mr. Habibie develop?​


Gatot Kaca's N250 Airplane, BJ Habibie's Invention That Makes the Nation Glorious


maaf kalo salah

7. Find and Correct the mistake!1. This mouse is the most large.2. Your keyboard is the more colorful.3. This is cheapest webcam.4. Which Speakers are the most tiniest​


Kesaahan pada teks saya bold (tulis tebal)

dan perbaikannya dibawahnya.

1. This mouse is the most large.

= This mouse is the largest.

2. Your keyboard is the more colorful.

= Your keyboard is more colorful.

3. This is cheapest webcam.

(pada kalimat ini, kurang kata "the")

= This is the cheapest webcam.

4. Which speakers are the most tiniest?

= Which speaker is the tiniest?


#happy learning!



8. 1. what is the main idea of this passage2. Underline five sentences in the passage that support the idea 3. write a summary. tell what is the most important ​

The answer of Grade 8 Reading Comprehension Worksheet.

The main idea of this passage is an biography or life journey of Steve Jobs. Five sentences in the passage that support the idea:Steven Paul Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor.Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, he was adopted at birth in San Francisco, and raised in San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s.In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer.In the early 1990s; Jobs met Laurene Powell and they married on March 18, 1991, and lived in Palo Alto, California, with their three children.Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 and died of respiratory arrest related to the tumor on October 5, 2011. A summary of Steve Jobs Passage

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, he was adopted at birth in San Francisco, and raised in San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. Steven Paul Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. In 1976, when Jobs was just 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computer. In the early 1990s; Jobs met Laurene Powell and they married on March 18, 1991, and lived in Palo Alto, California, with their three children. Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 and died of respiratory arrest related to the tumor on October 5, 2011.


Cara menemukan main idea dari sebuah teks adalah dengan membaca keseluruhan teks dan menentukan secara umum teks tersebut menceritakan tentang apa. Setelah membaca keseluruhan dari teks yang berjudul "Steve Jobs", dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup dari Steve Jobs. Supported idea merupakan kalimat-kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang main idea tersebut. Sedangkan summary dapat dibuat berdasarkan supported idea dari teks tersebut.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Main Idea dari Teks 1 dan Teks 2 https://brainly.co.id/tugas/817021


9. this is my … expensive car which is the correct one to complete the sentence and why? a. the most b. most

B. most
this is my most expensive car
ini adalah mobil termahalku

maaf aku kurang bisa jelasinnya
smoga bermanfaat ya

10. read the passage. underline the verbs in past tense in this passage​


think for yourself first

sorry i'm kidding



Answer. Commiphora Africana and Commiphora Angolensis are considered to be the most closely related species

maaf kalo salah

12. The most appropriate title of the passage above will be

judul yang paling tepat dari bagian di atas adalah

13. debate, topic: which occupation in this most important in our country between farmer or teacher? *reason

Both are. Without farmers we cannot have food. Without teachers we cannot work because we have no knowledge. Both are important.

14. apa arti dari what does arin say when she does not hear clearly?

what does (Apa yang) 
arin say (arin katakan) 
when (saat) 
she (dia) 
does not (tidak) 
hear (mendengar) 
clearly (dgn jelas)Apa yang arin katakan ketika dia tidak mendengar dengan jelas

15. apa arti dari what does arin say when she does not hear clearly

Apa arin mengatakan ketika dia tidak mendengar jelasApa yang arin katakan saat dia tidak mendengar dengan jelas?
what does (Apa yang) arin say (arin katakan) when (saat) she (dia) does not (tidak) hear (mendengar) clearly (dgn jelas)

16. which things are most important in this recipe​


Hal hal mana yg paling penting dalam resep ini.

17. Pliiisss di jawabbb dongg.... Please make a short passage which consist these words bellow: - Higher - More expensive - Cheaper - Longer - The most handsome - the ugliest - most diligent - smarter

'Short passage' Hm kalau dibuat paragraph kyaknya agak aneh semua kata ini di gabungin, hampir sulit kalau dengan kata 'short' , mungkin bisa aja di gabungin tpi bakalan panjang banget, mungkin maksudnya perkalimat. kalau perkalimat aku bisa bantu

- He's higher than me now.
- It's more expensive than ever.
- Today's cheaper than ever.
- Today's lessons are little bit longer than ever.
- The most handsome is that Guy who's wore a coat
- The ugliest is that, not this.
- The most diligent is, that girl who's wore a veil.
- My friends are smarter than me

Maaf kalau gk membantu.

18. what does "admit" mean in this passage? a. to let enter b. to release c. to allow d. to deliver

a. to let enter maaf kalau salah

19. What does the passage mainly discuss?


Apa yang sebagian besar dibahas?

20. In which type of study does the researcher develop research questions based upon available data


coba pertanyaan pakai b. indo aj biar gampang.

semoga membantu.

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