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Sam Is Proving The Product Property Of Logarithms

Sam Is Proving The Product Property Of Logarithms

Brand of product : the brand of the product is?.... name of product : the product is?... content/amount : the package contains?.... description : the product is?... ingredients : the product is made from?... direction to use

Daftar Isi

1. Brand of product : the brand of the product is?.... name of product : the product is?... content/amount : the package contains?.... description : the product is?... ingredients : the product is made from?... direction to use


1. Brand of product

The brand of the product is Haus!

2. Name of product

The product is Oreo n Cream

3. Content/Amount

The package containts ice cubes 30% milk 15% Oreos 4% cream cheese 10%

4. Description

The product is refreshing drink, very delicious to drink in hot weather!!

5. Ingredients

The product is made from ice, milk, Oreos, cream cheese.

6. Direction to use & dosage

These are the directions to use the product (-)

7. Direction to store

These are the direction to store the product (-)

8. Expiration date

no date is available on the label.

semoga membantu jawaban kamu!!!

2. Brand Of Product The Brand Of the Product is...


artinya : produk produk ini adalah...

3. 1. What is the brand of the product? 2. What is the name of the product? 3. What is the ingredients of the product? 4. What is the description of the product? 5. How is the directions to store? ​


1.Springs Of Hope

2.Cream Top Yogurt

3.Farm fresh whole milk and active bacterial culture

4.Fresh from our cows to your table

5.Keep Refrigerated


1. Apa merek produknya?

2. Apa nama produknya?

3. Apa bahan dari produk?

4. Apa deskripsi produk?

5. Bagaimana petunjuk penyimpanannya?

Boleh jawaban lain selain jawaban saya jika merasa jawaban saya kurang benar.Semoga bermanfaat,maafkan saya jika salah(namanya juga belajar guru pasti mengerti).

4. the brands of the product is (1) ___________ and the name of the product is (2) ______________. it used to (3) ______________. this product is healthy because it is free of (4) ______________. the product contains (5) _____________ per package.​



2.Non-Drowsy Daytime.

3.Cold & Flu(Pain Reliever,Fever Reducer,Cough Supressment,Nasal Decongestant).

4.Acetaminophen,Dextromethorpan HBr,Phenylephrine HCI

5 twelve(12)

5. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​


•Nama produk adalah :

•Isi produk dalam kemasan :

•Bahan-bahannya terdiri dari :

•Arah mengkonsumsi produk adalah :

•Nama produsen adalah :

• Tanggal kedaluwarsa adalah:

•Alamat layanan pelanggan adalah :

•Pemberitahuan tersebut berbunyi :


itu mungkin artinya

6. 1; what is the text about / what is the brand of the product?2: what is the named of the product? 3: the purpose of the product is.... many tes tea bags we need​

Jawaban:gajelas nanya nya. Produk apaan ga ada keterangan gambarnya juga


7. 1. The name of the product is2. The description of the product is3. The package contains4. The ingredients of the product are5. The direction to store the product is​


1.kapal api grande

2.kapal api grande ia delicious and soft




8. The brand of the product is (1).......and the name of the product is (2).......it is used to (3) .......This product is healthy because it isfree of (4) ......The product contains (5) .....per package




sorry no 3 gak tau saya

9. 1. What is the purpose of the label ? 2. What is the label about? 3. What are ingredients of this product? 4. What is the name of the product? 5. What is the flavor of this product? 6. How weigh is the product? 7. How many vitamins is in the product? what are they? 8. What is the description of this product? 9. Why is the product stated "99% fat free" ? 10. Who is allowed to consume the product?​


to tell what is contained in the productabout protein, fat, vitamins and othersmilk and sugarthe product name is "Yoplait"strawberry flavour the weight of the product is 170 grams15% vitamin A, 20% vitamin D, 20% calcium,phosporus 15%"This beverage product is healthy because it contains vitamins A, D, calcium and phosphorus"because the product is very healthy

10. everyone

Jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya

10. 1. What is the name of the product?2. What is the type of the product?3. What is the product for?4. Who can use the product?5. What are the special qualities of the product?​


1. kids relief

2. carton box

3. for medicine

4. for kids 0-9years old

5. can seethe pain and the other


1.kidd relief teething


3.teeth medicine

4.for kidd age 0-9

5.great tasting orange flavor

maaf kalo salah

11. What is name of the product?What is brand of the product?Jawab dengan penjelasan. Thanks.​

Product vs Brand

The name of the product is herbal cough syrup.

The brand of the product is OB Herbal.



Product adalah barang dan/atau jasa yang dibuat (diproduksi) untuk dipasarkan ke konsumen.

Brand atau merek dagang adalah yang membedakan suatu product dengan product lainnya.  

Contoh product: ponsel, mobil, jam tangan

Contoh brand: Iphone, Honda, Rolex

Sebuah product dinilai dari fungsinya dan brand dinilai dari valuenya.

Product adalah apa yang konsumen butuhkan sedangkan brand adalah apa yang konsumen inginkan.

Brand biasanya ditandai dengan lambang ® atau ™ .



Nama product tersebut adalah obat batuk herbal. Merek dagangnya (brand) adalah OB Herbal.


Pelajari lebih lanjut:




Level: JHS IX

Subject: English

Category: Reading Comprehension


Code: 9.5.3 - Reading notes of products

Keywords: brand, product, name

12. the content of the product is​


isi produk tersebut


tolong kasih bintang y

13. 1. Mention the brand of the product !2.The kind of product is...3.Mention of the description of the product !​



2.Children's cought Syrup

3.cough mixture of formula 440 presenter by Pinux

Ini udah aku bantuin

14. The brand of the product is..


merek produknya adalah

15. the brands of the product is (1) ___________ and the name of the product is (2) ______________. it used to (3) ______________. this product is healthy because it is free of (4) ______________. the product contains (5) _____________ per package.​




3.Cold & flu

4. Free of alcohol & athistamine

16. Brand of product : The brand of the product is?....Name of product : The product is?...Content/amount : The package contains?....Description : The product is?...Ingredients : The product is made from?...Direction to use: These are the direction to use the product?...Direction to store : These are the direction to store the product?...Expiration date : The product must not be used from...Purpose:the purpose of the product is... Topic:the text is about... ​


1. Brand of the product is: drug Augmentin

2. Drug augmentin

3. This package:amoxicillin, 125 mg, as the trihydrate

4. Tap bottle until all powder flows freely. Add approximately 2/3 of total water for reconstitution total 67 ml.

5. Amoxicillin /clavulanate potassium

6. 5ml

7. In drug store

8. 10 days

9. Buying drug store augmentin

10. You must know Information provided

Semoga membantu yaa

17. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​


1. fantasy

2.in the form of a fresh drink

3. The ingredient is soda

4. leads to advertisements in consumption and.

being introduced to other countries

5.Max Keith, creator of Fanta

6.depending on when the fanta drink is made

7.depending on where we want to buy fanta. drinks, we can buy it via cellphone

8.that the fanta drink is fizzy there is a limit to. drinking fanta there is an age limit


maaf kalau salah tolong jadikan jawaban saya yang terbaik tolong ya saya butuh jawaban yang terbaik saja kalau jawaban ini salah menurut ta salah saya akan memperbaikinya tapi tolong banget tolong jadikan jawaban saya yang terbaik tolong ya

18. 1. What is the brand of the product?2. What is the name of the product?3. What kind of product is it?4. How much is the amount of the product?5. What are the uses of the product?6. What are the direction to use/dosage of the product?7. Where should we store the product?8. When is the expiration date?9. In what condition will you use the product?10. What is the purpose of reading the label?​


1. The brand of the product is Drug Mart-Food Fair.

2. The name of the product is Ear Drops For Swimmers.

3. The product is ear drops.

4. The amount is 1 FL Oz (30ml).

5. It is used to dry water-clogged ears from any water related activity.

6. To apply 4to 5drops in each affected ear.

7. Store at room temperatureand keep tightly closed.

8. (Mohon maaf tidak ada tulisan kapan kadaluarsa nya :c)

9. When our ears are water-clogged.

10. To know information ofhow to use the product.

19. •The name of the product is :•The content of the product in the package :•The ingredients consist of :•The direction to consume the product is :•The name of producer Is :•The expired date is :•The customer service adrress is :•The notice says :​

sorry tadi tiba² gak bisa kekirim katanya ada kata² kasarnya entah apa yang bikin kasar jadi tak kirim Screenshot nya

20. 1.what is the name of the product? 2.what is the type of the product? 3.what is the product for? 4.who can use the product? 5.what are the special qualities of the product? ​


1.Kids Relief Teething


3.Teeth Medicine

4.For kids age 0-9

5.Great tasting orange flavor

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