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How Does The Detectives Conversation With The Grocer

How Does The Detectives Conversation With The Grocer

artinya how does sanusi open the conversation with the stranger?what does say

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1. artinya how does sanusi open the conversation with the stranger?what does say

bagaimana sanusi membuka pembicaraan dengan orang asing?apa yang dikatakannya?Bagaimana Sanusi Membuka Suatu Pembicaraan Dengan Orang Asing? Apa Yang Dikatakannya?

2. how does lia start the conversation

bagaimana lia memulai percakapanbagaimana lia memulai percakapan
*semoga membantu,tks*jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!!

3. How does niken probably feel at the and of the conversation

Conversationnya mana?

4. contoh how the conversation works​


Conversations can only deepen connections when you pull your weight. In How Conversation Works, you'll learn this involves knowing how to skillfully open and close an exchange, take turns speaking or “negotiate the conversational floor,” and send people subtle signals.

5. when does the conversation happen? ​


mana bacaannya mbak????


where did the conversation take place?

6. when does the conversation happen?​


In the morning after holiday.

Sorry if my answer's wrong.

7. 1.what is the conversation about?2.why do they have that conversation ?3.before the boy asks further questions about the girl,what does he do?4.how does the boy ask the girl's age?5.how does the girl ask the boy's address?​


1. The conversation is about how old and where they live.

2. They have that conversation because they are in the same class.

3. He greets her.

4. The boy says that they are in the same class before he asks her age

5. The girl asks the boy's address by asking, "What's your address?"

8. The detectives were at the airport. *


maaf kalau salah


Para detektif sedang berada di bandara. *




9. example, how the conversation english?​


misalnya bagaimana percakapannya


saya minta maaf kalo salah

10. The detectives were at the airport. *









Para detektif sedang berada di bandara. *

11. Interview with The wright brothers supply the dialog with the correct expressions based on the conversation above. How did you get the inspiration?

my dad gave me a toy, .... ada di buku paket..

12. 8.how does Niken probably fell at the end of the conversation

Bagaimana perasaan niken di akhir percakapan?

Itu translatenya klo jawaban pasti ada di ceritannya

^Semoga Membantu^

bagaimana Niken mungkin jatuh di akhir percakapan

13. 1. Who are talking? 2. What is the conversation about? 3. Why do they have that conversation? 4. Before the boy asks further questions about the girl, what does he do5. How does the boy ask the girl's age?6. How old is the girl?7. How does the girl ask the boy's address?8. Where does the girl live?9. How many people are there in the boy's family?10. Who are they?11. How many people in the girl's family?12. Who are they?​


1. Siapa yang berbicara? 2. Tentang apa percakapan itu? 3. Mengapa mereka melakukan percakapan itu? 4. Sebelum anak laki-laki menanyakan pertanyaan lebih lanjut tentang anak perempuan, apa yang dia lakukan5. Bagaimana anak laki-laki menanyakan usia gadis itu? Berapa umur gadis itu? 7. Bagaimana gadis itu menanyakan alamat anak laki-laki itu? 8. Di mana gadis itu tinggal? 9. Berapa banyak orang dalam keluarga anak laki-laki itu? 10. Siapa mereka? 11. Berapa jumlah anggota keluarga gadis itu? 12. Siapa mereka


saya hanya menterjemahkan nya saja. ngk ada dialog ngk bisah jawab

14. 31 1 What is offering help/ service ? ?Where does the conversation take place?Who is the patient ?4 What happen with the patient?5 5 What does the doctor say to offer help or service?How does the doctor give spirit to the patient​

bahasa inggris tolong banru

15. complete the conversation with the appropriate expression!​


good morning what you a laptop

yes ai a laptop

the Toshiba is on special offer this week


Only $499.95

i't s a little expensive what

yes. This one's only $350

what is the brand

it's Agus

i like it but i't s still a little too expensive

hmmm, OK., we can do it for $340

great! good bey


i'd like to play by credit card

16. 1. Who are talking? 2. What is the conversation about? 3. Why do they have that conversation? 4. Before the boy asks further questions about the girl, what does he do5. How does the boy ask the girl's age?6. How old is the girl?7. How does the girl ask the boy's address?8. Where does the girl live?9. How many people are there in the boy's family?10. Who are they?11. How many people in the girl's family?12. Who are they?​


1. Siapa yang bicara?

2. Tentang apa pembicaraan itu?

3. Mengapa mereka melakukan percakapan itu?

4. Sebelum bocah itu bertanya lebih lanjut tentang gadis itu, apa yang dia lakukan

5. Bagaimana anak laki-laki itu menanyakan usia gadis itu?

6. Berapa umur gadis itu?

7. Bagaimana gadis itu menanyakan alamat anak laki-laki itu?

8. Di mana gadis itu tinggal?

9. Ada berapa orang di keluarga bocah itu?

10. Siapa mereka?

11. Berapa banyak orang dalam keluarga gadis itu?

12. Siapa mereka?


kalo ditanya arti nya sihh

17. 1. Who are talking?2. What is the conversation about?3. Why do they have that conversation?4. Before the boy asks further questions about the girl, what does he do?5. How does the boy ask the girl's age?6. How old is the girl?7. How does the girl ask the boy's address?8. Where does the girl live?9. How many people are there in the boy's family?10. Who are they?11. How many people in the girl's family?12. Who are they?​


1. Dion and Nita

2. introducing

3. to know each other more

4. he tells about the girl is on the same class

5. “ How old are you? ”

6. she is fourteen years old

7. “ where do you live Dion? ”

8. it's at the Bougainvillea Street

9. five [ 5 ]

10. his parents, sister, brother, and Dion

11. three [ 3 ]

12. her parents and Nita


Yang nomor 4 sy masi ragu jawaban nya sorry kalau salah..


18. materi how the conversation works​


Percakapan Dasar

Greeting & Introduction

English Greetings: Beberapa Cara Mengucapkan Salam

English Greetings: Salam & Perkenalan

English Greetings: Salam Informal Sederhana

Greeting & Introduction: Ucapan Salam Sederhana

Greeting & Introduction: Berkenalan dengan Orang Lain

Greeting & Introduction: Memperkenalkan Diri Secara Informal

Greeting & Introduction: Bertanya Alamat Rumah

Greeting & Introduction: Menanyakan Nomor Telepon

Greeting & Introduction: Mengenal Lebih Jauh

Greeting & Introduction: Mengenalkan Teman Kerja di Pertemuan

Memperkenalkan Teman ke Teman Lainnya (Introducing)

Formal & Informal Introduction

Greeting & Leave Taking/Parting/Farewell

Contoh Percakapan Menanyakan Jam/Waktu (About Time)

Percakapan Inggris Sehari-hari

Percakapan Membuat Janji Bertemu

Contoh Penggunaan Excuse Me, Pardon, & Please

Berbicara Kepada Wanita

Berbicara dengan Orang Asing

Percakapan Menanyakan Tanggal

Percakapan di Supermarket

Percakapan Umum Kasir

Cara Kasir Melayani Pelanggan

Percakapan Kasir & Pelanggan

Beberapa Percakapan Umum di Supermarket

Jual Beli Barang di Pasar

Percakapan Membeli Obat di Apotek – part 1

Percakapan Membeli Obat di Apotek – part 2

Percakapan di Hotel

Percakapan Check In Tamu dengan Customer Service

Membuat Reservasi Hotel di Tempat (Check-in on the Spot)

Percakapan Mengubah Reservasi Hotel

Menerima Reservasi Hotel

Percakapan Lewat Telepon

Percakapan Telepon dengan Teman yang Lama Tak Jumpa

Booking Tempat di Restoran Lewat Telepon

Membuat Janji Pertemuan Lewat Telepon (Making Appointment)

Customer Service Menerima Komplain Lewat Telepon

Booking Tempat di Restoran Lewat Telepon

Percakapan Menawarkan Kartu Kredit

Memesan Taksi Lewat Telepon

Percakapan di Restoran / Kafe / Tempat Hiburan

Booking Tempat di Restoran Lewat Telepon

Memesan Makanan di Restoran

Memesan Makanan Lewat Pelayan

Percakapan Enak / Tidaknya Makananan di Restoran

Menanyakan Bill atau Bon di Rumah Makan

Percakapan Serving Table di Restoran

Percakapan Memesan Makanan

Kalimat yang Diucapkan di Tempat Hiburan

Interview Kerja

Percakapan Wawancara Kerja

Menyampaikan Pengalaman Kerja

Menceritakan Pengalaman Kerja

Menceritakan Latar Belakang Pendidikan

Tip Wawancara dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berdiskusi Menentukan Jadwal Interview Lewat Telepon

Memberikan Informasi Sesuai Persyaratan Job Interview

Percakapan Saat Wawancara Kerja (in The Job Interview)

Memperkenalkan Diri Dalam Interview

Contoh Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Interview

Contoh Percakapan Interview

Percakapan Bisnis

Menyambut Tamu yang Datang ke Kantor

Percakapan dengan Tamu di Kantor

Mengingatkan Rapat di Kantor

Percakapan Negosiasi Harga Jual Beli (Negotiation)

Percakapan Negosiasi Jual Beli Handphone

Percakapan Tawar Menawar Jual Beli Baju

Percakapan dengan Resepsionis Kantor

Percakapan Manager dengan Anak Buah

Percakapan Umum di Kantor

Percakapan di Bank Ketika Membuka Tabungan

Percakapan Mau Berhutang di Bank

Contoh Percakapan di Bank antara Nasabah & Teller

Percakapan Nego Gaji – part 1

Percakapan Negosiasi Gaji – part 2

Percakapan Marketing Presentasi Produk

Mengubah Waktu Pertemuan

Percakapan di Sekolah

Percakapan Umum di Sekolah

Berkenalan dengan Siswa Baru

Percakapan Inggris di Perpustakaan

Kata / Kalimat yang Diucapkan Guru

Kata / Kalimat yang Diucapkan Murid

Pertanyaan Guru & Jawaban Murid

Percakapan antara Guru & Murid

19. When does the conversation happen


arti dari when does the conversation happen adalah:

kapan pembicaraan itu terjadi

20. 3. "I overheard their conversation with the guide." (line 5). What does the underlined word refer to? ​


kalo gaada teks aslinya gabisa dijawab


tanya ulang atau edit deh, fotoin atau ketik teks aslinya

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