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Classify The Objects As Being Magnetic Or Nonmagnetic

Classify The Objects As Being Magnetic Or Nonmagnetic

which following buisniess would you classify as being in the secondary sector of industry

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1. which following buisniess would you classify as being in the secondary sector of industry


bisnis berikut yang akan Anda klasifikasikan sebagai sektor sekunder industri


Maaf kalau salah

2. Would you classify the QueVision system as personal, group, or enterprise information system?


Would you classify the QueVision system as a personal, group, or enterprise system? Enterprise System because it is trying to have a better interaction withemployees and customers.



3. ____ and ____ are the objects that made of magnetic materials​


Silver spoon and Iron nail are the objects that made of magnetic materials.


Magnet material is material that create a magnetic field, or simply magnet materials are a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials.

4. magnetic objects are............to a magnettolong di jawab plssss​

Jawaban :

magnetic objects are drawn to a magnet.

Penjelasan :

karna bendamangnetisakan ditarik oleh magnet,Benda-benda yg ditarik magnet disebut bendamagnetis. Benda yg dapat ditarik oleh magnet (bersifat magnetis) ini terbuat dari besi dan baja.


english :


indonesian :



[tex]\tt\: \red(answer \: by : hanifahmumtaza)[/tex]


5. ........ telescopes of the 1600's magnified objects thirty-three times theiroriginal size.a.That theb.TheC. This is thed. Being where the​


c.that is the teleacopes

(ini adalah teleskop)



6. Classify each of the following items as owner's drawing, revenue, or expense. Nomer 8-11 dong, makasih​


8. E, R, E, E, D, R, E

9. R, I, E

10. Assets

      Current Assets                            121.500

         Cash                       49.000

         Acc. Receivable     72.500

      Total Asset                                  121.500


   Equity and Liabilities

      Owner Equity                                31.500

         Owner Capital         31.500

      Current Liabilities                          90.000

         Acc. Payable            90.000

      Total Equity and Liabilities           121.500

7. Task 5 From the dialogue, which sentences show the activity is being conducted at at the time as the speaker said! Writing The Present Continuous Tense The present continuous The tense indicates an activity that is being conducted at the present time or at the time as the speaker said.​


Present continuous tense disebut juga sebagai present progressive tense. Dikutip dari Grammarly, present continuous tense adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan suatu tindakan atau peristiwa sedang terjadi sekarang, sering terjadi, dan dapat berlanjut ke masa depan.

Terimakasih semoga membantu.

8. sebutkan masing masing 5 benda magnetic dan nonmagnetic TOLONG JAWAB YA BUAT BESOK SOALNYA OKKKK

1. Benda magnetik (disebut juga feromagnetik). Benda magnetik yaitu benda yang dapat ditarik oleh magnet dengan cukup kuat. Contoh : besi, baja, nikel, kobalt. 2. Benda bukan magnetik (non magnetik) terbagi menjadi : a.Paramagnet:
  Paramagnetik yaitu benda yang dapat sedikit ditarik oleh magnet kuat.
  Contoh : alumunium, platina, dan tembaga. b.Diamagnetik :
  Diamagnetik yaitu benda yang tidak dapat ditarik oleh magnet kuat.   Contoh : merkuri, emas, bismut, dan seng.
c. Magnet keras :
  Magnet keras adalah benda yang sukar dijadikan magnet, tetapi setelah menjadi magnet, sifat kemagnetannya tersimpan lama.    Contoh : baja, alkomak, dan kobalt

9. Why is it difficult to classify the hawk as a secondary consumer?


Because the hawk is a strong animal


Semoga membantu:)

answer = Because the hulk is strong animal ok

10. Activity Work in groups of four. Observe your school and decide on ten objects or places in your school. Describe the objects or places and share with the class. ​


Aktivitas Bekerjalah dalam kelompok berempat. Amati sekolah Anda dan putuskan sepuluh objek atau tempat di sekolah Anda. Jelaskan objek atau tempat dan bagikan dengan kelas.

11. being fat is better than being thin. agree or disagree? give the reason

agree, because thin people are usually more easy to get sick, don't like fat people. usually people who hold the body fat of pain

maaf kalau salah
fat or thin have shortcomings respectively . fat people are usually tough sport so also susceptible to disease . so did the thin , thin people usually lazy to exercise , because he considered himself already thin .

12. Write the correct name for each part or room of a house below mention the objects in those rooms or parts as well


kitchen : table, refrigerator, dustbin, plate, knife, spoon, fork, etc

bathroom: soap, tooth brush, toothpaste, etc

bedroom: bed, pillow, bolster, table, chair, AC,etc

living room: TV, table, chairs, fan, etc

13. Classify each of the following as elements (E),compounds (C) or Mixtures (M).___titanium___ink___hot chocolate___copper___carbon dioxide___orange juice___bronze___chlorine___water___gasoline​




___hot chocolate/M


___carbon dioxide/C

___orange juice/M





semoga membantu

14. study the weekly shopping list below. then classify the groceries into countable or uncountable on the table terjemahannya : ​


pelajari daftar belanja mingguan di bawah ini. kemudian mengklasifikasikan belanjaan menjadi terhitung atau tidak terhitung di atas meja


semoga bermanfaat maaf kalo salah

15. In scrapyards, magnetic .......................... of attraction is used to lift heavy objects made of iron or steel. pls yang bisa plsss banget


In scrapyards, magnetic (force) of attraction is used to lift heavy objects made of iron or steel.


artinya :

di tempat pembuangan sampah, gaya tarik magnet digunakan untuk mengangkat benda-benda berat yang terbuat dari besi atau baja.


☆ magnet is a kind of force that attract magnetic materials like iron or steel, and repel non-magnetic materials like wood or cloth.

☆ a magnet has two poles : south pole and north pole.

☆ like poles will repel each other while unlike poles will attract each other.

☆ the biggest magnetic force is at the poles.

16. being outside has more risk of being the victim of crime as well as being at home.give your opinion about that topic

Berada di luar memiliki lebih banyak risiko menjadi korban kejahatan sekaligus berada di rumah.

Berikan pendapat anda tentang topik itu!

Pendapat : Pendapat saya adalah mungkin adalah tidak! Sebaiknya, bagi anak2 jangan berkeluaran di luar rumah bila si anak belum mengenal lingkungannya

Semoga terbantu!^^


giving advice (A)

because sentence please have acookie, is the sentences for giving advice

18. Read the following sentences then classify into asking or expressing intention​


Bacalah kalimat berikut kemudian klasifikasikan menjadi bertanya atau mengungkapkan niat

19. In scrapyards, magnetic .......................... of attraction is used to lift heavy objects made of iron or steel.


Get used to

No penjelasan

I am sorry

20. Who is doing or being something? What was he doing or being? What was indirectly affected by the action?​

Who is doing or being something?

Jawaban : John

What was he doing or being?

Jawaban : Dress up

What was indirectly affected by the action?​

Jawaban : Camel's Hair

Aku anak smp bisa lohhhh

canda bangg

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