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At A Local College 100

At A Local College 100

Sara...at college when she had a baby

Daftar Isi

1. Sara...at college when she had a baby



maap jika salah..

2. I...... a doctor at the Local hospital


I am a doctor at the Local hospital

3. a fellow member of a class at school or college is​





1.a fellow member of a class at school or college is classmete.


1.sesama anggota kelas di sekolah atau perguruan tinggi adalah temansekelas.


Answer by Amelia49911




Thank you ^^


maaf kl salah :vVvvvV

4. Watch the activities of local people at kelayan river bank. Local people is similar meaning with

indigenous,inhabitantstourists or travelers

5. bahasa indonesia is jane..... student at your college​



apakah jane... mahasiswa di kampusmu


6. Andi: what is your father? Jenna: he is a techer. He .... A. Teaches a limited number of classes at college or university B. Teaches at a college or university C. Teaches people a practical skill D. Teaches at school

D. He teachs at schoolD. Teaches atau school

7. sarah..... a student at an internasional college in southeast asia​


Ini jawabannya ya kak semoga membantu ^^


Sarah "is" a student at an internasional college in southeast asia.


Sarah is a student at an internasional college in southeast asia.

8. Ms.jones and mr.anderson (teach) at the local high school.

ms. jones and mr. anderson are teaching at the local high school

9. 18. My first class at college begins .... Sevent o'clocka. atb. inC. on​

a. at

semoga membantu


a. at

maap klo salah

10. How is it like to study masters at imperial college ?

The study master at imperial college is like use to be a hardwork person because of that so many assignment for the learning. So the imperial college is the top university so need to be hardworking.


Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa ilmu-ilmu kesehatan yang ada saat ini berkembang pesat. Ilmu kesehatan sangat diminati di antara banyak orang karena  potensi dan masa depannya. Anda dapat memindahkan jurusan ilmu kesehatan Anda ke negara lain yang terkenal dengan kualitasnya yang lebih tinggi. Salah satunya, Inggris. Anda tentu dapat mempertimbangkan  untuk memilih Imperial College London, kampus yang beroperasi di sektor kesehatan. Imperial College London adalah salah satu universitas yang dipilih dengan cermat untuk menerima mahasiswa baru. Pada tahun 2009, tingkat kelulusan untuk semua mata kuliah secara konsisten kurang dari 20,0%, tingkat kelulusan untuk lulusan adalah 19,5%, dan tingkat kelulusan untuk mahasiswa sarjana adalah 15,3%. Imperial College London menerima mahasiswa  paruh waktu dan penuh waktu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang peringkat universitas imperial college: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13749014

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

11. Is Jane ___ student at your college?a.ab.anc.thed.any​


jawabannya adalah A. a

12. history/uncle/the/college/the/at/teaches/my​

my uncle teaches the history at the college


my uncle teaches the history at the college






13. Andi What is your father He is a teacher heAndi What's your father is teacher he teaches a limited number of class at college or University at college or University of people a vertical skill the teacher at school ​.


Andi Apa ayahmu Dia seorang guru heAndi Apa ayahmu adalah guru dia mengajar sejumlah kelas di perguruan tinggi atau Universitas di perguruan tinggi atau Universitas orang keterampilan vertikal guru di sekolah.

14. 4. Is Jane ___ student at your college? *​


is jane Astudent at your college?

15. rearrange college special in had do our third at year every one to project a ​

In college everyone had to do our third project every year

16. once a week , i ......... to an art class at the college

once a week, i go to an art class at the college
maaf kalau salah

Once a week, I go to an art class at the college

Smoga membantu.

17. The children usually .............. at the local park . A. play , B. Played , C. Plays


A. play

karena terdiri dari satu orang




The children usually play at the local park.

Artinya= anak-anak biasanya bermain di taman lokal.

Semoga terbantu....

18. I .... the advertisement at local newspaper.

I read the ad at local newspaper

19. A car rental agency at a local airport has available 5 fords .....


sebuah agen sewa mobil di bandara setempat telah tersedia 5 fords...


itu terjemahan nya kalau salah saya minta maaf soal nya saya Kelas 4

20. Where did the latter written a. In August b. At College c. At new apartment d. Brisbane e. In a dorm


b. At college maaf kalo salah

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