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A Typical Insulation Resistance Of Equipment Rated 480v Is

A Typical Insulation Resistance Of Equipment Rated 480v Is

Apa yang kaliam ketahui tentang insulation resistance tester

Daftar Isi

1. Apa yang kaliam ketahui tentang insulation resistance tester

Kegunaan Dan Fungsi Insulation Tester Atau Hipot Tester. Kebocoran listrik merupakan hal yang sangat membahayakan. Megger bertujuan mengukur isolasi yang dapat saja tidak berfungsi baik untuk melindungi konduktor listrik dari kebocoran listrik yang beresiko membahayakan manusia maupun peralatan.

2. 115 v fish-tank heater is rated at 110 w. calculate (a) the current throught the heater when it is operating. (b) its resistance

Sebuah penghangat akuariumbertegangan 115 V dan berdaya 110 W. Arus listrik yang mengalir saat penghangat dinyalakan sebesar 0,96 A. Hambatan yang ada dalam penghangat tersebut sebesar 120,23 Ω.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Hukum Ohm menyatakan bahwa tegangan listrik berbanding lurus dengan kuat arus listrik dan hambatan listrik berbanding terbalik dengan kuat arus listrik, asalkan suhunya tetap. Hukum ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

R = V/I


R: hambatan listrik (Ω)

V: beda potensial atau tegangan listrik (V)

I: kuat arus listrik (A)

Daya listrik merupakan energi listrik yang dipakai setiap satuan waktu. Daya listrik dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

P = W/t

P = VI

P = I²R

P = V²/R


P: daya listrik (W)

W: energi listrik (J)

t: waktu (s)


V = 115 V

P = 110 W


(a) I

(b) R


Untuk poin a:

Mari hitung besarnya arus listrik.

I = P/V = 110/115 = 22/23 ≈ 0,96 A

Jadi, arus listrik yang melewati penghangat tersebut saat dinyalakan sebesar 0,96 A.

Untuk poin b:

Mari hitung besarnya hambatan listrik.

R = V²/P = 115²/110 = 2645/22 ≈ 120,23 Ω

Jadi, besar hambatannya adalah 120,23 Ω.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Menghitung Beda Potensial Antarujung Penghantar https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13824776



3. A typical characteristic of Arthropoda classified into Arachnida is?

Arachnida ditandai oleh empat pasang kaki berjalan tersegmentasi dan tubuh dibagi menjadi dua daerah, cephalothorax dan perut. semoga membantu

4. what is the typical of present tense ? give me the example

present tense is a grammar used for describing the routines or chores.

the easiest way to recognize whether the sentence is in simple present or no , is by noticing the time signal

the time signals used for simple present : every...., usually, never, ever, seldom, sometimes, always and etc

eg : Dian goes to school every day

5. what is the typical of continous tense ? give me the example

Present continous tense
-use Verb+ing
-use to be is, am, are
-used in something was happen
Form Subject+to be+ v.ing
Example: i'm running

Past continous tense
-use tobe was were
- used in something was past
Form Subject+tobe+V.ing
Exam: I was writing a word 5 minutes ago

Tambahan: ago digunakan jika ada bilangannya cont. 2 month ago
•last digunakan bila tidak ad bilangannya cont. Last month
Gitu yaa

6. what is the name of a typical Palembang food?​


Tekwan. Sumber: shutterstock.com. ...

Pindang Patin. Nggak kalah populer dari pempek, pindang patin ini juga jadi kuliner primadona khas Palembang. ...

Mie Celor. Sumber: shutterstock.com. ...

4. Sambal Tempoyak. ...

Martabak Har. ...

6. Burgo. ...

7. Es Kacang Merah. ...

8. Laksan.


apa sih nama makanan khas palembang?



mie celor

pindang patin


kue lapis kojo

semoga membantu ya..

7. what is the typical of future tense ? give Me the example ?

- wil
The sky is dark. It will rain soon.

- be going to
The weatherman says that it is going to rain tomorrow.

-shall (utk situasi yg formal / utk mengajukan atau menawarkan sesuatu )
Shall we go to the park?

- Wil
The sky is dark. It will rain soon.
- Be going to
The weatherman says that it is going to rain tomorrow.
-Shall (utk situasi yg formal / utk mengajukan atau menawarkan sesuatu )
Shall we go to the park?

8. Apa arti What is the name of Ojung s equipment


Apa nama dari peralatan ojung s

Gak tau bener atau salah


9. What will be the change in resistance of an electrical resistance strain gauge with a gauge factor of 2.1 and resistance 50 V if it is subject to a strain of 0.001?​


A strain gauge with a gauge factor GF = 2 will exhibit a change in electrical resistance of only 2•(500 × 10–6) = 0.1%. For a 120 Ω gauge, this is a change of only 0.12 Ω.


semoga membantu

10. Please Answer Correctly 1. If a 1.5 m length of resistance wire has a resistance of 1.9 Ω and the wire has a diameter of 0.9 mm, calculate the resistivity of the wire. 2. The length of a piece of wire is 4 m and the resistance is 1.6 Ω. If the electrical resistance of the wire is 8 x 10-7 Ωm, what is the cross-sectional area of the wire? 3. A 2m long piece of wire has a cross-section area of 0.15 mm2. What is the resistance of the wire if its resistivity is 2x10-8 Ωm? 4. A 2m long wire with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2 has a resistance of 16 Ω. What is the resistance of the wire if the cross-sectional area is 2 mm2? 5. If the resistance of a wire is 16 Ω, the length of the wire is 4 m. What is the resistance of the wire if it is 1 m long? 6. The length of a wire is 1m. If the wire is now cut to 0.5 m, the resistance of the wire becomes .... (same/half times larger / twice larger) 7. If the 1.25 m length of resistance wire has a resistance of 3 Ω and the wire has a diameter of 0.5 m. The resistivity of the wire is...


Tolong Jawab Dengan Benar

1. Jika kawat hambatan sepanjang 1,5 m memiliki hambatan 1,9 dan kawat memiliki diameter 0,9 mm, hitunglah hambatan kawat tersebut.

2. Panjang seutas kawat adalah 4 m dan hambatannya 1,6 . Jika hambatan listrik kawat adalah 8 x 10-7 m, berapa luas penampang kawat tersebut?

3. Sepotong kawat sepanjang 2m memiliki luas penampang 0,15 mm2. Berapakah hambatan kawat jika resistivitasnya 2x10-8 m?

4. Sebuah kawat sepanjang 2m dengan luas penampang 1 mm2 memiliki hambatan 16 . Berapakah hambatan kawat jika luas penampangnya 2 mm2?

5. Jika hambatan sebuah kawat adalah 16 , panjang kawat tersebut adalah 4 m. Berapakah hambatan kawat jika panjangnya 1 m?

6. Panjang seutas kawat adalah 1m. Jika kawat sekarang dipotong menjadi 0,5 m, hambatan kawat

menjadi .... (sama/setengah kali lebih besar / dua kali lebih besar)

7. Jika panjang kawat hambatan 1,25 m memiliki hambatan 3 dan kawat memiliki diameter 0,5 m. Resistivitas kawat tersebut adalah...


ini arti nya doang yaヾ(^-^)ノjawaban nya sendiri aja takut nya salah klo aku yg Jawabಥ‿ಥ makasih

11. Equipment costing $10.000 is depreciated at annual staight line rate of 10%. The equipment is sold for cash on January 1, 2017. Accumulated Depreciation (last adjusted December 31, 2016) has a balance of $8000. The equipment is sold for $1000. Journal

Jurnal Penjualan Aktiva Tetap

Equipment Costing $10.000
Accumulated Depreciation $8.000
Equipment Sold $1.000

Nilai Buku Peralatan
= Equipment Costing – Accumulated Depreciation
= $10.000 – $8.000
= $2.000

Laba/rugi penjualan
= Nilai Buku – Nilai Jual
= $2.000 – $1.00.
= $1.000
Karena nilai buku > nilai jual maka rugi

(D) Cash/Bank $1.000
(D) Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment $8.000
(D) Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets $1.000
(C) Equipment $10.000

12. what is the function of three equipment​



apa fungsi dari tiga peralatan

apa fungsi dari tiga peralatan

jawab:Alat pembentuk, seperti cetakan,

Alat penepat dan pencekam

Alat pengikat, seperti alat las, lem, paku, tali.

Forming tools, such as molds,

Fixing and gripping tools

Binding tools, such as welding tools, glue, nails, ropes.


13. What is the synonym of the word 'equipment'?



The synonym of the word 'equipment' is apparatus.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Synonym (persamaan kata) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata "equipment" yang berarti peralatan memiliki persamaan arti / sinonim dengan kata "apparatus" yang juga memiliki arti peralatan.

Semoga membantu ya.

14. Equipment costing $10.000 is depreciated at an annual straight line rate of 10%. The equipment is sold for cash on October 10. Accumulated depreciation (last adjusted December 31) has a balance of $7000. The equipment is sold for $2250 Journal

Jurnal Penjualan Aktiva Tetap

Equipment Costing $10.000
Accumulated Depreciation (last adjusted December 31) $7.000
Equipment Sold $2.250

Penyusutan dihitung dari Januari s/d September, karena penjualan pada tanggal 10 Oktober.

Penyusutan 9 bulan
= 9/12 × $10.000 × 10%
= $750

Saldo akun Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment
= $7.000 + $750
= $7.750

Nilai Buku Peralatan
= Equipment Costing – Accumulated Depreciation
= $10.000 – $7.750
= $2.250

Laba/rugi penjualan
= Nilai Buku – Nilai Jual
= $2.250– $2.250
= $0
Karena nilai buku = nilai jual maka perusahaan tidak memperoleh laba dan tidak rugi

(D) Cash/Bank $2.250
(D) Accumulated Depreciation of Equipment $7.750
(C) Equipment $10.000

15. The circuit shown is used to provide output voltages of 8V and 16V from a 24V battery of negligible internal resistance. a) If the resistance of R2 = 200Ω, determine the resistance of R1. b) An 8V, 0.08A lamp is now connected across resistor R1. Calculate the resistance of the lamp. c) Explain why the lamp does not work at its correct brightness. You should include calculations to support your answer.



a) I = V/R = 16/200 = 0.08 A

b) R1 = V/I = 8/0.08 = 100 Ohm

c) It's depend on resistor's current. The value of resistor's current is more, its brightness is brighter too.

16. what is the total resistance of the circuit?tlg dibantu yah

Karena paralel maka
1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
1/Rtot = 1/70 + 1/150 + 1/75
1/Rtot = (30 + 14 + 28)/2100
1/Rtot = 72/2100
R tot = 2100/72 = 175/6 ohm

17. Arti dari A Resistance of 50 kn Has a conductance of : ?

Sebuah perlawanan dari 50kn memiliki konduktasi Sy harap benar....

18. Atalla:By the way, can I buy some typicalsnack in Yogyakarta?Lena : Of course. ... some typical snackstores in Yogyakarta which offermany kinds of traditional andtypical snacks from Yogyakarta.a. That isc. There isb. Those are d. There are​

The answer is D. There are


D. there are

karena benda nya jamak


There are (ada/terdapat) digunakan untuk kata benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu atau banyak. Misalnya: Two books (Dua buah buku), books (buku-buku), seven students (tujuh orang siswa), many teachers (banyak guru), much water (banyak air) dll. Ingat bahwa setiap kata benda yang lebih dari satu maka kata benda tersebut di tambah “s” atau “es"

19. Friction is the force of resistance when two surfaces ...


Friction is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. It is not a fundamental force, like gravity or electromagnetism. Instead, scientists believe it is the result of the electromagnetic attraction between charged particles in two touching surfaces.

20. what is the function of equipment​


artinya: apa gunanya peralatan


Some functions are not only available by means of the context menu but can also be executed using the so-called Drag&Drop function. These functions therefore can only be carried out by means of a mouse.

•Select the equipment you want to integrate into another structure with the cursor.

•Pull the object with the mouse into the target structure and let the mouse button.


Semoga Bermanfaat bagi anda :)

jadikan jawaban tercerdas :)

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