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Which Functional Group Does The Molecule Below Contain

Which Functional Group Does The Molecule Below Contain

cross the word which does not belong to each group

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1. cross the word which does not belong to each group


silangkan kata yang bukan milik masing-masing kelompok


2. Does the product contain milk ingredients?How much calories does the product contain?How much sodium does the product contain?Mention the vitamins in the product!Does the product contain cholesterol?​help me

Jawaban:Does the product contain milk ingredients? Yes

How much calories does the product contain? 120

How much sodium does the product contain? 200mg

Mention the vitamins in the product! The are no vitamins in the product

Does the product contain cholesterol?​ No

3. 17. The three basic chords in........the tonic,the dominat,and the subdominant. (A) functional harmony (B) functional harmony are (C) functional harmony is (D) functional harmony which are

of course (C) functional harmony isThe answer will be (B) functional harmony are

4. what is the form of the product?does it contain high fat?how much sugar does this product contain?​


Bottle, No, 16 gram


5. TOLONG YA KAK BESOK DI KUMPUL^^1. What is the goal of the label above?2. How much calories from fat does the product contain? 3. Does the product contain trans fat? 4. How much thiamin does the product contain? 5. Does the product contain carbohydrate?​


Flavoured tortilla chips 150 caloriesno, it doesn't 4%yes, it does

6. what does the tabel contain ​


Food, knife, spoon, fork, and other kitchen utensils to use


sorry kalo salah, soalnya kurang jelas

7. ,I. How much calories does the product contain2. Does the prodect contain müca myredients 93. mention the vitamin on the product ?4. How much sodium does the product contain ?​


how much caloriess does the product contain

8. 1. What is the goal of the label above?Answer:2. How much calories from fat does the product contain?Answer:3. Does the product contain trans fat?Answer:4. How much thiamin does the product contain?Answer: ......5.Does the product contain carbohydrate?Answer:​


1 nutrition facts

2 8g

3 no

4 4℅

5 yes


semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

9. Does the product contain calcium?

artinya apakah produk ini mengandung kalsium?(kalsium baik untuk tulang)

jawabannya:yes,it does(iya)/no it doesn't(tidak)

kalau pertanyaan does/do jawabnya juga pake does/do ya

kalau pertanyaannya ada to be (am is are )jawabannya =yes+subjek+to be kalau negatif=no+subjek+to be +not

10. Does the supplement contain salt? Bagaimana jawabannya...


Apakah suplemen tersebut mengandung garam?


kalau ada: Yes it does

kalau tidak: No it doesn't


kalau salah maaf banget

11. what does the text contain elephant

those elephants are bathing in the river

12. What does the text contain?

1. elephant
2. the text written to explain about elephant
3. simple present tense
4. Because simple present tense is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. The simple present tense is simple to form. 
5. the text contain about elephant characteristic, their place, their food, 

13. Does the product contain protein

Jawaban: yes is do have a protein (

Apakah produk mengandung protein? iya produk mengantung protein

semoga membantu


14. 26. Which of the substance does the product contain mostly?A. FatB. CarbohydratesC. SodiumD. Sugar​


Jawaban tergantung pada teks.

Which of the substances, does the product contain mostly?

(Dari zat-zat berikut, apakah zat yg paling banyak terkandung dalam produk?)

Baca teksnya lagi, lalu cari zat apa yang terkandung dalam produk.


The first function of carbohydrates is as the main fuel needed by the body to produce energy, it is available in all food products and there are some that are not available ... The body needs glucose as energy to carry out various activities. In addition, the brain also needs glucose to function properly

15. Which word does not belong to the group? Penalty/goal/first half/pool

Maaf jika salah

16. Which of the following elements make up a molecule of glucose?


Glukosa (C6H12O6, Heavy molekul 180.18) is a heksosa—monosakarida that contains six atom carbon. Glukosa is a aldehida (mengandung gugus

Rumus kimia: C6H12O6

in water :909 g/1 L (25 °C (77 °F))

Kapasitor of calor {C): 218.6 J K−1 mol−1

17. Which one is correct? a. Does the product contain vitamins? b. Is the product contains vitamins? a or b?

The correct answer is
a. Does the product contain vitamins?

I hope this helps ^-^The correct one is
A. Does the product contains vitamins?
Semoga membantu ^^

18. what minerals does the product contain​


Minerals are found in foods like cereals, bread, meat, fish, milk, dairy, nuts, fruit (especially dried fruit) and vegetables. We need more of some minerals than others. For example, we need more calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride than we do iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and copper.


semoga membantu

19. 1.what is the purpose of the text?2.what is the main ingredient of the Prodigy?3.what mineral does the product contain?4.which substance does the product contain more, protein or cholesterol? how do you know?5.does the product contain vitamins? what are they ?​

1) to find nutrients in food

2) veggie beef (excuse me for saying the answer in a can under chunky)

4)sodium and dietary fiber

i am so sory because i don't know about the answer nomber 3and 5

20. 1.how much liquid does the pop 1000 contain?2.what vitamin does pop 1000 contain?3.what does pop 1000 contain?4.what is the flavor of the drink?5.does pop 1000 contain protein?​



2.vitamin C,b1,E

3.Healty drink


5.yes (65cal)

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