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The Difference Between Hornfels And Soapstone Is That

The Difference Between Hornfels And Soapstone Is That

what is difference between conjunction that and which???

1. what is difference between conjunction that and which???

Difference between conjunction 'that' and 'which'

'That' is used in defining clauses. 'That' digunakan untuk mendefinisikan klausa. 'That' digunakan untuk mengacu pada benda yang dimaksud. Benda tersebut awal mulanya tak tentu. Setelah ditambah 'that, benda yang dimaksud menjadi lebih jelas.


I hate the cat that enters my room.

(That means any cats that enter my room, Maksudnya kucing manapun yang masuk kamarku)

The cars that are parked imporperly will be towed.

(That means any cars that are parked improperly. Maksudnya mobil-mobil yang diparkir dengan tidak tepat)

My bikes that has broken are being repaired.

(That means he could have other bikes. Maksudnya dia mungkin memiliki sepeda yang lain)

'Which' introduces non-defining clauses. 'Which' memperkenalkan klausa yang tidak menjelaskan, tetapi menambah informasi saja. 'Which' biasanya dipisahkan dengan koma. Benda yang dimaksud sudah jelas, namun diberi tambahan informasi dengan kata 'which'. Kalimat sudah jelas walaupun keterangan dengan 'which' dihilangkan.


My room, which has big bed, is messy.

(Benda yang digambarkan jelas, kamarku. yang memiliki kasur besar berlaku sebagai keterangan tambahan saja)

My shoes, which is white, is dirty.

(Benda yang dimaksud pasti, sepatuku, yang mungkin hanya satu-satunya)

The sun, which has great energy, shines brightly today.

(Jelas yang dimaksud adalah matahari)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Arti kata alike, the same, different: brainly.co.id/tugas/14292225

2. Relative pronoun 'who, whom, whose, which, that': https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22876624

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa inggris

Bab: Part of Speech

Kode: 10.5

Kata kunci: which, that, difference

2. 2. What is the difference between so that and such as in the sentence?​

i'm is the lier hnte nyaho

3. The difference between 4,15 and 0,6 is


The difference between 4,15 and 0,6 is  = 4,8

4. what is the difference between obligation and advice?

obligation is something to do or do, advice is to give an appeal

5. what is the difference between mas and weight?

Mass always has a constant value. While Weight always ever-changing values, because weight is mass times gravity. Gravity in one place and another place are different.

6. what is the difference between goat and sheep?

the fur (bulunya) klo sheep lebih lebat dan lembut klo kambing biasa sajaSheeps have thick fur goats have beard

7. what is the difference between heartbeat and pulse?


Apa perbedaan antara detak jantung dan denyut nadi?


that's the answer!!


Heart rate is the number of times per minute that the heart contracts - the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). Pulse is the mechanical pulse of blood flow through the capillaries caused by the contractions of the heart per minute

8. what is the difference between 2456 and 6789?


The difference between 2456 and 6789 is 4333

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9. What is the difference between 'its and it's'?

It's adalah singkatan dari "It is". Sama seperti he is, she is, atau I am. It's biasanya digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu.

Contohnya : It's a tree / It is a tree. "Itu adalah sebuah pohon."

Its artinya "milik dia". Sama seperti kata his, her, atau their. Its digunakan sebagai kata posesif, artinya kata yang menandakan milik seseorang atau sesuatu.

Contohnya : Its tail is so long. "Ekornya sangat panjang."

10. What is the difference between practice and practise?

artinya : apa perbedaan latihan dan berlatih ?

jawaban: if the exercise is done alone while practicing it together

semoga membantu

11. what is the difference between cash and check?​


• Checks are written orders of customers to banks to withdraw their funds a certain amount in their name or on show

• Whereas money, which is a medium of exchange that is generally accepted

12. what is the difference between spoof and narrative?

narrative itu dongeng yang gk nyata,, 

spoof text itu cerita lucu yg biasany kelucuannya itu terletak d.belakangg,, 

klo secara strukturny aku lupanarrative and spoof told about the past story. but, narrative text told you about fiction story, like fable, legend, etc. and there was a moral value at the story. spoof told about funny past story and there was a twist at the last story.

13. what is the difference between adjective and adverb?


kata adjective menjelaskan kata benda (noun)

Kalo kata keterangan (adverb) jelasin tentang kata kerja (verb)

14. What is the difference between time and calender


Time = waktu

calendar = kalender (berisikan tahun, tanggal dan hari)

15. What is the difference between squid and octopus?

Arti dari kalimat yang kamu tanyakan ( What is the difference between squidand octopus) = apa perbedaan cumi dan gurita jawabannya adalah     1.the squid has eight arms and two tentacles, while the octopus has eight arms without tentacles.                                                                                        2.squid generally builld eggs and loose while octopus generally protects           the eggs until they hatch 

yang artinya=
1.cumi cumi memiliki 8 lengan dan 2 tentakel sedangkan gurita memiliki 8          lengan tanpa tentakel 
2.cumi cumi umumnya membangun telut dan melepasnya sedangkan dunia     gurita umunya melindungi telurnya sampai menetas

((maaf ya kalau ada yang salah ))

16. What is the difference between longitude and latitude?

Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees and denoted by the Greek letter lambda (λ). Meridians (lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole) connect points with the same longitude. By convention, one of these, the Prime Meridian, which passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, was allocated the position of zero degrees longitude. The longitude of other places is measured as the angle east or west from the Prime Meridian, ranging from 0° at the Prime Meridian to +180° eastward and −180° westward. Specifically, it is the angle between a plane containing the Prime Meridian and a plane containing the North Pole, South Pole and the location in question. (This forms a right-handed coordinate system with the z axis (right hand thumb) pointing from the Earth's center toward the North Pole and the x axis (right hand index finger) extending from Earth's center through the equator at the Prime Meridian.)

latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth. Without qualification the term latitude should be taken to be the geodetic latitude as defined in the following sections. Also defined are six auxiliary latitudes which are used in special applications. There is a separate article on the History of latitude measurements.

17. what is the difference between civilization and colonization

Civilization has various meanings in relation to human society. Tebek, kampang, puku Often this term is used to refer to a "complex" society characterized by practices in agriculture, work and settlement, compared to other cultures, members of a civilization will be structured in various complex divisions of labor within the hierarchical structure social. While, Colonization refers to non-replicating microorganisms in the tissues it occupies.

Peradaban memiliki berbagai arti dalam kaitannya dengan masyarakat manusia. Tebek, kampang, puki Seringkali istilah ini digunakan untuk merujuk pada suatu masyarakat yang "kompleks" dicirikan oleh praktik dalam pertanian, hasil karya dan pemukiman, berbanding dengan budaya lain, anggota-anggota sebuah peradaban akan disusun dalam beragam pembagian kerja yang rumit dalam struktur hierarki sosial. Sedangkan,
Kolonisasi mengacu pada mikroorganisme yang tidak bereplikasi pada jaringan yang ditempatinya.

Maaf kalo salah

18. what is the difference between should and must

The difference between should and must are :

Must : Used when expressing obligation
Should : Used to denote recommendations

19. what is the difference between spoof and narrative?

spoof crita lucu, naratif menceritakan peristiwaSpoof itu cerita berbentuk lelucon atau candaan. 
Narrative itu cerita berbentuk narasi atau berparagraf.

kalo gak salah

20. what is the difference between mrt and the lrt​


MRT stands for Mass Rapid Transit while LRT stands for Light Rail Transit. The difference is LRT is usually slower than the MRT. LRT is also usually shorter in length.

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