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Blood Is Accelerated From Rest To 30 0 Cm/s

Blood Is Accelerated From Rest To 30 0 Cm/s

1. When oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to the rest of the body so the cells can use the oxygen - oxygen-poor blood is then returned to the heart is... a) Circulation b) Systemic Circulation c) Pulmonary Circulation d) Heart Circulation 2. A blood vessel that takes blood AWAY from the heart to the body’s organs is called ... a) vein b) capillary c) blood vessel d) artery 3. A blood vessel that carries blood TO the heart is called a) vein b) capillary c) blood vessel d) artery

Daftar Isi

1. 1. When oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to the rest of the body so the cells can use the oxygen - oxygen-poor blood is then returned to the heart is... a) Circulation b) Systemic Circulation c) Pulmonary Circulation d) Heart Circulation 2. A blood vessel that takes blood AWAY from the heart to the body’s organs is called ... a) vein b) capillary c) blood vessel d) artery 3. A blood vessel that carries blood TO the heart is called a) vein b) capillary c) blood vessel d) artery


1. d

2. d


2. Which of the following statements describes the function of veins? A. Veins allow gas exchange to occur between cells and blood. B. Veins carry blood from the heart to the lungs. C. Veins carry blood away from the heart to the body. D. Veins carry blood to the heart back from the rest of the body.


D. Veins carry blood to the heart back from the rest of the body

3. What is not true about blood ? A. Blood removes carbon dioxide and other waste materoals from cells. B. Blood supplies food to the cells. C. Blood supplies Oxygen to the cells D. Blood reduces our fats


D.Blood reduces our fat


D. Blood reduces our fats


because blood doesn't reduces fat

4. Blood comes from plasma. It has tiny blood.....there are two blood types-red blood cells and........ blood cells.the redblood are to carry.......... around your body.the white ones fight.........blood also has.........to clot when you eat your self.so,eat healthy.........to have many cells

jawaban saya

1) types ( liat di Kalimat kedua " there are two blood types ( ada dua macam darah)

2) White ( liat di Kalimati ke empat "the white one ( jenis darah yang putihnya)"

3) oxygen ( pada kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa fungsi darah merah membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh)

4) virus in the blood/ melawan virus dalam darah

5) cells ( liat ke ajuran yang dipaparkan di kalimat berikutnya)

6) food ( pada kalimat ini berisi anjuran untuk makan makanan sehat untuk mempunyai banyak sel)

5. Apa bahasa Indonesianya From the rest we can conclude that the is held


Dari yang lain kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa itu diadakan


Maybe, okay!!

6. this is a a tool which is used to check blood pressure​


Ini adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memeriksa tekanan darah.


Semoga membantu ^^

7. The following dialog is for questions 12 to 14.Rendi : Riki, did you see Robi?Kiki : I did. He is in the infirmary.Rendi : What is he doing there? Is he 0.K.?Kiki: Don't worry. He is 0.K. He is taking a bloodtest,Rendi : Why does he take a blood test?Kiki : He doesn't know his blood type yet, so he istaking the test now.Rendi : I see. What about you, Kiki? Do youyour blood type?Riki : I think it is B. What about you?Rendi : My blood type is O. It is noted on mystudent's card. You'd better make sure ofyour blood type. It's quite important.Kiki : You're right, Well, the bell is ringing. You'dbetter return to the class. I'll tell Robi thatyou are looking for him.Rendi : 0.K., thanks.you knowThe following dialog is for questions 11 to 14.Rendi : Riki, did you see Robi?Kiki : I did. He is in the infirmary.Rendi : What is he doing there? Is he 0.K.?Kiki: Don't worry. He is 0.K. He is taking a bloodtest,Rendi : Why does he take a blood test?Kiki : He doesn't know his blood type yet, so he istaking the test now.Rendi : I see. What about you, Kiki? Do youyour blood type?Riki : I think it is B. What about you?Rendi : My blood type is O. It is noted on mystudent's card. You'd better make sure ofyour blood type. It's quite important.Kiki : You're right, Well, the bell is ringing. You'dbetter return to the class. I'll tell Robi thatyou are looking for him.Rendi : 0.K., thanks.you know12) How does Kiki respond to Rendi's questionabout his blood type?A. DoubtfullyB. AccuratelyC. CheerfullyD. Confidently13. From the dialog we know thatA. Rendi has ever taken a blood testB. Robi knows his blood typeRendi will go to the infirmaryD. Kiki will go to the infirmary14.) Rendi is when she knows that Robi is inthe infirmaryC12) How does Kiki respond to Rendi's questionabout his blood type?A. DoubtfullyB. AccuratelyC. CheerfullyD. Confidently13. From the dialog we know thatA. Rendi has ever taken a blood testB. Robi knows his blood typeRendi will go to the infirmaryD. Kiki will go to the infirmary14.) Rendi is when she knows that Robi is inthe infirmaryA.scaredB.anazedC.concernedD.saddened​




maaf kalo salah

8. The blood vessels that bring the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body is called​


The blood vessels that bring the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body is called​ ARTINYA;

Pembuluh darah yang membawa darah kaya oksigen dari jantung ke seluruh bagian tubuh disebut



9. blood vessels that easy to detect is

arteries (nadi)


10. To carry blood to all parts of body is the function of .... *


transport dissolved material (glucose, oxygen, amino, and acids) to all parts of the body and take away wastes and carbon dioxide


11. he is sick.he needs to...........a rest

he needs to have/get a restHe is Sick. He needs to take a rest

12. the blood vessel which carries blood from the heart

adalah pembuluh nadi atau arteri

13. to: Annisai bough some souvenirs from Bali . one ia for you. do you mind giving the rest to your family? from : Mirawhat is the rest of the souvenirs for​

jawabannya "for Mira's family"

14. I....to donoring my blood in auditorium, because Indonesian Red Cross to organize blood donor to students who want to blood donor. * 5 poin wanted wants is wanting

Jawaban: i am go to donoring

15. Why does carbon dioxide move from blood vessel to alveoulus?


The partial pressure of oxygen is high in the alveoli and low in the blood of the pulmonary capillaries.Therefore, carbon dioxide diffuses across the respiratory membrane from the blood into the alveoli.Therefore, when it reaches the lungs, the carbon dioxide can freely dissociate from the hemoglobin and be expelled from the body.


When carbon dioxide binds to hemoglobin, a molecule called carbaminohemoglobin is formed. Binding of carbon dioxide to hemoglobin is reversible. Therefore, when it reaches the lungs, the carbon dioxide can freely dissociate from the hemoglobin and be expelled from the body.

How carbon dioxide can transfer from blood capillary into the alveolus?

Once the venous blood returns to the lungs, the carbon dioxide diffuses out of the bloodstream, through the capillaries, and into the alveoli from where it is expelled, during which time oxygen simultaneously binds with hemoglobin to be carried back to the tissues.

16. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that is passed down from one generation to the rest The blood of people with haemophia does not clot normally. How is this disorder passed down from the parents to the child?A.The cytoplasm that contains genes for haemophas passed down fromthe parents to the child.B.The chromosomes that contain genes for haemophia are passed downfrom the parents to the child.C.The vacuoles that contain genes for haemoph a are passed down fromthe parents to the child.D.The cell membrane that contains genes for haemophia is passed downfrom the parents to the child.tolong di bantu ya ​


B.The chromosomes that contain genes for haemophia are passed down

from the parents to the child.


Because haemophia are passed down from X chromosomes from a mom to her Son

17. Oxygenated blood from the lungs flows from the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, through. the left ventricle, and then out via the aorta to all parts of the body. Deoxygenated blood returning from the body flows from’the vena cava into the right atrium, through the right ventricle, and then out via the pulmonary artery to the lungs for reoxygenation. The phrase ‘Deoxygenated blood’ is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. Blood full of oxygen B. Blood rich of oxygen C. Oxygen-depleted blood D. Oxygen-enriched blood E. Blood which has absorbed much oxygen




oxygen depleted blood


DEoxygenated blood

"DE" artinya tidak/hilang

"oxygenated" artinya mengandung Oksigen

A. Blood FULL of oxygen = Darah PENUH Oksigen

B. Blood RICH of oxygen = Darah yang KAYA akan Oksigen

C. Oxygen-DEPLETED blood = Darah yang KEHABISAN / TIDAK ADA Oksigen

D. Oxygen-ENRICH blood = Darah yang DIPERKAYA Oksigen

E. Blood which HAS ABSORBED MUCH Oxygen = Darah yang SUDAH MENYERAP BANYAK Oksigen

Jadi jawabannya?

kalau arti "deoxygenated blood" itu darah yang tidak mengandung oksigen...

Maka jawaban paling mendekati adalah C. Oxygen depleted blood (Darah ynag kehabisan / tidak ada oksigen...

18. Blood circulation from the heart to the lungs and return back to the heart is called … circulatory system





19. the average density of blood is 1.06×10³ kg/m³.If you donate 500 cm³ to the patient.What mass of blood have you donated in grams?​

Density of blood in question means like "massa jenis" in symbol ρ (rho).

With formula:

ρ = m/v

Density of blood (ρ) = 1.06 x 10³

"If you donate" (volume) = 500 cm³ = 5*10⁻⁴ m³

Question: "mass of blood have you donated in grams" (m in gram).

Use the density formula.

ρ = m/v

1.06 * 10³ = m/5*10⁻⁴

1.06 * 10³ x 5*10⁻⁴ = m

5,3 * 10⁻¹ = m

0,53 = m

m = 0,53 kg

It is still in kilogram. Try to convert to grams.

m = 0,53 * 1000

m = 530 gram.

So, the mass of blood have "you" donated in grams is 530 grams.

Note: The term "donate" doesn't mean that the density of blood must use subtraction symbol ( - ), so it looks like density of blood - volume blood donated. That is wrong concept. This question is about around of density lesson in physics, because this question is given (diketahui) density and volume blood of what "you" donated, and you must find the mass of blood with density formula.

20. What is the writer's purpose to write the rest?


what is speaking (apasnsksbkwnskw

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