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Knowledge Check 01 Match The Term And The Definition

Knowledge Check 01 Match The Term And The Definition

match the definition with the words​

Daftar Isi

1. match the definition with the words​


2. Drought

3. Tornado

4. Hurricane

5. Thunderstorm

2. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-h NexT to the number 1-8 Heeeelp​


1. f

2. a

3. d

4. e

5. c

6. b

7. h

8. g


3. match the picture to these words. then listen, check and repeat​


Match the pictures to these words.

1. Dress

2. Jumper

3. Shoes

4. T-shirt

5. Trousers

6. Boots

7. Coat

8. Scarf

9. Hat

10. Skirt

11. Shorts

12. Jeans

13. Pyjamas

14. Trainers

15. Sandals


Gambar nomor 3 dan 14 tampak sama, yaitu sepatu. Tetapi gambar nomor 14 disebut dengan trainers atau dalam bahasa Indonesia, sepatu olahraga.

Gambar nomor 5 dan 12 juga tampak sama, yaitu celana panjang. Tetapi gambar nomor 5 terbuat dari kain sehingga disebut trousers. Sedangkan gambar nomor 12 terbuat dari bahan jins, sehingga sering disebut dengan blue jeans.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai nama pakaian dalam bahasa Inggris pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6492750


4. read and match. read definition in the right side and match them with the right words in the lift side. river, bed, bank, stream, tributary, mouth, delta, watershed, drainage basin

membaca dan pertandingan. membaca definisi di sisi kanan dan mencocokkannya dengan kata-kata yang tepat di sisi angkat. sungai, Bank, aliran, sungai, mulut, delta, daerah aliran sungai, aliran sungai.
artinya sih ky gt..

5. Match the definitions 1-10 with the words and expressions a-j. Then listen, check and repeat​


2. g. employee

3. j. employer

4. a. work full-time

5. c. work part-time

6. i. qualifications

7. e. resign

8. f. salary

9. d. trainee

10. b. unemployed

6. the difference between the tenth term and the seventh term of an arithmetic sequence is -60.the twelfth term divided by the sixth term is 2.find the first term and the common difference.

U10-U7= -60
a= first term , d= common difference
a+9d - (a+6d) = -60
a+9d -a -6d =-60
3d= -60
d= -20

U12/U6 = 2

7. The first term of a geometric progression is 75 and the third term is 27. Find the possible values for the fourth term



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8. match the pictures and the instuction​



cocok dengan gambar dan instruksi

maaf kalo salah

9. What is the definition of variable ? What the definition from population and sample ?.

Definition of variable
1 a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds variable costs
b : fickle, inconstant
2 : characterized by variations
3 : having the characteristics of a variable
4 : not true to type : aberrant —used of a biological group or character

In statistics the term "population" has a slightly different meaning from the one given to it in ordinary speech. It need not refer only to people or to animate creatures - the population of Britain, for instance or the dog population of London. Statisticians also speak of a population of objects, or events, or procedures, or observations, including such things as the quantity of lead in urine, visits to the doctor, or surgical operations. A population is thus an aggregate of creatures, things, cases and so on.

A population commonly contains too many individuals to study conveniently, so an investigation is often restricted to one or more samples drawn from it. A well chosen sample will contain most of the information about a particular population parameter but the relation between the sample and the population must be such as to allow true inferences to be made about a population from that sample.

Consequently, the first important attribute of a sample is that every individual in the population from which it is drawn must have a known non-zero chance of being included in it; a natural suggestion is that these chances should be equal. We would like the choices to be made independently; in other words, the choice of one subject will not affect the chance of other subjects being chosen. To ensure this we make the choice by means of a process in which chance alone operates, such as spinning a coin or, more usually, the use of a table of random numbers. A limited table is given in the Table F (Appendix), and more extensive ones have been published.(1-4) A sample so chosen is called a random sample.The word "random" does not describe the sample as such but the way in which it is selected.

In programming, a variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program.
In biology, a population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding
A sample, in the context of scientific research and statistics, is a representative subset of a population

10. match the wordsin the boxes with the numbers and letters in the picture.Write the letters and numbers next to the words. Then listen, check and repeat.soal ada difto, bntu kaaa!!​




11. the arithmetic sequence with the 3rd term is 41 and the 6th term is 65. the value of the 7th term is...​


U7 = 73

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Diketahui :

U3 = 41

U6 = 65

Ditanya :

U7 = ?

Dijawab :

•mencari nilai b

U6 => a + 5b = 65

U3 => a + 2b = 41

disini kedua suku kita eliminasi sehingga menghasilkan :

3b = 24

b = 8

•mencari nilai a

U3 => a + 2b = 41

=> a + 2(8) = 41

=> a + 16 = 41

=> a = 25

•mencari suku Un

Un = a + ( n - 1 ) b

= 25 + ( n - 1 ) 8

= 8n + 17

•mencari nilai suku ketujuh (U7)

Un = 8n + 17

U7 = 8(7) + 17

U7 = 56 + 17

U7 = 73

12. Task Match the the word in column A with the definition in column B ​


A. (column b) something to close or as an entrance of the building > (column a) 10. a door

B. (column b) instrument for measuring and showing the time > (column a) 5. A clock

C. (column b) A piece of furniture consisting of flat top with some legs under > (column a) 7. A table

D. (column b) flat thing of wood to write something > (column a) 1. A board

E. (column b) a tool to purify and keep certain temperature in a building > (column a) 9. An air conditioner

F. (column b) set of shelves with doors as furniture > (column a) 3. A picture

G. (column b) A furniture with a drawer at which to read or write > (column a) 8. A desk

H. (column b) a model of the earth > (column a) 4. A globe

I. (column b) separate moveable seat for person > (column a) 6. A chair

J. (column b) Painting or drawing of certain object > (column a) 2. A cupboard

13. the first term is 3 and the fourth is 9. find 11th term.


suku pertama adalah 3 dan suku keempat 9. temukan suku kesebelas.

Un = a + (n-1)b

ket :

Un = suku ke-n

a = suku pertama

b = beda

     b = U_{n} - U_{n-1}b=Un−Un−1

n = banyaknya suku

Unnya 8

14. match the word to its suitable definition!tolong dibantu kak​












15. The definition and example from the english teaching media

Definisi dan contoh dari media pengajaran bahasa inggris

16. write the definition of the announcement,Short message, and Giver of knowledge! Give one example of each! Please answer: ')

Jawaban :

Announcement text is the text of a statement or official writing that informs the public about something or information. Some types of announcement text include:

1. missing person announcements  

2. obituary  wedding,


4.inauguration and birth news

Short message in Indonesian means "short message", which is a short text that is sent to tell someone about something or news that is important, also to order to do something (to inform someone about something or ask someone to do something).exm :

1   Hi Mom, (receiver)

Today I will come home late because I’m having some additional lesson for my TOEFL preparation. (subject)

– Rendy (sender)

(Hai Bu, Hari ini aku akan pulang terlambat sebab aku ada pelajaran tambahan untuk persiapan TOEFL.

i'm sorry this is incomplete.i don't have any idea for definition of giver knowledge

i'm sorry

17. match the verbs and the adverbs​


1. a. quickly

2. e. loudly

3. b. politely

4. d. seriously

5. c. suddenly

6. f. carefully

18. The 6th term is 486 and the 3rd term is 18. Find the common ratio and the S6. a=2

[tex]\bf If :\\u6=ar^5=486\\u3=ar^2=18\\a=2\\\\ \blacklozenge\ Then,what\ is\ the\ common\ ratio\ and\ the\ sum\ of\ 6^{th}\ terms?\\\\ Problem\ Solving:\ \\ \frac{ar^5}{ar^2}= \frac{486}{18}\\r^3=27\\r= \sqrt[3]{27}\\r=3\\\\Now,the\ value\ for\ 'S6':\\ Sn=a \frac{(r^n-1)}{(r-1)}\\\\S6=2 \frac{(3^6-1)}{(3-1)}\\\\S6=2 \frac{(728)}{(2)}\\\\S6=2(364)\\\\S6=728\\\\\\ \bigstar \therefore Problem\ Solved\therefore\bigstar [/tex]

19. What is the value of first term and common ratio of the geometric sequence if the third term is 96 and the fifth term is 1,536?​


cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar

semoga membantu


20. The third term of a geometric progression is -108 and the sixth term is 32. Find (a) the common ratio and first term. [6 marks] (b) [2 marks] the sum of the first 20th term.


(a) Common ratio, r = $\frac{32}{-108} = -\frac{1}{3}$

First term, a = -108

(b) Sum of the first 20 terms, S$_{20}$ = $\frac{a\left(1-r^{20}\right)}{1-r}$

= $\frac{-108\left(1-(-\frac{1}{3})^{20}\right)}{1-(-\frac{1}{3})}$

= $\frac{-108\left(1-\frac{1}{3^{20}}\right)}{\frac{4}{3}}$

= $\frac{-432\left(1-\frac{1}{3^{20}}\right)}{4}$

= $-108\left(3^{19}-1\right)$

= $-108\left(3^{19}\right) + 108$

= $-3245056 + 108$

= -3244948

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