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What Is 4 1 3

What Is 4 1 3

1.What is fairytale? 2.what is folktale? 3.what is legend? 4.what is myth? 5.what is fable?

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1. 1.What is fairytale? 2.what is folktale? 3.what is legend? 4.what is myth? 5.what is fable?

1. fairytale is : a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
2. folktale is : a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth.
3. legend is : a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
4. myth is : a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
5. fable is : a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

moga membantu ya :)

2. 1. what is a word ? 2. what is a sentence? 3. what is a paragraph ? 4. what is a text?

Word is a group of alphabet that have a mean
Sentence is a group of word that have a mean
Paragraph is a group of sentence that have a mean
Text is a group of paragraph

3. 1. What is metronome? 2. What is measure? 3. What is whole note? 4. What is half note? 5. What is quarter note? 6. What is eighth note


What is metronome? 2. What is measure? 3. What is whole note? 4. What is half note? 5. What is quarter note? 6. What is eighth note....????

4. 1.what is your suggestion? 2.what do you think? 3.what shoud we do? 4.what is your opinion? 5.what is your idea?


artinya :


apakah sugesti kamu?

apa yang kamu pikirkan?

apa yang harus kita lakukan?

apakah opini kamu?

apakah ide yang kamu punya?


artinya adalah:

1.apa saran kamu

2.apa yang kamu fikirkan

3.apa seharusnya kita lakukan

4.apa pendapat kamu

5.apa ide kamu

5. 1. What is his hobby?2. What is Tono's hobby?3. What is her hobby?4. What is her hobby?IT6. What is his hobby?5. What is Rifki's hobby?​


1. swimming

3. he's hobby is swimming

5. he's hobby is playing a guitar.

for the rest of the numbers, you didn't give the pictures or the informations. So, I can't really do it.

6. 1.Where are the children? 2.What is Nurul doing? 3.What is Meilin doing? 4.What is the woman holdoing?


nurul yg mana?

meilin yg mana?

woman yg mana?

children yg mana?

7. 1. what day before wednesday ?2. what is 3 days after monday ?3. what day after sunday ?4. what is 4 mounths before january ?5. what mounth after july ?6. what is " 2 agustus 2013 "7. what is " 29 maret 1940 "8. what is " 14 febuari 2011 "9. what is " 5 september 1888 "10. what is " 11 mei 2022 "

6 sampai 10 saya tidak paham dengan soalya >_<

8. what time is it ..1. ....it is​


1.It's two o'clock.(2:00 - Ini jam dua. 2:00)

2.It's a quarter past four.(4:15 -Sekarang jam empat lewat seperempat. 4.15)  

3.It's a half past five.(5:30 - Sekarang jam setengah lima. 5:30)

It's a quarter to seven. (6:45 - Sekarang pukul tujuh kurang seperempat. 6:45)

Penjelasan:Semoga Membantu,Thanks




9. 1.what is udin doing?2.what lessong is udin doing3.what are they doing?4.what is siti doing?5.what book ia siti reading?​


1. apa yang sedang udin lakukan?

2. pelajaran apa yang sedang udin kerjakan?

3. apa yg sedang mereka kerjakan?

4. apa yg sedang siri kerjakan?

5. buku apa yg sedang di baca siti?



1.Apa yg udin lakukan?

2.apa pelajaran yg udin lakukan?

3.Apa yg mereka lakukan?

4.Apa yg siti lakukan?

5.Buku apa yg siti baca?

10. 1. What is noun ? make the example ?2. What is Adverb ? make the example ?3. What is Verb ?4. What is Prevosition ?5. What is Pronoun ?6. What is Sentence ?​


1. What is noun ? make the example ?

Noun is a word used to identify any of a class of people, places or things.

Example: I am a student.

2. What is Adverb ? make the example ?

Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.

Example: I always drive carefully.

3. What is Verb ?

Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.

4. What is Preposition ?

Preposition is a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause.

5. What is Pronoun ?

Pronoun is a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase.

6. What is Sentence ?

Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself.


Kata student pada contoh kalimat nomor 1 adalah merupakan sebuah kata benda (Noun).

Kata carefully pada contoh kalimat nomor 2 adalah merupakan sebuah kata keterangan (Adverb).

Contoh kata kerja (Verb): eat (makan), drink (minum), study (belajar).

Contoh preposisi (Preposition): in, on, at.

Contoh kata ganti (Pronoun): I, you, We, They, He, She, It, Mr.Obama.

Contoh kalimat (Sentence): (+) I read a book every night.

Semoga membantu ya.

11. buatlah 3 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris1.what is that2.what is this3.what are these4.what are those​






1.What What itu dalam bahasa Indonesia Apa

2.Why Why itu dalam bahasa Indonesia nya Mengapa

3.class class itu artinya kelas


1.what is that thing in your hand?

2.what is this, why is it so sticky? ill just go ask someone.

3.what are these meaning?

4.what are those ,oh its a worms

12. 1. What is degree comparasion?2. What is positive degree?3. What is comparative degree?4. What is superlative degree?5. Give example orregular verb?​


1. What is degree comparasion?

2. What is positive degree?

3. What is comparative degree?

4. What is superlative degree?

5. Give example orregular verb?


1. "Degree of comparison", is any adjectives used to compare 2 or more items. Meanwhile, if the adjectives have 2 or more syllables, then the degree of comparison is type

2. Positive degree is a basic ratio that is usually used to compare an object or object against certain qualities which are generally expressed based on their properties.

3. Comparative degree is often defined as "more". but if the adjective is more than one syllable such as expensive, beautiful, poisonous, diligent, interesting, it must use more before

4. Superlative adjectives are sentence patterns in English that are used to express the highest level comparison of a group.

5. Contoh Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan (Irregular Verbs)

1. be, was/were, been.

2. begin began begun.

3. break broke broken.

4. bring brought brought.

5. buy bought bought.

6. build built built.

7. choose chose chosen.

8. come came come.


1. Apakah perbandingan derajat?

2. Apakah derajat positif itu?

3. Apakah gelar komparatif itu?

4. Apakah gelar superlatif itupun?

5. Beri contoh kata kerja tidak beraturan?


1. “derajat perbandingan”, merupakan adjectives apapun yang digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 hal atau lebih. Sementara itu, bila adjectives memiliki 2 suku kata atau lebih, maka degree of comparison jenis superlative dengan awalan “the most”-lah yang digunakan.

2. Positif degree merupakan perbandingan dasar yang biasanya digunakan untuk membandingkan suatu benda atau objek terhadap kualitas tertentu yang umumnya dinyatakan berdasarkan sifatnya.

3. Comparative degree sering diartikan dengan “lebih”. namun jika adjective lebih dari satu suku kata seperti expensive, beautiful, poisonous, diligent, interesting, maka harus menggunakan more sebelum kata sifat tersebut.

4. Superlative adjective adalah pola kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perbandingan tingkat yang paling tinggi dari sebuah kelompok.

5. Contoh Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan (Irregular Verbs)

1. be, was/were, been.

2. begin began begun.

3. break broke broken.

4. bring brought brought.

5. buy bought bought.

6. build built built.

7. choose chose chosen.

8. come came come.


semoga membantu ya:)#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik#semamgat belajar dirumahlike and follow saya ya

13. C. Jawablah perntanyaan dibawah ini (bisa dalam1. What is Congratulation?2. What is Expressing Hope?3. What is Imperative sentence?4. What is Label?5. What is expressing purpose?Igwab​


1. Congratulation is a words expressing praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion

2. Expressing hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen

3. Imperative sentences are used to issue a command or instruction, make a request, or offer advice

4. Label is a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it

5. Expressing purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

14. 1.What is corona ? 2.What is lockdown ? 3.Whay is isolasi ? 4.cara pencegahannya bagaimana ?(semua pake bhs inggris )


1. Coronavirus is a virus that attacks the lungs of sufferers

2. Lockdown is an area that closes its border so that there is no entry and exit from the area

3. it means the act of separating an infectious patient from another person.

4. applying clean and healthy lifestyle, applying social distancing, not leaving the house, not socializing with others, so as not to be infected

Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawabanterbaik yaaa


1. The coronavirus is a virus that has deeply affected millions of people worldwide. It has flu-like symptoms and mostly the elderly, children, and those with weak immune systems are the most prone to pass away due to the virus.

2.Lockdown is simply closing down worldwide access to a certain country or city.

3. We need to isolate ourselves and not come in contact with others to prevent the virus from spreading.


15. QUIS!!! 1.what time is it now? 2.what is the time? 3.what time is it right now? 4.do you know what time is it? KATA KUNCI 4 SOAL 1 JAWABAN :V​


it's 12.39 am

sorry if i am wrong


is time to change


kata miss gw itu jwabanya

klo slah gomen

16. 1. What is S = ___________, means _____________2.What is SW = ___________, means _____________3.What is W = ___________, means _____________4.What is NW = ___________, means _____________EXAMPLE: What is N= North, means Utara.​


S: South (Selatan)

SW: South West (barat daya)

W: West (Barat)

NW: North West (barat laut)

17. 1.what is keysha nayla's nick name?2.what is keysha? 3.how old is keysha?4.where is keysha?5.what is keysha's hobby? ​


1.apa nama panggilan Keysha nayla?

2.apa itu Keysha?

3.brp umur Keysha?

4.Dimana Keysha?

5.apa hobby keysha?


maaf ya klo salah dan semoga bantu:)


1. keysa

2. she is student

,3. 13 y.o

4. house


18. 1. 10.00 what time is it?2. 09.30 what time is it?3. 04.15 what time is it?4. 02.45 what time is it?5. 06.55 what time is it?​


1. ten o'clock

2. half past nine

3. quarter past four

4. quarter to three

5. five to seven / fifty five past six


semoga membantu, bub


1.ten o'clock

2.a half past nine

3.a quarter past four

4.a quarter to three

5.five to sevent

19. 1.where are the children?2.what is nurul doing3.what is meilin doing? 4.what is the woman holding? ​


1. all friends see advanced finder tool

2. the Nurul is try to telephone

3. Meilin is photo with electrical car

4.the woman with seta write conclusions from technology

20. 1) what words is used before verbs?2) what subject is suitable for is?3) what subject is suitable for are?4) what subject is suitable for am?​

1. to be (is, are am)

2. he, she, it

3. you, they, we

4. I

semoga membantu yaa. ^^

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