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Which Reason Contributed To The Trend Shown In This Table

Which Reason Contributed To The Trend Shown In This Table

Describe the political, economic and social conditions which contributed to the birth of the Renaissance in Italy? ​

Daftar Isi

1. Describe the political, economic and social conditions which contributed to the birth of the Renaissance in Italy? ​


Feudalism was a political-social and economic system that gave political and military power to the landed elite and which tied the majority of the population to this elite.The collapse of feudalism led to the release of social forces that led to the Renaissance.

2. Buatlah masing masing 3 kalimat dari kata kata ini Because The reason for On account of Bring about Give rise to Created by Contributed to Led to Due to .. For this reason . Unless • As a result Then Hence . For this reason • Therefore .. Outcome • So • Consequently Finally Therefore . in order to


finally = finally he won first place

then = then she said " i cant give it."

so = so he refused my gift back

result = the value is the result of your studies all this time

created = this product is created by my uncle

3. which reason doesn't the son metion in the dialogue​


which reason doesn't the son metion in the dialogue ?

artinya :

alasan apa yang tidak disebutkan putra dalam dialog ?

4. One of the reason why i like to study in this class is because all my classmate are

one of the reason why i like to study inthis class is because all my classmates are kindJawaban :
One of the reason why I like to study in this class is because all my classmates are ...
==> Friendly // kind // smart

Semoga membantu^^

5. Construct a mini dialog abouf the materials in this unit,based on the situation as shown in the pictures.​


4. man = good morning, kids!

kids = good morning, sir! how are you?

man = I'm fine, thank you. and you?

kids = we're fine, thank you!

5. sister = the house is so messy!

brother = yes, I agree! it's very dirty

sister = let's clean the house!

brother = okay


6. the words in the table refer to the future

kata-kata dalam tabel mengacu pada masa depan.

semoga membantu
jangan lupa follow ya

7. Construct a mini dialog abouf the materials in this unit,based on the situation as shown in the pictures.​​


ini ya maap kalo salah sama maap ya telat

8. Which is more polite using would like to or will in the offering something? Give your reason for no 2


I prefer would like.


Because it shows you that you are asking them politely and not forcing them. And i'm not saying that 'will' is not polite, you might want to use 'will' to your close friends or besties, because they will understand you even you were less polite with them. And 'would like' is something you would ask to a stranger or someone you just met.

Hope this helps- And i'm sorry if it's wrong

9. Write agreement and disagreement with the reason about this "From mypoint view,people have to drink milk in the morning"

Disagreement : I'm not agree with you, not every people can drink milk or like milk. Agreement : I agree with you, milk have nutrition that we need.

10. 1.write 10 resolution in 2016 2.write resolution in 2015,which has not been a achieved and the reason? 3.how to reach the target in 2016

1. study harder, be a more focused person
2. not fighting with my brothers, because we don't try to understand each other
3. put a target/ goal that i must achieve as my motivation

1. Work harder, help others more, be more considerate, be more mature, make my parents proud of me, get good marks at school, spend my time on things that are useful, win some school competitions, learn many new things about life, stop cutting 2. In 2015, i wanted to at least get 8 for all subjects in my school report, but i didn't succeed in doing it because probably i was not serious enough and i got distracted too easily 3. I obviously have to work hard and pray

11. give the description of monaco from the information in this table

Jawabannya :
Monaco is a country in the continent of Europe. It's capital is Monaco and it's largest quartier is Monte Carlo. It has a population of 36.371. It's official language is French and the calling code is +377. The time zone is UTC+1. It has the money currency of Euro €.

( tidak perlu semua, salah satu kalimat juga bisa ).

12. Both strong wind and lihgtining ... bushfire and wildfire in Australia. a. As a result of c. For this reason b. Contributed to d. Outcome

c. For this reason


Angin kencang dan kilat ..... semak-semak dan hutan terbakar di Australia.

a. Sebagai hasil

b. Berkontribusi

c. Alasan

d. Hasil




(a)AS a result of


maaf jika salah

13. I have not, i'd like to do them this evening.what kind of expression shown in the sentence above?​


Saya belum,saya ingin melakukannya malam ini.ekspresi seperti apa yang di tunjukkakan dalam kalimat di atas?

maaf klo slh semoga membantu

14. 14. This room is overfull, I will get this table moveto another room. This sentence means:a. I'll have moved the table to another room.b. I myself will move the table to another room.c. I want to move the table to another room.d. Someone will ask me to move the table toanother room.e. I'll ask someone to move the table to anotherroom.​


a. I'll have moved the table to another room


krn di teks nya ada kata "This room is overfull" yg artinya dia harus melakukan itu untuk memidahkan meja ke ruangan lain


C. I want to move the table to another room


because this sentence indicates the desire to move the table

karena kalimat ini menunjukkan keinginan memindahkan meja

semoga membantu,maaf kalo salah:)

15. American submarine had take hollywod filmmaker james simon to the werck. which one is the subject in the sentence above adn give the reason?

Subjectnya = American SubmarineAmerican submarine :subject
had take : prrdikat /verb
holywood filmmaker james simon : objek 1
to the werck : objek 2

16. listen to the dialogs to complete this table​

nomor 1A nomor2B nomor3B

17. Which is more polite using would like to or will in the offering something? Give your reason for no 2

In my opinion, using would like to is more polite than will. Because :

1. It seems like very wishes/want it

2. It seems that people want to listen it

3. It seems that people ask for permission to di that.



18. Which of the following is the reason to say sorry?

Patience is an attitude of holding back emotions and desires, and enduring difficult situations without complaining. Patience is the ability to control oneself which is also seen as an attitude that has high value and reflects the strength of the soul of the person who has it. The higher the patience a person has, the stronger he will be in dealing with all kinds of problems that occur in life. Patience is also often associated with positive behavior that is highlighted by an individual or someone.

In everyday life, there are actions of other people that are displeasing and even painful to us. When we keep it in the heart, the pain turns out to have various physical and psychological effects. Heartache can be dangerous to human health, hurt feelings also make human hearts filled with anger, resentment and hatred towards other people who are perceived as detrimental to them. This is a source of human stress and depression. A heart filled with negative energy will lead individuals to speak destructively, express anger in public, or make blasphemies. Forgiveness is the process of stopping feeling resentful, annoyed, or angry because you feel hurt or wronged. Forgiveness itself is a person's willingness to leave anger, negative judgments, and indifferent behavior towards others who have hurt him unfairly.

19. Write a query to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events table. Name the foreign key copy_d_events_fk. This key references the copy_d_clients table client_number column .....


Tulis kueri untuk membuat batasan FOREIGN KEY di tabel copy_d_events. Beri nama kunci asing copy_d_events_fk. Kunci ini mereferensikan kolom copy_d_clients tabel client_nomor .....


maaf kalo salah

20. debate, topic: which occupation in this most important in our country between farmer or teacher? *reason

Both are. Without farmers we cannot have food. Without teachers we cannot work because we have no knowledge. Both are important.

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