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John Cabot Map Of Route

John Cabot Map Of Route

1.What is singapore like ?? 2. Why should yudi notice the route map of the MRT ?

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1. 1.What is singapore like ?? 2. Why should yudi notice the route map of the MRT ?


g ada text nya atau gimana nih?

2. 1.What is singapore like ?? 2. Why should yudi notice the route map of the MRT ?


1.What is singapore like?

-Seperti apa singapura?

2. why should yudi notice the rute map of the MRT?

-Mengapa yudi harus memperhatikan peta rute MRT?


1.in Singapore there is a statue with a lion head and a body of fish that is boiled as a Merlion

-Di Singapura terdapat patung yg berkepala singa dan berbadan ikan yg disebut sebagai Merlion

2.So as not to get lost from the many people who visit

-Agar tidak tersesat dari banyaknya orang yg berkunjung


3. john took a map.....​


John tool a map

Artinya john mengambil peta


John mengambil peta


semoga membantu:)

4. ~ jelaskan tentang lokomotor dan nonlokomor :note : dah yok cabot -,​


Gerak lokomotor adalah gerakan yang ditandai dengan perpindahan tempat, dimana hanya bagian tubuh tertentu yang bergerak. Gerak nonlokomotor adalah gerakan yang dilakukan di tempat, atau gerakan yang enggak disertai dengan perpindahan tempat.


semoga membantu

Pertanyaan :

Jelaskan tentang lokomotor dan nonlokomor !

Jawaban :


=>Lokomotor adalah gerakan berpindah tempat, dimana bagian tubuh tertentu bergerak atau berpindah tempat. Contoh gerakan lokomotor misalnya : jalan, lari, dan loncat.


=> Nonlokomotor dapat diartikan juga sebagai keterampilan stabil, gerakan yang dilakukan tanpa atau hanya sedikit sekali bergerak dari daerah tumpuannya. Contoh gerakan stabilisasi ( non-lokomotor ) misalnya: membungkuk, membalik, melikuk, Dodging, Stretching dan Bending , Twisting dan Turning, Swinging dan Swaying, Pushing dan Pulling.

Ket. => Semoga membantu => Maaf jika ada kekurangan => Terimakasih ^^

=> Jan marah -,-

5. on the map,the direction of north is in ...... part of the map

the upper part of the map

6. 15. One of components of map that give directions to find locations on a map is called?a.legendb.orientationc.scaled.title16. Map made based on the real form of earth’s surface is called?a.Flat mapb.Relief mapc.Digital mapd.Technical map​


15. orienration

16. relief map


orientation adalah petunjuk arah atau arahan untuk mencari suatu lokasi

relief map adalah peta yang dibuat berdasarkan kontur asli dari perrmukaan bumi

7. To/to/from/a/the/the/route/airport/map/find/used/my/I/quickest/house susunlah kalimat tersebut


I used a map to find the quickest route from my house to the airport

8. 26.a map describe the crust of earth surface by using middle scale a?a.geography mapb.chorography mapc.topography mapd.technique mapdi jawab ya​


25.The answer is B

26.The answer is C


"Broad and Distance" mengartikan luas dan jarak "Location and place" mengartikan Lokasi dan tempat,,So....Fungsi dri map adalah kedua pilihan itu


9. mind map of coban rondo

Coban Rondo waterfall is a beautiful water fall on the slope of Mount Panderman resort that is about 32 km to the west from Malang, it is very interesting to see and visit.  The height of waterfall is about 60 meter. The waterfall is located at Pandesari village, Pujon District (about 32 km away to the West from Malang).  

semoga membantu.. like&follow me yaaa

10. apa yg dimaksud tentang map of english

artinya peta dari inggris

11. 8/9÷4= * 10/11÷5= * During a triathlon, Shanon swam 1/4 of the total route and cycled 3/5 of the remaining route. She jogged the rest of the route. If she jogged 3600 m., find the total distance of the route.




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah


2/9 2/11

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf kalau salah

12. apa yang dimaksud dengan route of entry​


Rute masuk


Semoga membantu difollow ya


Routing adalah proses penentuan jalur terbaik untuk mencapai suatu network tujuan. setiap entry route akan menunjukkan network address dari network yang dapat di tuju oleh router tersebut



13. stipulation of the map

is keadaan di suatu tmpat yang ada di peta

14. Write a short paragraph of route indicator watch

When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek with friends. We used to play in the yard behind my house. The yard was a perfect place because it was surrounded by dense banana trees.

We usually played until late at night. One day, when I was trying to find a place to hide among the banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I used to take a bath at the river, but never at night! In the dark, everything looked different. I couldn’t think clearly. I felt something tickling my feet. I was struggling to go out, but my feet trapped in the mud.

Thank God, a friend finally

15. What aspects of the paper-based map have informed the digital map ?


What aspects of the paper-based map have informed the digital map ?

Paper-based maps are designed as visual representations of a geographical area, such as a city, that are intended to help people find places and plan a route and navigate their way to an unfamiliar destination. They are typically based on a conceptual model of a 2D bird’s eye view of the physical world that the user looks down on.

Smartphone digital maps are based on a conceptual model of the physical map, using similar elements to show a geographical terrain. However, they also have much more functionality and interactivity added to them.

People can locate themselves, plan the route, and monitor their navigational progress with both map systems. Physical maps can be opened up and spread out to see a whole area. Smartphone maps, however, are constrained by the size of the device screen. To accommodate this they only show a partial area at any given time, so that it is difficult to get an overall map of a region. To compensate the device provides zooming functions at various scales to enable the user to move through, expand or shrink the map. When reading a paper map users have to match where they are with what they are looking at in the map, such as landmarks or street names, in order to locate themselves. Smartphone maps have transformed map reading into more of a follow the dot/arrow experience that is overlaid on a dynamic spatial representation of the environment. (Source: google)


Jadi aspek yang dipakai dalam peta digital ponsel pintar berdasarkan pada model konseptual dari peta fisik. Namun, peta digital memiliki lebih banyak fungsi dan interaktivitas yang ditambahkan kedalam programnya sehingga lebih menarik untuk digunakan dibandingkan peta fisik yang terbuat dari kertas.

Semoga membantu ya.

16. 1. What is Alin's route to the drugstore?2. How many T-junction in the map above?3. Where is the cinema?4. How many crossroad in the map above?5. What is Alin's route to the park?​

1. Go to the right and turn left, the drugstore is on the left

2. There are 3

3. The cinema is beside the bakery.

4. 2

5. Go to the left and go straight. The park is on the right side

17. <negara yang mengawali terjadinya perjalananadalaha romawib. yunanic. john cabotd. cristobal colone.james cook​


Tahun 221 - 122 SM, masa pemerintahan dinasti Chou di Tiongkok telah dibangun jalan raya untuk kepentingan lalu lintas bangsanya.terutama untuk perjalanan berdagang.

18. map of my house this is a map of my house

ini peta dari rumah sayapeta dari rumahku ini peta rumahku

19. write down Deri's route of his journey​


tuliskan rute perjalanannya deri?


jika ada teks dalam pertanyaan diatas saya bisa memberikan jawaban yang benar-benar saya tau tapi disini cuman ada pertanyaan nya saja jadi maaf saya hanya menerjemahkan saja


arti dari kalimat diatas :

tuliskan rute perjalanan Deri







20. Yang membuat bagan duniauntuk para penjelajah dan pelaut agar digunakan pada perjalanan mereka pada tahun 1569, adalah…………………………… a.Gerardus Mercator c. Amerigano Vespucci b. Columbus d. John Cabot

karena columbus adalah penjelajah pelaut yang mengarungi semua negara

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